Acting/Surrogate Administrators Sample Clauses
Acting/Surrogate Administrators. Compensation
4.3.1 After more than three (3) consecutive days’ absence of a Principal or Assistant Principal the teacher appointed to act in their place shall be paid retroactive to and including the first day an allowance equivalent to that of the administrator being replaced for the further duration of such absence or until a regular appointment is made.
4.3.2 Schools without an Assistant Principal position shall pay the teacher in charge sixty percent of the Principal’s allowance when the Principal is absent for one (1) day or more.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators. Compensation 20
Acting/Surrogate Administrators. Compensation
4.4.1. An acting vice principal shall be appointed when both the principal and the vice principal(s) are absent from the school. Should this absence exceed five (5) consecutive school days, the acting vice principal will receive an allowance equal to the actual days worked multiplied by the daily rate of that vice principal.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators. Compensation
4.3.1 In the event that any incumbent of an administrative position in a school is absent from duty for a period in excess of four (4) consecutive teaching days, another administrator, supervisor or teacher may be selected by the superintendent and shall assume the responsibility and be paid only the allowance of the administrative position they temporarily occupy commencing with the fifth (5) day.
4.3.2 Teachers who are assigned to be acting administrators for periods less than five (5) consecutive days shall be paid sixty per cent (60%) of the principal's allowance. This allowance shall be applied in units of a half or a full day.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators. Compensation
4.4.1 The parties agree to refer the issue of coverage in schools when administrators are away from the school building to the Teacher Board Advisory Committee (TBAC).
Acting/Surrogate Administrators. Compensation
4.4.1. In the absence of the principal and the assistant principal, or where there is no assistant principal, a teacher shall be designated as acting principal.
4.4.2. Where an assistant principal or administrative coordinator acts in place of a principal for more than five (5) consecutive school days, they shall receive an allowance equivalent to that of the principal's allowance for such excess period. Such designation shall terminate upon the principal's return to duty or upon the appointment of a new principal. In a school where there is no assistant principal or administrative coordinator, a teacher shall be temporarily designated to act as principal in the absence of the principal and the teacher shall receive an allowance equivalent to fifty per cent (50%) of the principal's allowance after the fifth (5) consecutive school day of the principal's absence.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators. Compensation
4.4.1. A teacher shall be appointed as acting principal when all school administrators are out of the school for one half (1/2) day or more. A teacher in an acting position will be paid 1/400th of the principal’s allowance per day for the first three (3) consecutive days and then 1/200th for each consecutive day after.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators. Compensation When all administrators are absent from the school for a period of a half-day (1/2) or longer and a teacher is designated as an acting administrator, the teacher shall be paid an administrative allowance of zero point zero five-one per cent (0.051%) of fourth (4th) year maximum per day. The teacher shall be provided with release time from classroom duties during the period of designation.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators. Compensation
4.2.1. In a principal's absence, the vice-principal is deemed to be the acting principal. In the absence of the principal and vice-principal(s), if any, the principal may designate a teacher to be the acting principal. A teacher designated as acting principal shall be paid a per diem of one two hundredth (1/200) of the vice-principal's allowance as identified in clause 4.1.3.
Acting/Surrogate Administrators. Compensation
4.4.1. Where an Assistant Principal acts in place of a Principal for more than five (5) consecutive school days, the Assistant Principal shall receive an allowance equivalent to that of the Principal's allowance for such excess period. Such designation shall terminate upon the Principal's return to duty or upon the appointment of a new Principal.
4.4.2. In the absence of the Principal from a school where there is no Assistant Principal or in the absence of both the Principal and Assistant Principal(s) from a school, a teacher shall be designated by the School Division to be acting Principal and shall be paid the Principal's allowance should the Principal or both the Principal and Assistant Principal(s) be absent for one full school day or more, and such allowance shall be payable back to the first full day of designation. Where two (2) teachers, each designated for one half (1/2) day, be acting Principal, both shall be paid fifty per cent (50%) of the Principal’s allowance should the Principal or both the Principal and Assistant Principal be absent for one (1) full school day or more. Such designation shall terminate upon the return to duty of the Principal or either the Principal or Assistant Principal(s) or upon the appointment of a new Principal, who has assumed responsibility within the school, whichever is sooner.