Active Transportation. Objective 3.1.1 Encourage walking and bicycling by building complete and connected networks that respond to the needs of urban, suburban and rural communities, for all ages and abilities. Retention of an existing path segment which connects the public sidewalk at the corner of Circassion Dr and Forest Hills Parkway, and a HRM pathway network is supported by this policy as it supports a connected AT network.
Active Transportation. Analysis – City shall develop and evaluate three active transportation network alternatives corresponding to the three alternative frameworks from Task 3.1. Active transportation network alternatives must include walking and biking connections to current and proposed land uses and should indicate major routes and minor routes. Evaluation must include analysis of access to major destinations, existing and future centers and corridors, safety benefits or impacts, level of traffic stress, feasibility, and other factors decided by the PMT.
Active Transportation. B&N staff will work with BMCMPO and Toole Design staff to determine a list of participants for the active transportation focus group, then invite these participants to join us for a web-based meeting (i.e.
Active Transportation. LSC will review the County’s Active Transportation Plan (ATP). Existing deficiencies regarding pedestrian connections and bicycle facilities will be discussed. Dokken/LSC will developing appropriate questions for the community surveys.