Ad Hoc Committees Sample Clauses
Ad Hoc Committees. Departmental ad hoc committees may be established from time to time by the Department Chair for the consideration of academic and other matters. The establishment of any such committee shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
Ad Hoc Committees. Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the SIC. The findings of such committees shall be reported to the SIC. Referral (SIC). Items which cannot be resolved by the School Improvement Council may be jointly referred in writing by the chairperson and the principal to the superintendent with a copy to the
Ad Hoc Committees. The Board and Association negotiating committees may jointly appoint ad hoc study committees to consider and make recommendations on matters under consideration. The Board and Association negotiation committees shall jointly determine the makeup of the committee, issues to investigate, timelines, and the manner in which any results or reports are communicated.
Ad Hoc Committees. Committees to address specific issues may be established by mutual agreement at a Department or Division level Committee.
Ad Hoc Committees. The parties agreed to establish the following ad hoc committees consistent with Title 22 of the Clerical Agreement: Overtime provisions of Title 12 Items which were discussed by the parties in subcommittees during general negotiations
Ad Hoc Committees. The Board of Directors may appoint ad-hoc committees. The Chairman of the Board shall appoint the Chairperson of an ad-hoc committee. The Chairperson of the Committee shall appoint the Committee members.
Ad Hoc Committees. By mutual agreement, the Parties may establish and disband ad hoc committees having such responsibilities as may be agreed by the Parties. Each such committee shall consist of the same number of representatives designated by each Party, which number shall be mutually agreed by the Parties. Each Party shall be free to change its representatives on any such committee by written notice to the other Party or to send substitute representatives to any meeting of any such committee. Each Party’s representatives and any substitutes for such representatives on any such committee shall be bound by the obligations of confidentiality set forth in ARTICLE 10. No such committee shall have the authority to bind the Parties hereunder. Except as otherwise agreed by the Parties, each such committee shall report to the Alliance Managers.
Ad Hoc Committees. 6.5.1 County-wide committees established by the Board or Administration having a direct impact on teachers shall include teacher representatives appointed by the Association.
6.5.2 A committee consisting of representation from the Association and the Curriculum and Instruction Division will be established to determine best practices for class size and teaching assignments for Elementary P.E., Music and Art. The committee will also determine best practices regarding alternative teaching models and co-teaching models.
6.5.3 The Board and the Association agree to establish a committee to review alternative salary plans for consideration. This committee will report to the Superintendent and the Board on the viability of such plans in lieu of the current step plan.
Ad Hoc Committees. STIPENDS
a. Statement of purpose;
b. Nature of group activities;
c. Estimated hours of participation;
d. Anticipated dates of participation;
e. Number of participants;
f. Requested amount of stipend Each employee who is offered a stipend shall be provided in writing, at the time of the offer or within five (5) days after the Superintendent’s or his/her designee’s approval of the stipend amount, whichever is later, the foregoing information. Any professional staff member who agrees to participate on an ad hoc committee or do work for which a stipend is granted shall be paid according to the following classifications and rates following conclusion of service:
Ad Hoc Committees. The parties may appoint joint ad hoc committees to research and study proposals, to make recommendations on matters under consideration. The committee shall report all findings to both parties. Any cost will be mutually shared.