Additional Agencies Sample Clauses
Additional Agencies. Any subdivision of the State of Utah not specifically named herein (“Prospective Agency”) which shall hereafter sign this Agreement or a copy hereof shall become a Participating Agency. Any Agency which becomes a newly accepted Participating Agency is entitled to all the rights and privileges and subject to the obligations of any Participating Agency as set out herein.
Additional Agencies. Any subdivision of the State of Utah not specifically named herein (“Prospective Agency”) which shall hereafter sign this Agreement or a copy hereof shall become an Agency hereto provided that it employ law enforcement officers, and provided that it first give 30-days written notice to each Agency hereto of its intent to become an Agency, and provided that a majority of the Agencies shall not within 30 days thereafter notify the LEADS Chief in writing that they object to the Prospective Agency becoming a party hereto, then the LEADSChief or his designee shall promptly notify the Prospective Agency that its application was rejected. A Prospective Agency thus rejected may reapply for membership hereunder after one year has passed. Any Agency which becomes a newly accepted Agency to the Agreement is entitled to all the rights and privileges and subject to the obligations of any Agency as set out herein.
Additional Agencies. Membership in the JeffCo Forum shall initially consist of the signatory Agencies to this Agreement. Other parties will be provided an opportunity participate in the JeffCo Forum upon executing a Joinder Agreement, a sample of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. For purposes of clarity, the existing signature Agencies shall not be required to execute an amendment to this Agreement solely to add or withdraw an Agency from the JeffCo Forum.
Additional Agencies. The City and County of Durham shall each be entitled to add additional Agencies to the Radio System by notifying the Radio System Manager and ensuring that the appropriate Maintenance Fee, pro-rated for the year of entry, is paid to Durham. The Maintenance Fee for such additional Agencies shall be established in accordance with the methodology in Exhibit C.
Additional Agencies. 3.1 The Presiding Judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court may issue future Administrative Orders authorizing additional municipals courts to participate in the WVRVC. Upon issuance of said Administrative Order, that court may be invited to and become a Party to this Agreement after approval by the majority of the then-existing Presiding Judges (or designee) from the then-existing Parties and compliance with the provisions of A.R.S. §§11-951 et seq. Such approval shall be documented by sending a letter of invitation to the Party wishing to join along with a copy to all existing members.
3.2 A public agency approved by the Presiding Judges (or designees) in accordance with Subsection 3.1, shall become a Party to this Agreement as of the date that the Agreement is adopted by its governing body and properly executed by it.
3.3 Each Party shall provide a copy of its fully executed Agreement to every other Party.
Additional Agencies. Additional PSAP agencies may participate in this agreement upon approval of Laramie County and LARC. An amendment to this MOU shall be signed by the existing parties and the additional PSAP agency.
Additional Agencies. 3.1. Other public agencies, as that term is defined in A.R.S. § 11-951, may be invited to and become a Party to this Agreement after approval by a majority of the then- existing fire chiefs of the then-existing Parties and compliance with the provisions of A.R.S. §§11-951 et seq. Such approval shall be documented by sending a letter of invitation to the Party wishing to join along with a copy to all existing members.
3.2. Any Party’s fire chief may propose additional public agencies located within Arizona, as parties to this Agreement.
3.3. A public agency approved by the fire chiefs in accordance with Subsection 3.1, shall become a Party to this Agreement as of the date that the Agreement is adopted by its governing body and properly executed by it.
3.4. Each Party shall provide a copy of its fully executed Agreement to every other Party.
Additional Agencies. Additional agencies and region-wide specialty teams may be added during the same subscription term at the following rates: *Plus a one-time set up fee of $35 per agency and $10/annually for phone call costs. **Plus a one-time set up fee of $35 per agency and $5/annually for phone call costs.
Additional Agencies. The TASK FORCE AGENCIES acknowledge and agree that the effectiveness of the Task Force may be improved by the inclusion of other public agencies as additional TASK FORCE AGENCIES to the Task Force. Such public agencies may join the Task Force on such written terms and conditions as are acceptable to all TASK FORCE AGENCIES, including, but not limited to, agreed-upon cash contributions for past, present, and/or future work, of the Task Force. The inclusion of such public agencies as additional TASK FORCE AGENCIES to the Task Force shall be effected by a written amendment to this AGREEMENT signed by all TASK FORCE AGENCIES. Such additional TASK FORCE AGENCIES shall appoint their Task Force representatives and alternates as provided in Section 3.a. above or in said written amendment.
Additional Agencies. In the event that there is additional federal involvement in the Undertaking that is not otherwise referenced in this Agreement, that federal agency will have the option to accept the terms of this Agreement, without acquiring an amendment, if the federal agency signs as an invited signatory. The Town must notify the Signatories in advance of the federal agency committing to the terms of this Agreement.