Agreed Actions. The Western Australian and Commonwealth Governments will identify and confirm cash and ‘in- kind’ type supports prior to the transition of each Western Australian Service Region, including a detailed breakdown of in-kind supports.
Agreed Actions. The WA NDIS authority will develop memorandums of understanding and operational documents with mainstream agencies where required to support participant access to mainstream services during the transition to the NDIS in Western Australia, consistent with the APTOS. These will include specific communication strategies for each mainstream interface area, governance arrangements and escalation processes. Working arrangements will be iterative and will develop over transition. Schedule H of the Bilateral Agreement – Level B measures (reported quarterly):
Agreed Actions. The NDIA, working with the Victorian Government, will develop a transition to NDIS communications and engagement strategy and will identify opportunities for joint messaging roles and responsibilities.
Agreed Actions. The parties will develop a Communications and Engagement Strategy which provides for consistent messaging and identifies opportunities for joint messaging about roles and responsibilities.
Agreed Actions. The Western Australian Government (in consultation with the Commonwealth) will develop and implement a Phasing Strategy to operationalise Schedule B that: Identifies and agrees intake prioritisation criteria, sequencing and mechanisms for intake; Includes an intake plan for existing Western Australian and Commonwealth clients and other participants in Western Australia and considers more detailed categories within phasing cohorts (e.g.: geographic spread and participants with urgent needs); Includes a monitoring approach to the phasing in transition, contingency planning and a process for making adjustments as required (within the parameters of Schedule B).
Agreed Actions. Parties will jointly identify issues arising from the agreed approach between governments to specialist disability accommodation related issues that must be managed during transition.
Agreed Actions. The Western Australian and Commonwealth Governments will undertake a review and evaluation of inter-operability of legislation and other instruments to support full scheme transition and will develop remediation plan(s) if required.
Agreed Actions. The Victorian and Commonwealth Governments will undertake a stocktake of existing readiness activities to ensure providers are able to operate effectively with the NDIS.
Agreed Actions. The Western Australian Government will consult with people with disability, their families and carers, accommodation providers and support providers regarding the funding of specialist disability housing in the WA NDIS. The Western Australian Government will develop an operational framework for the funding of specialist disability housing in WA that is informed by the findings of the consultation process.
Agreed Actions. The Western Australian and Commonwealth Governments will jointly develop a management plan for people who wish to remain in the NDIS in WA after the age of 65 and require supports that relate to both disability and ageing.