Amount of Bond. The Employer shall secure and maintain a surety bond in the minimum amount of $10,000.00 to guarantee the payment of all wages, fringes and contributions provided herein and shall furnish to the Union evidence of the procurement and maintenance of said bond in such an amount.
Amount of Bond. Th e a m o un t of t h e bo n d m u s t be gov- e rn ed b y t h e a m o un t of m o n ies a d- v an ced o r v a l u e of slop c h es t p r ope r t y e n t ru s t ed, an d s ha ll , a t a ll x x x es, n o t be less t han t h e v a l u e of slop c h es t p r ope r t y e n t ru s t ed pl u s a dv an ces of m o n ies fo r w h ic h a s a t isfa c t o ry a c- co un t i n g ha s n o t bee n m a de.
Amount of Bond. Surety unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to pay the NYISO amounts not to exceed an aggregate of [amount], in accordance with the terms of this Surety Bond.
Amount of Bond. Private Works. The owner may relieve himself of the claims and privileges afforded by the Private Works Act if he requires the contractor to give a bond with good and sufficient surety. The amount of the bond must be the amount of the contract, if the contract does not exceed $10,000; between $10,000 and $100,000 the amount of the bond must be 50 percent of the contract, but in no event less than $10,000. For contracts over $100,000, but not in excess of $1,000,000, the bond must be 33⅓ percent of the contract, but in no event less than $50,000, and for contracts exceeding $1,000,000 the bond must be 25 percent of the amount of the contract but not less than $333,333. The bond must be attached to and recorded with the contract (or notice of contract).
Amount of Bond. Surety unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to pay the ERCOT amounts not to exceed an aggregate of [amount], in accordance with the terms of this Surety Bond.
Amount of Bond. Contractor agrees that within five Days after notification from the SFMTA that the all required City agencies have approved this Agreement, Contractor will deliver to the City a performance bond, which may be renewable annually, in the amount of $7,000,000 to guarantee Contractor's performance obligations under this Agreement. If Contractor fails to deliver the initial performance bond within five Days, or fails to notify City annually of the renewal of the bond within five Days before each anniversary of the Effective Date, City will be entitled to cancel this Agreement. Contractor shall maintain the performance bond during the term of this Agreement. In the event this Agreement is assigned, as provided for in Section 30, City will return or release the performance bond not later than the effective date of the assignment, provided that the assignee has delivered to City an equivalent performance bond, as determined by City. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in no event shall Surety's aggregate liability exceed the penal sum of the applicable bond amount; provided, however, that this limitation shall not affect Contractor's liability under this Agreement.
Amount of Bond. In the event that the City exercises its option to extend this Agreement as provided in Section 15.2, Contractor shall reissue the performance bond annually for the duration of the extension of the term of this Agreement in an amount equal to the Contractor’s MAG obligation under Section
Amount of Bond. 10.2.1 Any Bond will be held in trust on your behalf in a separate account.
Amount of Bond. The amount of this bond shall be reduced by and to the extent of any payment or payments made in good faith by the Surety. In no event shall the Surety's total obligation exceed the penal amount of this bond.
Amount of Bond. Participant shall deposit or have deposited with the Commission a five thousand dollar ($5,000) bond per Alternative Technology Solution and/or GPS Meter, payable to the City of New York. If the Participant’s Alternative Technology Solution incorporates a GPS Meter, the Participant shall only be required to deposit or have deposited with the Commission a single, five-thousand dollar ($5,000) bond. The bond must be provided by one or more sureties approved by the Chair. The bond must be provided before this Agreement becomes effective and must remain valid and in force until one year after the earlier of the date on which the Pilot terminates or the date on which the Participant’s participation is terminated or ends, including any extension(s) that may occur.