Annual Military Sample Clauses

Annual Military. Leave Employees who are members of the Ohio National Guard or any military reserve unit shall be granted time off with pay when ordered to temporary active duty or when ordered to military training exercises not to exceed thirty-one (31) calendar days per year or a total of one hundred seventy six (176) hours. Military leave pay shall be the difference between the employee's regular pay and service pay.

Related to Annual Military

  • Military Military leave without pay shall be granted to any employee who is inducted or enlists in any branch of the armed forces of the United States for the period of said service and three (3) months thereafter, or three (3) months after recovery of any wound or sickness at time of discharge. A similar leave shall be granted to the spouse of any employee who is so inducted or enlists.

  • Pilot Project – One Employer Two Homes Employment Opportunities Where the local parties enter into these agreements, the agreement shall include the following principles:

  • Leave of Absence for Union Business 17.1 The Board acknowledges the right of the Union to appoint or select a Negotiation Committee of not more than seven (7) employees and will recognize and deal with this Committee with respect to contract negotiations. The Union agrees to provide the names of all Committee members to the Board in writing. 17.2 The Union may have the service of a CUPE Staff Representative, counsel or adviser at any meeting with representatives of the Board during negotiations pertaining to renewal or amendment of the Collective Agreement. 17.3 Members of the Union negotiating committee shall be paid at their regular straight time rate of pay for their regularly scheduled work time spent with officials of the Board for purposes of amending or renewing the Agreement up to and including, but not beyond the stage of conciliation, provided, however, that such committee members shall not be compensated for time spent prior to or beyond their regular working hours. 17.4 Upon request, members of the Union's Negotiating Committee shall be permitted leave of absence to prepare for the commencement of formal contract negotiations with the Board. The total number of days of leave under this Article shall not exceed 28 days during the lifetime of the Agreement and no member shall be absent for more than 4 days for this purpose. The Union shall give the Board a minimum of 5 days advance notice of any such request. An employee on such leave shall continue to receive pay and benefits provided in this Agreement. The Union shall reimburse the Board for all pay and benefits for the period of absence. 17.5 Leave of absence without pay and without loss of sick leave credits or seniority shall be granted upon request to the Board to employees elected or appointed to represent the Union at recognized Union conventions or 17.6 An employee selected for up to and including a full-time position with the local shall be granted leave of absence without loss of seniority or benefits for a period of up to two years. Such leave shall be renewed each year, on request, during the term of office. An employee on such leave shall receive the pay and benefits provided in this Agreement. The Union shall reimburse the Board for all pay and benefits for the period of absence. Upon completion of the President’s leave, the employee will be returned to his/her position if it still exists, or to a comparable position, if it does not. 17.7 Any employee who is elected or selected for a full-time position with the Union, or any body with which the Union is affiliated, upon application will be granted leave of absence without salary, benefits, and loss of seniority, by the Board for a period of up to one year. Such leave shall be extended annually, upon request, up to a maximum of five years.

  • Fixed Term Employees The only terms of this Agreement that apply to employees who are not regular employees are those that are set out in Articles 31A, 32, 33 and 34. 31A.1 Articles 31A.2 to 31A.16 apply only to fixed-term employees other than seasonal, student and GO Temp employees.

  • Casual Employees A casual employee is one who is not regularly scheduled to work other than during periods that such employee shall relieve a regular full-time or regular part-time employee. Casual employees accumulate seniority on an hourly basis and are entitled to such benefits as are contained in the “Addendum - Casual Employees”.

  • Leave of Absence for Union Functions It is agreed that official representatives of the Union be granted leave of absence, without pay, to attend Union Conventions or perform any other function on behalf of the Union and its affiliations, provided not more than ten (10) Union representatives shall be away at any one time. Such leave of absence shall not affect the employee's seniority and/or benefits contained in this Agreement.

  • Fixed Term Employment A fixed term employee is an employee engaged for specific period, project or task on an hourly basis and their rate of pay shall be 1/38th of the weekly rate prescribed by the Agreement. A fixed term employee will accrue leave entitlements (annual, personal/carers, long-service) on a pro-rata basis.

  • Family Medical Leave or Critical Illness Leave a) Family Medical Leave or Critical Illness leaves granted to a permanent teacher, long-term occasional teacher or teacher hired into a term position under this Article shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act, as amended. b) The teacher will provide to the employer such evidence as necessary to prove entitlement under the Employment Standards Act. c) A teacher contemplating taking such leave(s) shall notify the employer of the intended date the leave is to begin and the anticipated date of return to active employment. d) Seniority and experience continue to accrue during such leave(s). e) Where a teacher is on such leave(s), the Employer shall continue to pay its share of the benefit premiums, where applicable. To maintain participation and coverage under the Collective Agreement, the teacher must agree to provide for payment for the teacher’s share of the benefit premiums, where applicable. f) In order to receive pay for such leaves, a teacher must access Employment Insurance and the Supplemental Employment Benefit (SEB) in accordance with g) to j), if allowable by legislation. An employee who is eligible for E.I. is not entitled to benefits under a school board’s sick leave and short term disability plan. g) The Employer shall provide for permanent teachers, long-term occasional teachers and teachers hired into a term position who access such Leaves, a SEB plan to top up their E.I.

  • Catastrophic Leave Program Leave credits, as defined below, may be transferred from one (1) or more employees to another employee, on an hour-for-hour basis, in accordance with departmental policies upon the request of both the receiving employee and the transferring employee and upon approval of the employee's appointing authority, under the following conditions: A. The receiving employee is required to be absent from work due to injury or the prolonged illness of the employee, employee's spouse, registered domestic partner, a domestic partner listed on an “Affidavit for Enrollment of Domestic Partners,” submitted to employee benefits, parent or child, has exhausted all earned leave credits, including but not limited to sick leave, compensatory time, holiday credits and disability leave and is therefore facing financial hardship. B. The transfers must be for a minimum of four (4) hours and in whole hour increments thereafter. C. Transfers shall be allowed to cross-departmental lines in accordance with the policies of the receiving department. D. The total maximum leave credits received by an employee shall normally not exceed five hundred twenty (520) hours; however, if approved by his/her appointing authority, the total leave credits may be up to one thousand forty (1,040) hours. Total leave credits in excess of one thousand forty (1,040) hours will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the appointing authority subject to the approval of the Chief Administrative Officer. E. The transfers are irrevocable, and will be indistinguishable from other leave credits belonging to the receiving employee. Transfers will be subject to all taxes required by law. F. Leave credits that may be transferred under this program are defined as the transferring employee’s vacation credits or up to twenty-four (24) hours of sick leave per fiscal year. G. Transfers shall be administered according to the rules and regulations of the Auditor and Controller, and made on a form prescribed by the Auditor and Controller. Approvals of the receiving and donating employee, the donating employee's appointing authority and the receiving employee's appointing authority (in the case of an interdepartmental transfer) will be provided for on such form. H. This program is not subject to the Grievance Procedure of this Agreement.

  • Casual Employment 24.1 A casual Employee is an Employee employed on an occasional basis and whose work pattern is not regular and systematic. When a person is engaged on a casual basis, they will be supplied in writing that the engagement is to be as a casual, the job to be performed, the classification level, the actual or likely length of engagement including number of hours to be worked per week, and the relevant rate of pay. 24.2 A casual Employee shall be entitled to all of the applicable rates and conditions of employment prescribed by this Agreement except annual leave, personal leave, and payment for public holidays on which no work is performed. A casual Employee is entitled to unpaid bereavement leave, domestic violence leave and unpaid career’s leave. 24.3 Except on Saturdays and Sundays, on each occasion a casual Employee is required to attend work, the Employee shall be entitled to payment for a minimum of eight (8) hours work (with 0.8 of an hour on each of these days accruing toward an RDO) plus the relevant fares and travel allowance prescribed by clause 0 below. On Saturdays and Sundays, a casual Employee is entitled to payment for a minimum of four (4) hours, plus the relevant fares and travel allowance prescribed by clause 0 below. 24.4 A casual Employee for working ordinary time shall be paid 125% of the hourly rate prescribed in APPENDIX 1 for the Employee's classification. 24.5 A casual Employee required to work overtime, or weekend work shall be entitled to the relevant penalty rates prescribed in this Agreement: (a) where the relevant penalty rate is time and a half, the Employee shall be paid 175% of the hourly rate prescribed by APPENDIX 1 for the Employee's classification (b) where the relevant penalty rate is double time, the Employee shall be paid 225% of the hourly rate prescribed by APPENDIX 1 for the Employee's classification; and (c) where the relevant penalty is a public holiday, the Employee shall be paid 275% of the hourly rate prescribed by APPENDIX 1 for the Employee's classification. 24.6 For the purposes of clarity, the applicable contributions to BUSSQ, XXXX, CIPQ and BEWT or other funds nominated herein, must be made by the Employer in respect of casual Employees. A casual Employee shall also be entitled to receive, in addition to their casual rate, penalty payments for Overtime, work performed on weekends, work performed on public holidays and RDOs, Domestic Violence leave and unpaid cultural leave. 24.7 Termination of all casual engagements shall require one hour's notice by either the Employer or Employee, or the payment or forfeiture of one hour's pay, as the case may be. This clause will not reduce the entitlements of injured Employees.