Leave of Absence for Union Functions Sample Clauses
Leave of Absence for Union Functions. It is agreed that official representatives of the Union be granted leave of absence, without pay, to attend Union Conventions or perform any other function on behalf of the Union and its affiliations, provided not more than ten (10) Union representatives shall be away at any one time. Such leave of absence shall not affect the employee's seniority and/or benefits contained in this Agreement.
Leave of Absence for Union Functions a) Upon request to the Employer, an Employee elected or appointed to represent the Union at conventions shall be allowed leave of absence with pay and benefits.
b) In addition, the Union shall be entitled to five (5) days paid leave for each Day Care Centre, per calendar year, to be distributed amongst the Employees at the Union's discretion. This leave shall be used to conduct business for the Union, i.e. conferences, preparation for negotiations, council meetings, etc.
Leave of Absence for Union Functions. Upon request to the Employer, an Employee elected or appointed to represent the Union at conventions shall be allowed leave of absence without pay and without loss of benefits. Leave of absence without pay but without loss of benefits shall be allowed Employees to attend meetings of the Union, its affiliated or chartered bodies and any labour organizations with which the Union is affiliated.
Leave of Absence for Union Functions. Upon request to the Employer, an employee elected or appointed to represent the Union at Conventions shall be allowed leave of absence without pay and benefits. Leave of absence without pay, but without loss of benefits, shall be allowed employees to attend Executive and Committee meetings of CUPE, its affiliated or chartered bodies and any labour organizations with which the Union is affiliated, provided that no more than two (2) employees are affected and maximum total of sixteen (16) days.
Leave of Absence for Union Functions. Providing as much notice as is possible but no less than two (2) weeks, an employee elected or appointed to represent the Union at conventions shall be allowed a leave of absence without pay but without loss of benefits. Such leave shall not exceed more than thirty (30) working days per annum. No more than one (1) person from a department shall be absent at any given time.
Leave of Absence for Union Functions. (a) Upon request to the District, an employee elected or appointed to represent the Union at conventions, seminars, executive and committee meetings of UNIFOR, its affiliated or chartered bodies, and any labour organizations with which the Union is affiliated, may be allowed leave of absence without pay and without loss of benefits or seniority accumulation. Leave of absence shall not be unreasonably withheld.
(b) The District shall pay wages and benefits and xxxx the Union for such pay plus the cost of WorkSafeBC, E.I., CPP, and Superannuation.
Leave of Absence for Union Functions. (a) An employee who is elected or selected for a full-time position with the Union, or any body with which the Union is affiliated, or who is elected to public office, shall be granted leave of absence without pay by the District, without loss of seniority, for a period up to one (1) year. Such leave shall be applied for to the Employer each subsequent year.
(b) The Employer shall grant leave of absence with pay for Union business upon written notification from the Union Secretary. Such notification shall be provided to the School District within a reasonable period of time prior to the commencement of the leave and no greater than seven (7) employees from a School District may be absent under this clause on any given work day. The Local Union shall reimburse the School District for all wages paid to an employee under this clause plus an additional fifteen point six percent (15.6%) of the wages paid. Where an employee is granted leave under this clause for the purpose of negotiations or attendance at an adjudication hearing, the Local Union shall reimburse the School District for the wages paid and will not be subject to the additional fifteen point six percent (15.6%) unless the employee is absent for more than five (5) consecutive work days.
Leave of Absence for Union Functions. Leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority shall be granted, upon request to the Employer, to a maximum of one (1) employee away at any one time elected or appointed to represent the Union at Union conventions. Leave of absence without pay shall be granted to employees to attend Executive and Committee meetings of CUPE, its affiliated or chartered bodies. Such leave shall have a maximum of thirty (30) person days per year. For administrative purpose, the Employer may continue to pay the employee’s salary and benefits, and the Union shall then compensate the Employer for the salary and benefits paid during the period of leave.
Leave of Absence for Union Functions. (a) Upon request to the Board, an employee elected or appointed to represent the union at conventions shall be allowed leave of absence without pay and with no loss of benefits PROVIDED a suitable substitute is available, and the Board shall not indiscriminately refuse a substitute.
(b) Upon request to the Board Leave of Absence without pay but without loss of benefits shall be allowed to not more than five (5) employees at any one time to attend executive and committee meetings of C.U.P.E., its affiliated or chartered bodies and any labour organization with which the Union is affiliated. The Union shall reimburse the Board for the cost of benefits accorded in the application of this clause.
Leave of Absence for Union Functions. Upon request to the Residence, an employee elected or appointed may be granted an unpaid leave of absence without loss of seniority to attend Union conventions or seminars provided the Residence receives at least three (3) weeks prior notice. It is understood that the total aggregate of Union Leave will be to a maximum of forty (40) days per calendar year. The Residence may, but shall not be required, to grant such a leave on less than twenty-one (21) calendar days notice. It is understood that the Union will not request leave of absence for more than two (2) employees from the bargaining unit.