Annual Vacation 9.1 An employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, is not qualified under paragraph 9.2 hereof, shall be allowed one working day’s vacation with pay for each 25 days’ cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 10 working days until qualifying for further vacation under paragraph 9.2. 9.2 Subject to the provision of Note 1 below, employees who, at the beginning of the calendar year have maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 3 years and have completed at least 750 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have their vacation schedule on the basis of one working day’s vacation with pay for each 16 2/3 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year with a maximum of 15 working days; in subsequent years, they will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under paragraph 9.3. NOTE 1: Employees covered by paragraph 9.2 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on fourth or subsequent service anniversary date they achieve 1,000 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise their vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in paragraph 9.1. Any vacation granted for which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. 9.3 Subject to the provisions of Note 2 below, employees who, at the beginning of the calendar year, have maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 9 years and have completed at least 2,500 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have their vacation scheduled on the basis of one working days’ vacation with pay for each 12 1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days; in subsequent years, they will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under paragraph 9.4. NOTE 2: Employees covered by sub-paragraph 9.3 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on their tenth or subsequent service anniversary that they achieve 2,750 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise their vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in paragraph 9.2. Any vacation granted for which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. (a) Subject to the provisions of Note 2 below employees who, at the beginning of the calendar year, have, maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 9 years and have completed at least 2,250 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have their vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day’s vacation with pay for each 12 1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days; in subsequent years, they will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under paragraph NOTE 2: Employees covered by sub-paragraph 9.3(a) will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on their tenth of subsequent service anniversary date they achieve 2,500 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise their vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in paragraph 9.2. Any vacation granted for which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. 9.4 Subject to the provisions of Note 3 below employees who, at the beginning of the calendar year, have maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 19 years and have completed at least 4,750 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have their vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day’s vacation with pay for each 10 days of cumulative compensated service or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year with a maximum of 25 working days; in subsequent years, they will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under paragraph 9.5. NOTE 3: Employees covered by paragraph 9.4 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein of in their twentieth or subsequent service anniversary date they achieve 5,000 days if cumulative compensated service; otherwise, their vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in paragraph 9.3. Any vacation granted for which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. 9.5 Subject to the provisions of Note 4 below, employees who at the beginning of the calendar year have maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 28 years and have completed at least 7,000 days of cumulative compensated service shall have their vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day’s vacation with pay for each 8 1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with maximum of 30 working days. NOTE 4: Employees covered by paragraph 9 5 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on their twenty-ninth or subsequent service anniversary date they achieve 7,250 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise their vacation entitlement which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. (a) Scheduling an employee for five weeks vacation with the employee being paid for the sixth week vacation at pro rata rates; or (b) Splitting the vacation on the basis of five weeks and one week.
Sick Leave Transfer The Board will honor written requests from a bargaining unit member to donate one or more sick leave days from the donor’s accumulated sick leave to a member under the following conditions: 1. The written request for donation of sick leave shall be forwarded to the Superintendent and the Association President who shall meet and confer if the request falls into the category of “catastrophic”. For purposes of this Section normal pregnancy shall not be considered a “catastrophic” illness. Any disagreement between the Association President and the Superintendent shall be resolved using expedited arbitration in accordance with the voluntary rules of the Federal Mediation Conciliation Services (FMCS). Expenses for the arbitrator’s services shall be equally shared by the parties. a. Should the Association President and the Superintendent agree that the request falls in the category of “catastrophic”, they will forward the request to the Sick Leave Transfer Committee. b. Should the Association President and the Superintendent agree that the request does not represent a catastrophic illness or injury, the request shall then be denied. The member will have the right to request expedited arbitration indicated in paragraph a. above. 2. Donated sick leave days may only be credited to a member who has, or is about to exhaust all of the members’ accumulated sick leave and personal leave due to a catastrophic illness or injury of the member or illness of child and/or spouse of the member. 3. Donated sick leave days may only be used for personal catastrophic illness/injury of the member, or illness of child and/or spouse of the member, and may not be used for the illness of other family members. 4. A sick leave donation form, authorizing the Treasurer to deduct donated sick leave days from the donor member’s accumulated sick leave and to credit the donated sick leave day(s) to the member will be sent to unit members for completion. Completed forms will be returned to the committee. The committee will provide the Treasurer with a form indicating the number of days to be transferred, from whom, and the name of the recipient. 5. Any request to donate sick leave days to a member must be submitted to the Treasurer not less than fifteen (15) days prior to any payroll that will include payment for the donated sick leave days. 6. Any member who has reached the maximum sick leave accumulation will have his accumulation reduced by the number of sick leave days donated. 7. Requests for sick leave days will be honored only as long as days are available from donors. 8. The following limitations will apply to this section: a. No bargaining unit member who begins the school year with less than 45 days as of July 1 can donate sick days. b. Donations from a bargaining unit member must be in units of one (1) day or more provided that the donor does not go under 45 days of accumulated sick leave. c. Either the bargaining unit member or the member’s spouse and/or child must have the catastrophic illness or injury. d. The bargaining unit member can use donated sick days until disability retirement is effective. 9. No member may use donated sick leave days to defer eligibility for disability retirement under STRS regulations, to claim severance pay, or to transfer to any other public employer. 10. No member may use more than thirty (30) donated sick leave days in total in any year. 18