Awards Information. At the end of the calendar year, upon request, the Agency will provide the Union a summary of the awards approved for Council 270 bargaining unit employees. The summary will show awards by type, park/location, and division.
Awards Information. At the outset of the fiscal year the Chapters will be provided with award budget allocation dollar amounts by region, by AAships (HQ), and by employing organizations (Cincinnati). Thereafter, the Chapter will receive at the end of the fiscal year the actual amounts spent on awards. These aggregate reports will provide the awards expenditures for NTEU bargaining unit employees, for other bargaining unit employees (where applicable), and for unrepresented employees. The aggregate reports will be broken down to the immediate office level at Headquarters, to the division level at Regions 7 and 9 and to the laboratory or program office level at Cincinnati/Edison.
Awards Information. CA/EX/HRD will provide, upon request by the Union, a briefing on the Awards program. As it pertains to bargaining unit employees, the Employer will provide a list to the Union President with the names of all bargaining unit employees, along with the employee’s individual grade, overall rating, location, and the amount(s) and type(s) of any award(s) (if applicable). For non-bargaining unit employees, the report will be annotated to include only the type of award, amount (if applicable) and organization. The list will be provided March 1st of the following calendar year; and at least annually, the Employer will:
a. Publicize the criteria and description for various awards on the Passport Services Intranet and the CA Website via the Bureau Notices.
b. Publicize those awards granted to an individual or group on the Passport Services Intranet.
c. Schedule a public presentation of awards.
d. Post on the Passport Services Intranet and CA Website via Bureau Notices a description and the criteria for each award given.
Awards Information. Employee awards, including the names of award recipients, type and reason for the awards they receive, and recognition summaries of the awards will be made public quarterly in the Division’s newsletter. The total amount of funds awarded to each branch will be reported to all employees of GEMMD, annually.
Awards Information. The Union may request a Performance Management and/or Performance Award briefing from CA/EX/HRD each appraisal cycle to keep the Union abreast of any changes in the program. As it pertains to bargaining unit employees, the Employer will provide a list to the Union President with the names of all bargaining unit employees along with the employee’s individual grade, overall rating, location, and the amount(s) and type(s) of any award(s) (if applicable). For non-bargaining unit employees, the report will be annotated to include only the type of award, amount (if applicable) and organization. The list will be provided March 1st of the following calendar year; and at least annually, the Employer will:
a. Publicize the criteria and description for various awards on the Passport Services Intranet. Each office will maintain a printed version of this information.
b. Publicize those awards granted to an individual or group on the Passport Services Intranet.
c. Schedule a public presentation of awards.
d. Post on the Passport Services Intranet a description and the criteria for each award. Each office will also maintain a printed version of this information.