WAGE SURVEYS. Section 1 - Membership Survey Teams Survey teams will consist of one member nominated by the local facility and one member nominated by the labor member of the local wage survey committee. Each will be selected on the basis of qualifications set forth under FWS procedures. The number of teams needed to complete the survey will be determined by the local committee.
Section 2 - Office Space The host installation designated by the lead agency will provide office space and telephone capability to local committee members and survey teams for the purpose of conducting the survey. The Department will provide such facilities where necessary.
WAGE SURVEYS. Section 1. The Employer agrees to notify the Union promptly of any wage surveys, hearings, results of surveys, which will affect bargaining unit employees.
Section 2. If selected by AFGE to participate in a wage survey, one representative per bargaining unit local will be released on official time per each survey. The Union will also identify an alternate in case there are any issues concerning the original representative. The alternate will be allowed to attend the Wage Survey training.
WAGE SURVEYS. Section 1. The Employer will inform the Union, in writing upon receipt of notification that the start of an official full-scale wage survey for the area has been directed. A copy of any written notification to the Agency will be provided to the Union.
Section 2. A reasonable amount of time without charge to leave or loss of pay will be allowed Unit employees to make a presentation at a hearing before the Local Wage Survey Committee when scheduled to do so by the committee and when selected by the Union as an official representative of the Union. When such hearings are held away from home station, official representatives authorized to participate in such hearings will be considered to be in a TDY status and will receive travel, transportation, and/or per diem as authorized by the Joint Travel Regulation.
WAGE SURVEYS. Section 1. The Union will be notified of a locality wage survey and of the schedule as established by the DOD Wage Fixing Authority.
Section 2. The Union may designate one (1) member to serve on the Local Wage Survey Committee.
Section 3. The Union may nominate employees as labor data collectors. The Employer may, for extraordinary reasons, elect not to appoint the nominated employee. If the Employer chooses to not appoint the nominated employee, the Union shall provide additional recommendations as provided by 5 C.F.R. § 532.229.
WAGE SURVEYS. The Employer agrees to notify the Union promptly of any wage surveys, hearings, results of surveys, which will affect bargaining unit employees.
WAGE SURVEYS. Section 35.01 If DOE Headquarters is requested to participate in a wage survey which could affect bargaining unit positions, NTEU will be notified and invited to participate as appropriate.
Section 35.02 NTEU will be provided copies of the results of any wage survey affecting bargaining unit positions as soon as possible.
Section 35.03 NTEU will be provided full information on wage surveys for all Wage Grade employees, including data which results in discrepancies in wage rates for employees in a particular area.
WAGE SURVEYS. Section 1. It is agreed that the Union shall have the right to request that area full scale and wage change surveys be conducted when significant industry wage raises have taken place in the area, and that such request and substantiating data shall be promptly forwarded to higher authority.
Section 2. The Employer shall notify the Union as soon as possible when information is received that DOD has directed the start of an official wage survey for DLA Distribution Norfolk.
Section 3. The Employer agrees that an appropriate Committee (not to exceed three (3)) of the Union shall be excused from work, on administrative excused leave, for the purpose of appearing before the Local Wage survey Committee to make representations on behalf of employees in the bargaining unit, on dates which the Local Wage Survey Committee schedules for this purpose.
WAGE SURVEYS. The parties agree that coordinated wage surveys will be conducted in accordance with 5 CFR 532, Subpart A, B, & C, as added to and amended by the OPM. Union representatives p a r ti cip a tin g in w ag e s urv eys are co ns i d er ed to b e o n of f i c i a l assignment to an interagency function, rather than on leave or union time.
WAGE SURVEYS. NIST does not conduct wage surveys. Within the Washington,
WAGE SURVEYS. Section 21-1. The Employer will promptly notify the Union President of the receipt of a notice authorizing a wage survey and survey results when received from the DOD Wage Fixing Authority.
Section 21-2. Upon confirmation that the Union is entitled to be represented on the local wage survey committee, the Union will nominate the specified number of qualified data collectors and alternates requested by the committee chairperson. Prior to nominating employees, the Union will ensure that nominees are willing to serve and will coordinate the selection with the respective supervisor. Employees who are accepted as data collectors will normally be released by their supervisors for the period(s) of time needed to participate in the survey process. If the employee cannot be released to participate in the wage survey process the reason will be provided to the Union upon request.
Section 21-3. Union representatives who are members of the Locality Wage Survey Committee or who are data collectors will be on duty status while actually participating in the Locality Wage Survey.