Basic Obligations. (1) The Authority shall carry out international search and international preliminary examination in accordance with, and perform such other functions of an International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority as are provided under, the Treaty, the Regulations, the Administrative Instructions and this Agreement.
(2) In carrying out international search and international preliminary examination, the Authority shall apply and observe all the common rules of international search and of international preliminary examination and, in particular, shall be guided by the PCT International Search and Preliminary Examination Guidelines.
(3) The Authority shall maintain a quality management system in compliance with the requirements set out in the PCT International Search and Preliminary Examination Guidelines.
(4) The Authority and the International Bureau shall, having regard to their respective functions under the Treaty, the Regulations, the Administrative Instructions and this Agreement, render, to the extent considered to be appropriate by both the Authority and the International Bureau, mutual assistance in the performance of their functions thereunder.
Basic Obligations. Each party shall be responsible for ensuring that performance of its obligations and exercise of its rights under this Addendum complies with all applicable privacy and security laws, including the HIPAA Regulations, and local and state laws rules and regulations. Participant and eHealth shall each use appropriate safeguards to prevent inappropriate use of the Gateway including appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information available through the Gateway. eHealth Exchange agrees that the Gateway will not alter clinical data unless explicitly mutually agreed in writing after requested by Participant in writing.
Basic Obligations. 1. Each State Party undertakes not to carry out any nuclear weapon test explosion or any other nuclear explosion, and to prohibit and prevent any such nuclear explosion at any place under its jurisdiction or control.
2. Each State Party undertakes, furthermore, to refrain from causing, encouraging, or in any way participating in the carrying out of any nuclear weapon test explosion or any other nuclear explosion.
Basic Obligations. 1. Each Party undertakes:
Basic Obligations. State parties must never under any circum- stances use. Develop, produce, acquire, stockpile, retain or transfer cluster munitions. They generally prohibited from assisting, encour- aging or inducing anyone to undertake any activity prohibited by its provisions. As addition, states posessing, or affected by cluster munitions are also required to take action in specific areas in form of destructing stockpiles, clearing cluster munition remnants, and assisting the victims. Regarding the time for stockpiles destruction, each state is required within eight years of becoming the party of the convention to destroy the stockpiles of cluster munitions under its jurisdiction and control. This deadline can be extended for an ad- ditional four years and further extension of four years in exceptional circumstances.
Basic Obligations. Licensee is obligated to bring to the Kittitas County Fairgrounds and cause to be operated during the hours of operation, determined by the Facilities Manager, a carnival consisting of at least the following minimum amusement rides. Minimum rides are:
(a) At least three (3) spectacular rides, as described and listed in the document titled “Amusement Rides List”, which is attached hereto and becomes part of this agreement;
(b) At least eleven (11) major adult rides, as described and listed in the document titled “Amusement Rides List”, which is attached hereto and becomes part of this agreement;;
(i) Each year a Xxxxxx Wheel will be included
(c) At least eight (8) kiddie rides, defined as amusement rides designed to accommodate small children or families, and described and listed in the document titled “Amusement Rides List”, which is attached hereto and becomes part of this agreement;
Basic Obligations. From and after the Closing the Developer shall cause construction of the Improvements in each Phase in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the approved Development Agreement, the Planning Documents, and any additional applicable approvals. The Developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with the Improvements for each Phase.
Basic Obligations. The Carrier and the Consignor will provide all necessary information to each other to allow performance of the Freight Services in accordance with this contract. Parties will keep each other fully informed in a timely manner on issues that may affect performance of this contract. Parties must exercise due care and diligence, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to notifications, description, consigning, packaging and safety. When awarding freight task, the Consignor will use best endeavours to provide the Carrier with a reasonable notice period to enable sufficient planning time to resource the task.
Basic Obligations. (1) The Authority shall carry out international search and international preliminary examination in accordance with, and perform such other functions of an International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority as are provided under, the Treaty, the Regulations, the Administrative Instructions and this Agreement. In carrying out international search and international preliminary examination, the Authority shall apply and observe all the common rules of international search and of international preliminary examination and, in particular, shall be guided by the PCT Search Guidelines and the PCT Preliminary Examination Guidelines.
(2) The Authority and the International Bureau shall, having regard to their respective functions under the Treaty, the Regulations, the Administrative Instructions and this Agreement, render, to the extent considered to be appropriate by both the Authority and the International Bureau, mutual assistance in the performance of their functions thereunder.
Basic Obligations. 1. Each State Party undertakes, from the date of entry into force of this Treaty for it, to cease all production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices and to refrain from using the materials produced thereafter for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. The provisions contained in this paragraph are without prejudice to the right of the States Parties to continue producing fissile materials for civilian uses or, in compliance with Article 6, military nuclear activities not prohibited by the Treaty.
2. In order to fulfil the commitment made under paragraph 1 of this Article, each State Party undertakes:
a) To permanently close-down and, insofar as possible, dismantle its facilities for the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices; or,
b) To convert them to civilian uses.
3. Each State Party is under the obligation to agree to verification of compliance with its commitments under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, subject to the conditions laid down by Article 5 of this Treaty and in accordance with the procedures detailed in an annex to the Treaty on verification.
4. Each State Party undertakes to declare all production facilities, subject to the conditions set out in Article 5.