PLAYER OBLIGATIONS. The Player shall for the Term:
3.1 Play Australian Football for the Club to the best of the Player’s skill and ability in each match in which the Player is selected.
3.2 Attend all training sessions and team meetings of the Club.
3.3 Obey all reasonable directions of the Senior Coach, President, and Secretary of the Club.
3.4 Play in all Australian Football matches in which the Player is selected to play or as otherwise directed by the Club unless a duly qualified Medical Practitioner rules the Player unfit to play.
3.5 Comply with all reasonable requirements of the Club relating to preparation for matches, attendance at social functions, behaviour and dress.
3.6 Not play or train for Australian Football with any other Club or team (save for a South Australian representative team or the League representative team) without first obtaining the consent in writing of the Club.
3.7 Do everything reasonably necessary to obtain and maintain the best possible physical condition so as to render the most efficient service to the Club and to submit from time to time and as and when required by the Club to a complete a thorough medical fitness test and examination.
3.8 Not engage in any dangerous activity which in the opinion of the Club may affect the Player's ability to perform the Player’s obligations under this Contract without first obtaining the consent in writing of the Club.
3.9 During league matches, wear only such items of playing apparel as may be approved of or prescribed by the League and to the extent that the same are not inconsistent therewith, the Club.
3.10 Not comment on a matter which the Club has notified the Player is a matter upon which Players of the Club are not to comment publicly.
PLAYER OBLIGATIONS. The player undertakes to transfer his image to the franchisee's MKI companies under this contract. In order to allow the perfect execution of the missions of the franchisee's MKI companies, the player: 1 Forbids himself from transferring his image, or any other equivalent right, to any other natural or legal person, with the aim of entrusting him directly or indirectly with any mission that would compete, in whole or in part, with that entrusted to the franchisee's MKI companies, or that would hinder the proper execution of this agreement.
PLAYER OBLIGATIONS. 38.1 By becoming a party to a Playing Contract under this Part, a Player agrees:
(a) to provide her Employment Services to the NZRU in accordance with her Playing Contract and with the provisions in this Memorandum of Understanding;
(b) to wear or use Sponsors’ products and services while providing her Services to the NZRU provided that:
(i) such products and services are reasonably expected to be worn while providing Services;
(ii) a Player may use Tools of the Trade of her selection (subject to this Memorandum of Understanding);
(iii) to wear or use Sponsors’ footwear incorporating the latest technology provided such footwear meets:
(A) the Player’s individual medical and physiological requirements (as certified by a registered medical practitioner); and
(B) the Player’s reasonable performance requirements;
(c) to wear a mouthguard in the course of playing Rugby for the Team or when contact training;
(d) while selected for the Team:
(i) to play to the best of her ability and in accordance with the Laws of the Game, the NZRU rules and regulations and any relevant competition rules;
(ii) to maintain any prescribed level of fitness and other requirements of her individual performance plan as required;
(iii) to report promptly for and participate in all training sessions and matches as required;
(iv) to have a current New Zealand passport and be eligible to travel overseas and back to New Zealand with the Team (including being eligible to obtain any necessary visas); and
(v) to act, dress and behave in a professional manner when travelling with or assembled with the Team;
(e) not to make any comment to the media contrary to the best interests of the NZRU, Sponsors, Broadcasters or Rugby;
(f) not to act contrary to the best interests of the NZRU or Rugby;
(g) to comply with all applicable World Rugby and NZRU rules and regulations in force from time to time;
(h) to comply with all reasonable directions of the NZRU (subject to this Memorandum of Understanding);
(i) to provide access to the NZRU and the RPC to medical information relating to the Player (including injury history) for purposes related to the provision of Services including injury research and new contract medical assessments.
Section 8.1 A Player shall devote whatever time is necessary to perform his duties as a player and promoter of soccer, the Team and MLS as set forth in this CBA, including the SPA. A Player shall at all times, and to the best of his ability, perform all of the duties that may be required of and from him pursuant to the terms of this CBA.
Section 8.2 Except as otherwise limited hereunder, a Player shall perform his duties and responsibilities at such place or places and at such times as may be designated by MLS. A Player’s services may be assigned to the central MLS player pool or to any Team in the League, in a manner consistent with the terms of this CBA. Thus, a Player may be required to relocate within the United States or Canada, in order to fulfill his duties under this CBA. MLS will notify the Player as to the Team to which he shall initially be assigned. Because MLS Teams compete nationally and may compete internationally, a Player may be required to travel in order to fulfill his duties under this CBA. The Player agrees to undertake such travel as may be required by MLS, in its sole and absolute discretion, and agrees that he shall travel in accordance with MLS’s directions unless MLS requests that the Player make his own arrangements. Those Players with P-1 visas must give MLS forty-eight (48) hours advance notice of personal travel outside the United States, except in the case of emergencies that make such notice impracticable; MLS shall give each such Player written notice of this requirement upon his signing of an SPA (or upon arrival in his MLS Team’s city) and then annually, in the Player’s native language if he is not fluent in English. A Player who fails to give the required notice of such travel shall be subject to progressive discipline. A Player must maintain valid documents to be able to travel and otherwise perform his obligations (i.e. a valid U.S. passport or visa, travel authorization documents, etc.) MLS shall pay any immigration fees associated with the non-immigrant visa application process, including renewal fees (if the Player continues to be employed by MLS). MLS is also obligated to pay fees necessary to the non-immigrant visa application process and renewal fees for the Player’s Immediate Family. For Players assigned to Teams in Canada, MLS will use reasonable efforts to arrange, and will pay for, work permits for the spouse of any non-Canadian Player, if it is possible under Canadian laws to obtain such a work permit. MLS...
PLAYER OBLIGATIONS. The Player agrees to: When directed by the Club or an authorised official of the Club: To attend Matches in which the Club is engaged; To participate in any Matches in which he is selected to play for the Club; To attend at any reasonable place for the purposes of and to participate in training and match preparation; To undertake such other duties and to participate in such other activities as are consistent with the performance of his duties under clauses 3(a)(i) to (iii). Save in the case of the Player being selected to play in: Representative Matches; To play in the NRL Competitions by the Club or by an Affiliated NRL Club; To play in a NSWRL Competition by an Affiliated NSWRL Club, where the Club does not participate in that particular NSWRL Competition; to play the Game solely for the Club or as authorised by the Club or as required by the NSWRL Rules. Play and train to the best of his skill and ability at all times. Play the Game in a sportsmanlike manner and in accordance with the Laws of the Game. Obey all reasonable directions of the Club relating to training for and playing the Game. Maintain a high standard of physical fitness at all times except to the extent that the Player is prevented from doing so by reason of injury or illness. Not indulge in any activity, sport or practice which might endanger the Player’s physical fitness or inhibit the Player’s mental or physical ability to play, train for or practice for rugby league. Comply with and act in accordance with all lawful instructions of the Club or any authorised official of the Club. Undergo drug testing if and when required to do so by the Club, the NSWRL, the ARL Commission or ASADA. Join, and maintain membership of the Club or the Club’s associated leagues club for the Term. Be bound by, and comply with, the provisions of: The Club’s constitution and the Club Rules; The NSWRL Rules insofar as the NSWRL Rules relate to the Player, including the following rules, regulations and policies set out within the NSWRL Rules or otherwise adopted by the NSWRL: The code of conduct; The Anti-Doping Rules; The anti-vilification policy The rules which govern proceedings before the NSWRL Judiciary; The rules which govern proceedings before the NSWRL Appeals Committee; Any operations manual which applies in respect of NSWRL Competitions or any NSWRL Competition Any privacy policy adopted by NSWRL in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Xxx 0000 (Cth); The Player Registration Application; and...
PLAYER OBLIGATIONS. 5.1 The Player agrees to:
(a) subject to clause 5.2, pay to the Company the Fees in accordance with Schedule Item 2.
(b) notify the Company of any change in address or telephone number within seven days of that change;
(c) direct all marketing or promotional offers made to the Player to the Company for negotiation where this Agreement provides for the exclusive provision of Services relating to procuring marketing and promotional opportunities for the Player;
(d) disclose all income received by the Player relating to the Services, including copies of corresponding agreements; and
(e) do all things reasonably necessary to assist the Company its employees and contractors to carry out its obligations under this Agreement.
5.2 The obligation of the Player to pay the Fee is subject to the Company performing the Services and providing the Player with a valid tax invoice specifying the amount due and including a description of the Services provided by the Company during the relevant invoice period.
PLAYER OBLIGATIONS. 1.1 Attend all training sessions and team meetings of the Club;
1.2 Obey all reasonable directions of the Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager and Committee of Management members;
1.3 Be available for all fixtured games of the season and play in all matches in which he/she is selected to play or as otherwise directed by the Club unless a duly qualified Medical Practitioner rules him / her unfit to play;
1.4 Comply with all reasonable requirements of the Club relating to preparation for matches, training attendance, attendance at social functions, behaviour and dress and to attend all required club functions;
1.5 Not play or train with any other Club or team without first obtaining the consent in writing from the Committee of Management;
1.6 It’s the player’s responsibility to maintain membership of recognised hospital and medical benefits fund which provides hospital, medical and dental benefits coverage and must have ambulance subscription;
1.7 Players must adhere to Club Dress code of black slacks or approved substitute, black shoes and players top (club hoodie optional if cold) for arrival and departure for games and after match function. Dress code is taken seriously as Big V has the ability to fine any club not following dress codes. Fines will be passed onto any player that incurs the fine;
1.8 By signing this contract I agree to adhere to the MDBA Big V policies and guidelines and the Rules and Regulations of the Association, Basketball Victoria Codes of Conduct of the Club and rules and regulations of Big V.
PLAYER OBLIGATIONS. 1.1 Attend all training sessions and team meetings of the Club;
1.2 Obey all reasonable directions of the Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager and Committee of Management members;
1.3 Commit to attending no less than 2 hours of support per month to a Breakers junior team either at training sessions or matches;
1.4 Be available for all fixtured games of the season and play in all matches in which he/she is selected to play or as otherwise directed by the Club unless a duly qualified Medical Practitioner rules him / her unfit to play;
1.5 Comply with all reasonable requirements of the Club relating to preparation for matches, training attendance, attendance at social functions, behaviour and dress and to attend all required club functions;
1.6 Not play or train with any other Club or team without first obtaining the consent in writing from the Committee of Management;
1.7 It’s the player’s responsibility to maintain membership of recognised hospital and medical benefits fund which provides hospital, medical and dental benefits coverage and must have ambulance subscription;
1.8 Players must adhere to Club Dress code of black slacks or approved substitute, black shoes and players top (club hoodie optional if cold) for arrival and departure for games and after match function. Dress code is taken seriously as Big V has the ability to fine any club not following dress codes. Fines will be passed onto any player that incurs the fine;
1.9 By signing this contract I agree to adhere to the MDBA Big V policies and guidelines and the Rules and Regulations of the Association, Basketball Victoria Codes of Conduct of the Club and rules and regulations of Big V.
PLAYER OBLIGATIONS. Players (and, for all references to Players in this Article 17, Reserve Players) shall not do anything detrimental or prejudicial to the best interests of any or all of the League Entities or the sport of hockey. Players shall at all times conform their conduct to standards of good citizenship, good moral character, and good sportsmanship. Without limiting the foregoing, Players shall also be required at all times to comply with all terms and provisions of this Agreement; to perform all services required under their SPAs; to comply at all times with all applicable federal, state, and local laws; to be neatly attired and present a professional appearance during Player appearances, travel days, and travel to and from practice or playing facilities; and to follow all reasonable rules and regulations of the PWHL and its Teams promulgated in accordance with this Agreement.
PLAYER OBLIGATIONS. 5.1. By signing this Agreement, the Player agrees to the following: Abide the Statute and internal rules/regulations of the Club, as well as the normative acts of FBK, FIBA, KOK and KON. The internal regulations of the Club will be presented in English to the player in the form of an annex to this contract, within ______ days after signing the contract. The internal rules (and any subsequent modification thereof) will produce effects only after being signed by the Player and Agent. Attend all practices, team meetings, matches (exhibitions) and official games in which the Club is officially represented, unless illness or injury prevents his/her appearance. Upon prior notification and consent, Player has the obligation to be available for the official needs of the club, including the Club’s or its sponsor’s promotional activities, events for sponsors, friendly matches, and other organizations where the club is officially represented. The player agrees to give his/her image for the promotion of the Club. Player undertakes to use only the services of a FIBA-licensed Agent in the context of signing the Contract. Provide Club with prompt notice of any injury or illness. Provide best services and show loyalty to the Club. Fulfil all obligations in accordance with the Club's program during the term of this Agreement. Abide the Club's Disciplinary Regulations and use all his/her physical and mental capacity to achieve peak results with the Club. Protect the interest and prestige of the Club and the sport of basketball, both during matches/trainings and during free time. Refrain from any public appearances (radio, newspaper or television) without written consent from the Club.
5.2. The Player's obligations to the Club shall cease after the completion of the Club's last official game of the 20__/20__ basketball season.