Bid Data Sheet. Bid Data Sheet ITB Clause
Bid Data Sheet. Bid Data Sheet
Bid Data Sheet. The following specific data for the goods to be procured shall complement, supplement, or amend the provisions in the Instruction to Bidders (ITB) Part-I. Whenever, there is a conflict the provisions herein shall prevail over those in ITB.
Bid Data Sheet. Notes on the Bid Data Sheet
(a) Information that specifies and complements provisions of Section II must be incorporated.
(b) Amendments and/or supplements, if any, to provisions of Section II as necessitated by the circumstances of the specific procurement, must also be incorporated. For foreign-assisted projects, the Bid Data Sheet to be used is provided in Section IX- Foreign-Assisted Projects.
1.1 The Procuring Entity is Department of Education -
Bid Data Sheet. ITB Clause
Bid Data Sheet. This section consists of provisions that are specific to each procurement and supplement the information or requirements included in Section I. Instructions to Bidders.
Bid Data Sheet. The following specific data for the goods to be procured shall complement, supplement, or amend the provisions in the Instruction to Bidders. Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in the Instructions to Bidders. Relevant clause(s) of Instruction to Bidders Specific data complementing, supplementing, or amending instructions to Bidders Language of the Bid English Bid Price The prices quoted shall be as per following INCOTERMS 2000 and place: Terms of delivery : DDU or FCA, Shipping insurance paid by Seller. Please Note : DDU for imported goods; FCA for locally available goods (please specify) Place of destination: UNDP Office, Langxane Avenue, PO Box 345, Vientiane, Lao PDR, and on occasions other addresses within Vientiane. Documents Establishing Bidder’s Eligibility & Qualifications Required. Please provide technical documents for the products proposed. Bid Validity Period. 120 days Bid Security Not required. However, in case if bidder pursues unacceptable arrangements outlined in Instruction to bidders, clause 13, Bid Security, sub-item (g), the bidder may be permanently disqualified from further biddings being conducted by UNDP Lao PDR. Preliminary Examination completeness of bid. Bidders may make complete bid for one Lot or any combination of Lots permitted. Partial Lots are not permitted. Alternate bids Alternate bid allowed maximum of one. Quarterly price verification UNDP reserves the right to verify prices of goods under LTA(s) on a quarterly basis and to negotiate prices to ensure value for money.
Bid Data Sheet. Notes on the Bid Data Sheet
Bid Data Sheet. Bid Data Sheet
1.1 The Procuring Entity is the PHILIPPINE ECONOMIC ZONE AUTHORITY The name of the Contract is 3-Year Maintenance Agreement for CISCO Wireless Network Equipment Deployed at the Head Office and 3 Public Economic Zones: CEZ, MEZ and BCEZ. The identification number of the Contract is PEZA-HO-2019-04.
1.2 The lot(s) and reference is/are: 3-Year Maintenance Agreement for CISCO Wireless Network Equipment Deployed at the Head Office and 3 Public Economic Zones: CEZ, MEZ and BCEZ. (PEZA-HO-2019-04) 2 The Funding Source is: The Government of the Philippines (GOP) through PEZA Corporate Operating Budget for CY 2019 in the amount of Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand Only (P2,700,000.00).
3.1 No further instructions.