Bumping & Recall Process Sample Clauses

Bumping & Recall Process. (a) Probationary employees shall be the first to be laid off provided that employees with the necessary skill, ability and qualifications, in the judgement of the Employer, are available to perform the normal required work. (b) Nothing in this Article shall entitle Bargaining Unit employee at one branch of the Employer to displace a Bargaining Unit employee at the other branch except that: (i) When an employee has exhausted all bumping rights at his home branch as set out below and is about to be laid off, he/she may bump the junior most employee at the other branch covered by this agreement whose work he is fully qualified to perform provided he has more seniority than the most junior employee. (ii) Once the laid off employee has exercised his/her bumping rights for a position in the other branch, he will be given credit for bargaining unit seniority accrued at the first branch. (c) Employees who are to be laid off for more than three (3) consecutive work days will be laid off within their Classification at his/her branch (either Scarborough or Mississauga) in reverse order of seniority provided they have the knowledge, training, qualifications skill and ability needed by the Company for the remaining work. (d) The junior displaced employee(s) in the Classification affected will be able to displace/bump the junior employee in the next lower classification(s) at the same branch provided they have the Knowledge, training, qualifications, skill and ability and qualifications needed by the Company for the remaining work. (e) This process shall be repeated at each lower classification by the affected employee(s) until all such employee(s) have been placed into jobs or laid off. (f) If the last affected employee at such branch is to be laid off to the street, the procedure in 9.2(b) (i) above, will apply. (g) The posting procedure in the Collective Agreement shall not apply until the recall processing has been completed. (h) In determining the ability of an employee to perform the work for the purpose of the paragraphs above, the Employer shall not act in an unreasonable manner.
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Related to Bumping & Recall Process

  • Recall Procedure (a) A laid-off faculty member shall be offered reemployment when a vacancy becomes available for which the bargaining unit member is qualified. A faculty member will be recalled according to the principles of last laid off/first recalled, provided the faculty member is qualified to perform the duties of the position to be filled. (b) Faculty members being recalled shall be notified by mail, e-mail, and telephone to their last known address and shall have fifteen (15) working days from the date of delivery confirmation to respond affirmatively in writing. It shall be the faculty member’s responsibility to provide the College with a current address and make appropriate arrangements for forwarding receipt of mail if the faculty member will be away from their address for more than five (5) calendar days. (c) If the faculty member fails to accept the recall in writing to the College within fifteen (15) working days from the date the delivery of recall notification was confirmed, the faculty member shall be removed from the recall list and the College shall have no further obligation to the faculty member. The faculty member who has been laid-off shall remain on a recall list for two (2) years after layoff. (d) A faculty member who is laid off shall not be considered to have broken continuous service with the College, but shall not accumulate any additional service time during the period of layoff. During the recall period, the faculty member’s compensation, including benefits, shall cease, but shall be reinstated when recalled with the following exceptions: (i) Medical/Dental/Vision Insurance: COBRA will apply. (ii) Sick Leave: Faculty will retain accrued sick leave but will not accrue additional leave during the period of layoff. Sick leave may not be applied during the lay off period.

  • Layoff and Recall Procedure a. In the event that a bargaining unit member's position is eliminated or reduced, or the bargaining unit member is bumped, said bargaining unit member shall have the right to bump the bargaining unit member with the least seniority among those bargaining unit members with equal or more scheduled work hours in the classification; provided that said bargaining unit member is qualified for the position. b. Only if no position is available with equal or more scheduled work hours in the classification for which the employee is qualified and for which she is more senior, said bargaining unit member shall have the right to bump the bargaining unit member with lower seniority among those bargaining unit members whose number of work hours in the classification most closely aligns with her original hours; provided that said bargaining unit member is qualified for the position. The bargaining unit member shall have no more than two (2) work days after receipt of her layoff notice or schedule reduction notice to notify the Board in writing of her intention to exercise her right to bump, and the specific position which she intends to bump. If the employee fails to exercise her right to bump within two workdays under this article, she shall be laid off. If the employee exercises her right to bump under this article, the Board shall notify the bargaining unit member within two (2) workdays to verify the effective starting date for the position, and follow up said notification in writing as soon as practicable. c. When a vacancy occurs, bargaining unit members in the classification who are on layoff shall be recalled in the following order: (1) Laid off bargaining unit members in the classification of the vacancy in the order of most seniority first; (2) Laid off bargaining unit members not in the classification of the vacancy in the order of most seniority first, provided that the bargaining unit member is qualified for the job; (3) In no case shall a new employee be hired by the Board while there are laid-off bargaining unit members who are qualified for a vacant or newly-created bargaining unit position.

  • Recall Procedures A. Eligibility to be recalled from layoff and employment shall terminate after fourteen (14) months. Employees shall be recalled from layoff based on seniority in the following order: 1. Employees shall be recalled to the position from which they were laid off starting within the employee’s Department; or, 2. Employees shall be recalled to other positions within the position series from which they were laid off starting with the employee’s Department and then other Departments, provided the employee possesses the qualifications, performance record, aptitude, and ability to perform the work; or 3. Employees shall be recalled to other positions the employee previously held, provided the employee completed probation in that position starting with the employee’s Department and then other Departments, and provided the employee possesses the qualifications, performance record, aptitude, and ability to perform the work. 4. Employees shall be recalled from layoff into vacant County positions not previously held provided: 1) The employee possesses the qualifications, performance record, aptitude, ability to perform the work, and the ability to meet the minimum requirements for the position as defined in the job description; and 2) The employee specifies in writing to the Human Resources Office, within thirty (30) days of the date of layoff, the position(s) they want to be considered for recall. B. Employees on layoff who have been offered recall, and who have voluntarily refused such recall, shall be removed from the recall list and their employment shall be terminated. A form provided by the Human Resources Office signed by the employee shall document this recall refusal. C. When necessary, the Human Resources Director shall determine the recalled employee’s qualifications, performance record, aptitude, and ability to perform the work through discussions with the applicable Supervisor and a meeting with the employee. The employee shall be notified of the right to have a representative of his or her choosing present. If there is a disagreement over the County not allowing the employee to exercise recall rights, the Human Resources Director shall document this disagreement. D. After finding out more information about a specific job(s), a recalled employee may decide their overall qualifications, aptitude and ability are not compatible with the requirements of the job and may request to remain on the County recall list rather than pursue recall to the available position. Authorization to remain on layoff status, and return to the recall list after declining recall, must be mutually agreed upon. A form produced by the Human Resources Office and signed by the employee shall document this process. E. Laid off employees shall report to work on the date specified in the notice of recall, such date shall be not less than fourteen (14) days from the date of the notice unless mutually agreed upon.

  • Complaints Process The School shall establish and adhere to a process for resolving public complaints which shall include an opportunity for complainants to be heard. The final administrative appeal shall be heard by the School's Governing Board, except where the complaint pertains to a possible violation of any law or term under this Contract. The complaints process shall be readily accessible from the School’s website, as described in Section 11.4.1.

  • Formal Process STEP 3 –

  • Grievance Processing Union stewards or Union officials shall be permitted to have time off without loss of pay for the investigation and processing of grievances and arbitrations. Requests for such time off shall be made in advance and shall not be unreasonably denied. The Union will furnish the Employer with a list of Union stewards and their jurisdictions. The Union shall delineate the jurisdiction of Union stewards so that no xxxxxxx need travel between work locations or sub-divisions thereof while investigating grievances. Grievants shall be permitted to have time off without loss of pay for processing their grievances through the contractual grievance procedure, except that for class action grievances no more than three (3) grievants shall be granted such leave.

  • Grievance Process (a) Either party, with the agreement of the other party, may submit a grievance to Grievance Mediation at any time within ten (10) working days after the Employer’s decision has been rendered at the step prior to arbitration. Where the matter is so referred, the mediation process shall take place before the matter is referred to Arbitrator. (b) Grievance Mediation shall be scheduled within twenty (20) working days of the grievance being submitted to mediation, or longer period as agreed by the parties. (c) No matter may be submitted to Grievance Mediation which has not been properly carried through the grievance procedure, provided that the parties may extend the time limits fixed in the grievance procedure. (d) The parties shall agree on a mediator. (e) Proceedings before the Mediator shall be informal. Accordingly, the rules of evidence will not apply, no record of the proceedings shall be made and legal counsel shall not be used by either party, unless otherwise mutually agreed. (f) If possible, an agreed statement of facts will be provided to the Mediator, and if possible, in advance of the Grievance Mediation Conference. (g) The Mediator will have the authority to meet separately with either party. (h) If no settlement is reached within five (5) working days following Grievance Mediation, the parties are free to submit the matter to Arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement. In the event that a grievance which has been mediated subsequently proceeds to arbitration, no person serving as the Mediator may serve as an Arbitrator, unless otherwise mutually agreed. Nothing said or done by the mediator may be referred to Arbitration. (i) The Union and Employer will share the cost of the Mediator, if any.

  • Ordering Process 6.4.1 CLEC, or CLEC's agent, shall act as the single point of contact for its End User Customers' service needs, including without limitation, sales, service design, order taking, Provisioning, change orders, training, maintenance, trouble reports, repair, post-sale servicing, Billing, collection and inquiry. CLEC's End User Customers contacting Qwest in error will be instructed to contact CLEC; and Qwest's End User Customers contacting CLEC in error will be instructed to contact Qwest. In responding to calls, neither Party shall make disparaging remarks about each other. To the extent the correct provider can be determined, misdirected calls received by either Party will be referred to the proper provider of local Exchange Service; however, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to prohibit Qwest or CLEC from discussing its products and services with CLEC's or Qwest's End User Customers who call the other Party seeking such information. 6.4.2 CLEC shall transmit to Qwest all information necessary for the ordering (Billing, Directory Listing and other information), installation, repair, maintenance and post-installation servicing according to Qwest's standard procedures, as described in the Qwest Product Catalog (PCAT) available on Qwest's public web site located at xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xxx/wholesale/pcat. Information shall be provided using Qwest's designated Local Service Request (LSR) format which may include the LSR, End User Customer and resale forms. 6.4.3 Qwest will use the same performance standards and criteria for installation, Provisioning, maintenance, and repair of services provided to CLEC for resale under this Agreement as Qwest provides to itself, its Affiliates, its subsidiaries, other Resellers, and Qwest retail End User Customers. The installation, Provisioning, maintenance, and repair processes for CLEC's resale service requests are detailed in the Access to OSS Section of this Agreement, and are applicable whether CLEC's resale service requests are submitted via Operational Support System or by facsimile. 6.4.4 CLEC is responsible for providing to Qwest complete and accurate End User Customer Directory Listing information including initial and updated information for Directory Assistance Service, white pages directories, and E911/911 Emergency Services. The Ancillary Services Section of this Agreement contains complete terms and conditions for Directory Listings for Directory Assistance Services, white pages directories, and E911/911 Emergency Services. 6.4.5 If Qwest's retail End User Customer, or the End User Customer's New Service Provider orders the discontinuance of the End User Customer's existing Qwest service in anticipation of the End User Customer moving to a New Service Provider, Qwest will render its closing xxxx to the End User Customer, discontinuing Billing as of the date of the discontinuance of Qwest's service to the End User Customer. If the Current Service Provider, or if the End User Customer's New Service Provider orders the discontinuance of existing resold service from the Current Service Provider, Qwest will xxxx the Current Service Provider for service through the date the End User Customer receives resold service from the Current Service Provider. Qwest will notify CLEC by Operational Support System interface, facsimile, or by other agreed-upon processes when an End User Customer moves from the Current Service Provider to a New Service Provider. Qwest will not provide the Current Service Provider with the name of the New Service Provider selected by the End User Customer. 6.4.6 CLEC shall provide Qwest and Qwest shall provide CLEC with points of contact for order entry, problem resolution and repair of the resold services. These points of contact will be identified for both CLEC and Qwest in the event special attention is required on a service request. 6.4.7 Prior to placing orders on behalf of the End User Customer, CLEC shall be responsible for obtaining and having in its possession Proof of Authorization (POA), as set forth in the POA Section of this Agreement. 6.4.8 Due Date intervals for CLEC's resale service requests are established when service requests are received by Qwest through Operational Support Systems or by facsimile. Intervals provided to CLEC shall be equivalent to intervals provided by Qwest to itself, its Affiliates, its subsidiaries, other Resellers, and to Qwest's retail End User Customers.

  • Informal Process The Informal Process provides an Employee with the opportunity to resolve his or her concern by using the open door process, with the assistance of a FC member, within 30 calendar days of the date the Employee became aware of the issue. While an Employee may speak with anyone in the open door process regarding a concern or problem, the Employee is encouraged to take this concern up with his immediate supervisor or may request the assistance of the Employee Advocate or a FC member to facilitate resolution of the issue.

  • COMPLAINT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall maintain and adhere to its written procedures for responding to parent complaints. These procedures shall include annually notifying and providing parents of LEA students with appropriate information (including complaint forms) for the following: (1) Uniform Complaint Procedures pursuant to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 4600 et seq.; (2) Nondiscrimination policy pursuant to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 4960 (a); (3) Sexual Harassment Policy, California Education Code 231.5 (a) (b) (c); (4) Title IX Pupil Grievance Procedure, Title IX 106.8 (a) (d) and 106.9 (a); and (5) Notice of Privacy Practices in compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), if applicable. CONTRACTOR shall include verification of these procedures to the LEA upon request. CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify LEA of any complaints filed against it related to LEA students and provide LEA with all documentation related to the complaints and/or its investigation of complaints, including any and all reports generated as a result of an investigation.

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