Lower Classification. In the event a classification review results in a position being reclassified to a lower level, the employee shall, as long as he or she remains in the position, continue to receive his or her salary rate until such time as the salary rate of the revised classification, through increments provided for under the Collective Agreement, meet or exceed the salary rate the employee receives prior to the reclassification.
Lower Classification. 18 A classification for which the applicable pay range has a lower top step.
Lower Classification. An employee temporarily leaving their own classification to work at a classification carrying a lower rate shall be paid at their regular rate.
Lower Classification. Employees who bump into a lower classification as a result of layoff shall receive his/her current salary or the maximum salary range for the lower classification, whichever is less.
Lower Classification. In the event a reclassification/modification results in a lower rate of pay, the employee shall continue to receive their salary rate including increments and negotiated salary adjustments until such time as they are offered a position at an equivalent or higher level or accept another position through a competition or voluntary process. Should the employee decline the offer of a position at an equivalent or higher level, this salary protection shall cease.
Lower Classification. Where assigned in a lower classification, s/he shall be credited at the lowest aircraft rate within his/her regular classification.
Lower Classification a. Least Senior Office Employee with the same number of weeks per year (if none, go to 3. b.).
b. Least Senior Office Employee with a lesser amount of weeks per year (if none, go to 3. c.).
c. Least Senior Office Employee with a greater amount of weeks per year (if none, go to 4.).
Lower Classification. A worker, when required by the Home on a temporary basis to work in a lower-rated bargaining unit position, shall be paid his/her regular rate. However, when a worker is permanently transferred to a lower-rated bargaining unit position, he/she shall be paid at the same step in the lower grade.
Lower Classification. An Employee who has chosen to bump into a lower paying classification shall retain their position on the recall list for recall to the classification from which they were laid off.
Lower Classification. In the event a reclassification results in a lower rate of pay, the employee shall, as long as he or she remains in the position, be “green circled” salary protected and continue to receive his or her salary rate until such time as the salary rate of the revised classification, through increments provided for under the present Collective Agreement, meets or exceed the salary rate the employee presently receives. For clarity, the salary rate would be subject to economic and incremental increases until the employee vacates the position or the applicable maximum salary for the position under the classification system meets or exceeds the maximum of the protected salary range.