Layoff and Recall Procedure Sample Clauses

Layoff and Recall Procedure a. In the event that a bargaining unit member's position is eliminated or reduced, or the bargaining unit member is bumped, said bargaining unit member shall have the right to bump the bargaining unit member with the least seniority among those bargaining unit members with equal or more scheduled work hours in the classification; provided that said bargaining unit member is qualified for the position. b. Only if no position is available with equal or more scheduled work hours in the classification for which the employee is qualified and for which she is more senior, said bargaining unit member shall have the right to bump the bargaining unit member with lower seniority among those bargaining unit members whose number of work hours in the classification most closely aligns with her original hours; provided that said bargaining unit member is qualified for the position. The bargaining unit member shall have no more than two (2) work days after receipt of her layoff notice or schedule reduction notice to notify the Board in writing of her intention to exercise her right to bump, and the specific position which she intends to bump. If the employee fails to exercise her right to bump within two workdays under this article, she shall be laid off. If the employee exercises her right to bump under this article, the Board shall notify the bargaining unit member within two (2) workdays to verify the effective starting date for the position, and follow up said notification in writing as soon as practicable. c. When a vacancy occurs, bargaining unit members in the classification who are on layoff shall be recalled in the following order: (1) Laid off bargaining unit members in the classification of the vacancy in the order of most seniority first; (2) Laid off bargaining unit members not in the classification of the vacancy in the order of most seniority first, provided that the bargaining unit member is qualified for the job; (3) In no case shall a new employee be hired by the Board while there are laid-off bargaining unit members who are qualified for a vacant or newly-created bargaining unit position.
Layoff and Recall Procedure. Both Parties recognize that job security should increase in proportion to length of service. Therefore, in the event of a layoff, employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their seniority. Employees shall be recalled in the order of their seniority, providing they are qualified to do the work.
Layoff and Recall Procedure. It is hereby specifically recognized that it is within the sole discretion of the Board to reduce its education program, curriculum, and/or staff and that the procedures set forth in this article shall be used in laying off personnel.
Layoff and Recall Procedure. In the event of a reduction in the working force of a job classification, employees shall be laid off in accordance with the seniority principle set forth in Section 7.3 of this Article. In the event of an increase in the working force in a job classification following a reduction, employees will be recalled in the reverse order of their removal or displacement as the need for additional employees presents itself, provided they are qualified to perform the work available.
Layoff and Recall Procedure. 36.01 Prior to reducing the work force, the Employer shall notify an Employee to be laid off twenty-one (21) calendar days in advance of the layoff. During those twenty-one (21) calendar days the Employer may, if such is necessary, assign the Employee to other duties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Employer is unable to provide the Employee with work during this twenty-one (21) day period, they shall, for the last fourteen (14) day period only, pay the Employee at the Basic Rate of Pay in lieu of notice. Neither the twenty- one (21) nor fourteen (14) day provisions apply to a probationary Employee or where the layoff results from an Act of God, fire, flood, or a work stoppage of Employees and others which may be certified in different bargaining units. 36.02 Prior to implementation of the provisions of this Article the Employer will meet with the Union to inform the Union of the Employer’s intentions. 36.03 For the purpose of this Article, “paygrade” shall mean classifications with the same maximum rate of pay. 36.04 Employees with less than one (1) year of seniority are not eligible to displace and are subject to layoff. Such Employees will be transferred to casual status and be eligible to apply on open competitions. 36.05 When there is a classification where the least senior Employee occupies a position with a particular skill set, that position will be bypassed, and the next senior employee’s position will be considered as the position eligible for displacement. These situations will be closely reviewed on a case by case basis. 36.06 Affected employees whose FTE is being altered or eliminated will be given an option to remain in their modified position, provided there is no change in status from Part-time to Full-time or Part-time non-benefit eligible to Part-time benefit eligible status. They will not be placed on recall, nor will they be given priority for additional shifts. Employees who are eligible for this option will be given three (3) calendar days to advise the Employer in writing as to their decision. Employees who do not choose this option will enter into the following layoff process. 36.07 Regular Full-time Employees who are given position elimination or displacement notice will exercise one of the following options within five (5) calendar days: (a) (i) select a vacancy for which the Employee has the qualifications to perform the duties of the position in an equal or lower paygrade;
Layoff and Recall Procedure. (a) When layoff occurs within a department, the employee with the least seniority within the particular classification shall be the first laid off. (b) Employees who restrict their availability for hours of work or work schedules will not be protected by their seniority for recall. (c) In the event of a layoff, the order of layoff within the affected classification and department shall be as follows: Probationary employees, then employees with the least seniority. (d) An employee who has been laid off and wishes to be recalled must insure that the Employer has a current phone number and address for purposes of recall. Failure on the part of the employee to provide this information may result in the employee forfeiting their recall rights. (e) The Employer agrees that recall notification will be by direct contact (including personal contact and telephone contact) or registered mail. Any employee failing to report for duty within sixty (60) hours, excluding Saturday and Sunday from the time of such notification, shall be considered to have resigned without notice.
Layoff and Recall Procedure. 11.3.1 In the event of a lay-off, employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their seniority, within their own classification and District, provided the remaining employees have the required knowledge, ability and qualifications to do the job. 11.3.2 In the event of a layoff employees shall, where positions are available, be given the opportunity to be placed into a vacant position within the District from which they were laid off, provided employees meet the criteria outlined in Clause 10.3 and provided such positions are equal to or less than their present classification. 11.3.3 If not placed as per Clause 11.3.2, such employees shall be given an opportunity to bump the most junior employee within an equal or lower classification within the District from which they were laid off, provided the employee has the required knowledge, ability and qualifications to do the job. Employees so bumped may similarly exercise their rights as set out above. In the event that the most junior employee within a District is bumped and has no opportunity to exercise a bump within his/her own District, that employee shall be entitled to exercise seniority to maintain employment in the Bargaining Unit by bumping the most junior employee within an equal or lower classification within the Bargaining Unit. The employee exercising the bump must have the required knowledge, ability and qualifications to do the job. 11.3.4 Employees on lay-off shall be recalled in the order of their seniority within their classification or facility or former program within their District, provided they have the required knowledge, ability and qualifications to do the job. 11.3.5 It is the responsibility of every employee to notify the Employer promptly of his/her most current address and telephone number. If an employee fails to make this notification to the Employer, the Employer shall not be responsible for the failure of notice of recall to reach the employee. All layoff and recall notices shall be copied to the Union’s office.
Layoff and Recall Procedure. (a) When layoff occurs within a department, the employee with the least seniority within the particular classification shall be the first laid off. Employees on probation will be laid off before employees holding seniority. (b) Employees who restrict their availability for hours of work or work schedules will not be protected by their seniority for recall. (c) An employee who has been laid off and wishes to be recalled must insure that the Employer has a current phone number and address for purposes of recall. Failure on the part of the employee to provide this information may result in the employee forfeiting their recall rights. (d) The Employer agrees that recall notification will be by direct contact (including personal contact and telephone contact), or registered mail. Any employee failing to report for duty within sixty (60) hours, excluding Saturday and Sunday from the time of such notification, shall be considered to have resigned without notice.
Layoff and Recall Procedure. In the event of a layoff, employees shall be laid off within their classification series in reverse order of their classification seniority. Employees shall be recalled in the reverse order that they were laid off. Recall shall be subject to the employee being qualified to perform the duties of the position. Employees laid off shall be given preference to job opportunities, prior to the hiring of new persons, in other classifications if they are qualified to perform the work available. For the purpose of this article, classification series means all levels of a classification. Displacement of employees (bumping) as a result of a layoff is restricted to lateral or downward displacements.
Layoff and Recall Procedure. In the event the Employer finds it necessary and desires to reduce its staff by laying off workers, it shall notify the Union as expeditiously as possible of its intention, and shall inform the Union of the names of the workers who have been or who are to be laid off, as well as the effective date of the layoff. In cases of layoff, probationary employees shall be laid off first without regard to their individual periods of employment. If layoffs continue beyond probationary and temporary employees, additional employees shall be laid off in reverse order of seniority. Whenever a vacancy occurs, workers who are on layoff shall be recalled with the last person laid off in that job classification being recalled first. Recall shall thereafter continue in reverse order of layoff. Nothing contained herein shall deprive the Employer of the right, at its discretion, to hire a temporary employee for the duration of a worker’s contractual leave of absence or for the duration of a worker’s absence as a result of sickness, accident, or injury on the job, vacation or any other absence. In the event a worker covered by this Agreement is offered and accepts a position outside the bargaining unit, such worker shall lose all of his/her seniority rights under this Agreement. It shall be the responsibility of the worker to keep the Employer informed of his/her present address and telephone number and to notify the Employer, in writing of any such changes within one (1) week of the date of any change.