Cement Sample Clauses

Cement. Cement shall be as described in Concrete Work.
Cement. Cement shall comply with British Standards as follows: Portland cement - B.S. 12 Rapid hardening cement - B.S. 12 Except as regards the addition of colorant to BS 1014 which should not exceed 5% of cement by weight Sulphate resisting Portland cement complies with BS 4027. Rapid hardening cement may be used in lieu of ordinary Portland cement only with the prior approval of the Architect or Engineer provided that all conditions applying to its use are strictly observed. Any additional expenses in connection with the use of such cement shall be borne by the Contractor. The use of high alumna cement will not be permitted. All cement shall be delivered to the site in sealed bags bearing the mark of the manufacturer. Re-bagged cement, cement in torn bags will not be allowed on the site. Each consignment of cement shall be accompanied by the manufacturer‟s certificate showing that a representative sample of the consignment has been tested and complies with the appropriate specification. From time to time as requested by the Architect/Engineer, copies or the cement manufacture‟s test certificates shall be delivered to the Architect/Engineer or his representative on the site promptly, but such documents shall not preclude the Architect or Engineer from rejecting any cement which does not in every way comply with the specification.
Cement. Cement to be used for the work shall comply the following and shall be used with the prior approval of Engineer -in -charge a) Ordinary Portland cement confirming to the I.S.: 8112 shall be used. Independent testing of cement used, shall be done by the contractor at site and in the laboratory approved by the Engineer before use. Any cement with lower quality than that shown in the manufactures certificate shall be debarred from use. In case of finally ground cement or imported cement, the Engineer may direct the contractor to satisfy him as to the acceptability of such cement, especially with regard to creep and shrinkage effect. Any consignment or part of a consignment of cement, which has deteriorated in any way, shall not be used in the works and shall be removed from the site by the contractor without charge to the employer. Cement shall be transported, handled and stored on the site in such a manner as to avoid deterioration and contamination. Each consignment shall be stored separately so that it may be readily identified and inspected and cement shall be used in the sequence in which is delivered at site. The contractor shall prepare and maintain proper records on site in respect of the delivery, handling storage and use of cement and these records shall be available for inspection by the Engineer at all times.
Cement. Cement used in the building to be premium quality.
Cement. Cement used in the building to be premium quality- Xxxxxx & Toubro/ACC/Gujarat Ambuja/Birla Cement/Century Cement / other reputed manufactures.
Cement. All cement shall be from reputable manufacturers and conform to international standards. Cement shall be stored where it cannot be damaged by rain or moisture and shall be free of lumps when used. Sulphate-resisting cement shall be used for foundations and ordinary Portland cement for other works or as directed by Engineer or his representative.
Cement. (i) Unless otherwise specified in the Specification or called for by the Engineer, cement shall be ordinary Portland cement in 50 kg. bags. The use of bulk cement will be permitted only with the approval of the Engineer. Changing of brands or type of cement within the same structure should be avoided as far as possible. (ii) The Contractor will have to make his own arrangements for procurement and storage of adequate quantity of cement. Cement in bulk may be stored in bins or silos which will provide complete protection from dampness, contamination and minimize caking and false set. Cement bags shall be stored in a dry enclosed shed (storage under tarpaulins will not be permitted), well away from the outer walls and insulated from the floor to avoid contact with moisture from the ground and so arranged as to provide ready access. Damaged or reclaimed or partly set cement will not be permitted to be used and shall be removed from the Site. The storage bins and storage arrangements shall be such that there is no dead storage. Not more than 12 bags shall be stacked in any tier. The storage arrangement shall be approved by the Engineer. Consignments of cement shall be stored as received and shall be consumed in the order of their delivery. (iii) Cement held in storage for a period of ninety (90) days or longer shall be tested. Should at any time the Engineer have reasons to consider that any cement is defective, then irrespective of its origin. date of manufacture and /or manufacturer's test certificate, such cement shall be tested immediately at the Contractor's cost at an approved laboratory and until the results of such tests are found satisfactory, it shall not be used in any work. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim of any nature on this account.
CementExcess consumption of cement over and above the theoretical requirement as per BHEL Data upto a limit of 5% will be charged at the rate of Rs. 7191/per M.T. + applicable taxes at the time of recovery. Consumption beyond 5% will be charged at the punitive recovery rate of Rs. 14,382/per M.T.+ applicable taxes at the time of recovery. i. Empty cement gunny bag Rs.1.25 + Applicable GST / each ii Empty Polythene bag Rs. 0.50 + Applicable GST / each iii Empty paper bag Rs. 0.25 + Applicable GST / each.
Cement. Cement as per IS code: 456 shall be used on work ,subject to the approval of the Engineer-in- Charge.
Cement. TS-254 Cement for