Classified Professional Growth Program Sample Clauses

Classified Professional Growth Program. The Classified Professional Growth Program entitles bargaining unit members to apply for funds for the purpose of continuing education at an accredited or certified two (2) year college, four (4) year college, university, trade, or technical college level with the intent of improved performance in their current classification and preparation for promotion to a higher classification with OMSD. Said funds would be available on a reimbursement basis only, based upon successful completion of the approved coursework.
Classified Professional Growth Program. EARNING AN INCREMENT
Classified Professional Growth ProgramPAYMENT FOR AN INCREMENT 1. Moneys for earned increments shall be paid in addition to the employee’s regular salary and shall be subject to customary payroll deductions for retirement, social security, withholding tax and time off with loss of salary, etc. 2. The following schedule of payment is determined by the contract hours of the employee for the cur- rent fiscal year.
Classified Professional Growth Program. The Classified Professional Growth program (CPG) promotes the enhancement of training, knowledge, and skills for classified employees. CPGP provides recognition of employee achievement by paying a dollar stipend based on a minimum number of hours of attendance in classes and training that directly relate to classified positions in the District.

Related to Classified Professional Growth Program

  • Professional Growth This Section applies to those regularly assigned teachers who do not hold a clear multiple or single subject teaching credential and to those who desire to maintain such a credential. The minimum requirement for compliance with this Section shall be: 18.8.1 Successful service as a classroom teacher or successful service authorized by a services credential. The minimum length of service shall be equivalent to one-half (0.5) of a school year; 18.8.2 Completion of an individual program of Professional Growth that shall consist of a minimum of one-hundred-and-fifty (150) clock hours of participation in activities which contribute to competence, performance or effectiveness in the profession of education. Acceptable activities shall be defined to include: • the completion of courses offered by regionally accredited colleges and universities; • participation in educational conferences, workshops, teacher center programs, or staff development programs, including District approved school site staff development programs; • participation in systematic programs of observation and analysis of teaching; • service in a leadership role in a professional organization related to instruction; and • participation in educational research or innovation efforts. 18.8.3 An individual program of Professional Growth shall be developed and planned by the holder of a clear teaching credential. 18.8.4 Before a teacher coming under the provisions of this section commences or amends an individual program of Professional Growth, the advisor shall certify to the teacher that the planned program or amendment complies with this section. 18.8.5 The District shall designate only certificated administrators to serve as Professional Growth Advisors (hereinafter referred to as “advisor”). A list of these advisors, including work location, will be published by the District annually, prior to the beginning of the school calendar year. The responsibility of an advisor shall be to determine whether activities identified in the plan of a teacher comply with these provisions. 18.8.6 On a form provided by the state, a credential holder shall write a Professional Growth plan, which shall identify his or her Professional Growth goals, and the Professional Growth activities he or she proposes to pursue. 18.8.7 A credential holder may amend a Professional Growth plan by adding, deleting or changing any of the original or previously amended goals or proposed activities. 18.8.8 The Professional Growth advisor shall sign a Professional Growth plan, and shall initial an amendment to a Professional Growth plan, if it is in compliance with this section and the Professional Growth needs of the teacher. 18.8.9 An advisor shall complete and return to the credential holder certification of this initial plan, initialing any revisions or verification of completion within ten (10) working days of submission to the advisor. If an advisor finds that he/she cannot certify an initial plan, initial a modification, or verify completion, the advisor shall notify the credential holder of the reason(s) in writing within ten (10) working days of submission. 18.8.10 If a credential holder believes that his/her advisor has taken an adverse action that he/she considers to be arbitrary or contrary to the terms of this section, the credential holder may seek another advisor or appeal the adverse action to the Executive Secretary of the Commission on Teaching Credentialing. 18.8.11 A clock hour for purposes of credited Professional Growth Activities shall be the actual time spent in the activity, including preparation time spent only if the teacher is a presenter of the course. College, university or equivalent courses shall be credited as fifteen (15) clock hours for each semester unit, ten (10) clock hours for each quarter unit, and thirteen (13) hours for each trimester unit. 18.8.12 A teacher shall submit evidence to prove that the Professional Growth activity has been satisfactorily completed. 18.8.13 The Union and the District shall provide a joint meeting for credential holders no later than October 1st of each school year. This meeting shall be mandatory for all teachers who are subject to the provisions of this section and who are new to the District. 18.8.14 The Union and the District agree to form a Professional Growth Program Joint Advisory/Planning Committee to consider possible recommendations for modifications to this section. 18.8.15 The committee shall be composed of three (3) members appointed by the Union and three (3) members appointed by the District.

  • Professional Development Plan Professional Development Plan (PDP) refers to plans developed by faculty members addressing the criteria contained in Article 22 and Appendix G.

  • Professional Development Program (a) The parties agree to continue a Professional Development Program for the maintenance and development of the faculty members' professional competence and effectiveness. It is agreed that maintenance of currency of subject knowledge, the improvement of performance of faculty duties, and the maintenance and improvement of professional competence, including instructional skills, are the primary professional development activities of faculty members. (b) Information collected as part of this program shall be the sole property of the faculty member. This information or any judgments arising from this program shall not be used to determine non-renewal or termination of a faculty member's contract, suspension or dismissal of a faculty member, denial of advancement on the salary scale, nor affect any other administrative decisions pertaining to the promotion or employment status of the faculty member. (c) A joint advisory committee consisting of three regular faculty members who shall be elected by and are P.D. Committee Chairpersons and three administrators shall make recommendations for the operation, financing and management of the Professional Development Program.

  • Radiation Therapy/Chemotherapy Services This plan covers chemotherapy and radiation services. This plan covers respiratory therapy services. When respiratory services are provided in your home, as part of a home care program, durable medical equipment, supplies, and oxygen are covered as a durable medical equipment service.

  • HEALTH PROGRAM 3701 Health examinations required by the Employer shall be provided by the Employer and shall be at the expense of the Employer. 3702 Time off without loss of regular pay shall be allowed at a time determined by the Employer for such medical examinations and laboratory tests, provided that these are performed on the Employer’s premises, or at a facility designated by the Employer. 3703 With the approval of the Employer, a nurse may choose to be examined by a physician of her/his own choice, at her/his own expense, as long as the Employer receives a statement as to the fitness of the nurse from the physician. 3704 Time off for medical and dental examinations and/or treatments may be granted and such time off, including necessary travel time, shall be chargeable against accumulated income protection benefits.

  • Project Management Plan Developer is responsible for all quality assurance and quality control activities necessary to manage the Work, including the Utility Adjustment Work. Developer shall undertake all aspects of quality assurance and quality control for the Project and Work in accordance with the approved Project Management Plan and

  • Professional Development Funds 23.1.1 Two Professional Development Funds, a Professional Development Support Fund and an Education Leave Fund, shall be established to support professional development activities as defined in 23.2. On April 1st of each year, the College will allocate an amount equal to no less than 0.9% of total faculty salary (exclusive of severance payments) to the Professional Development Support Fund, and an amount equal to no less than 0.6% of total faculty salary to the Educational Leave Fund. Any unused balances in these funds shall carry over to the next budget year. 23.1.2 The College agrees to provide the Association with the authority to administer the program on behalf of the College for those activities approved by the College in accordance with 23.2, 23.4 and 23.5. 23.1.3 Nothing in this Agreement prevents the College from funding professional development activities in addition to those activities supported through the Professional Development Funds (23.1.1) in accordance with the procedures described in this Article.

  • Local Professional Development Committee A. There shall be a Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) to oversee, review, and approve individual professional development plans (IPDP) for course work, continuing education units and/or other equivalent activities. 1. The LPDC shall be responsible to recommend for the Superintendent’s approval, all in-service activities and workshops offered in the district during the school year for staff professional development. 2. Recommendations for District Workshops and In-Service activities should be submitted to the LPDC for approval and recommendation no later than the last school day of the year prior to the year it will be implemented. 3. The LPDC chair shall review and approve all “Professional Growth Reimbursement Application” forms. B. The LPDC shall consist of three (3) teachers appointed by the Association President and two (2) members appointed by the Superintendent. One of the Superintendent's appointees will be a Principal employed by the district. C. Appointments shall be for two (2) years with half of the committee members being appointed every other year. 1. Appointments shall be made on or before May 1. 2. The Appointments shall be made by each party outlined above, notifying the other of those appointed. 3. In the event of a vacancy, the committee members shall be replaced in accordance with "B." above. 4. The Association shall name a fourth teacher member and the Superintendent shall name a third administrative member to serve as alternates and attend trainings. These two (2) people shall act as substitutes when a committee member is absent. D. This committee shall meet monthly. 1. The committee may also be convened by the request of two sitting members. 2. A quorum shall consist of five (5) members. When administrative licenses/certificates are reviewed, two (2) sitting teacher members will abstain and the decision will be decided by three (3) members. 3. If the committee determines it is needed, they will be provided two (2) professional release days to meet during regular school hours. Substitutes will be provided for the committee members on these release days. 4. Committee members shall be provided an additional annual stipend of $1,000 for meetings beyond the normal work day or year. This stipend shall be paid in two (2) semi-annual payments. Any member who fails to serve the full year shall have the above compensation prorated on a monthly basis for each month served. 5. Decisions of the LPDC will be made by consensus of the committee members present. 6. The committee minutes shall be prepared and maintained in compliance with the laws governing the operation of committees of public bodies.

  • Staffing Plan The Board and the Association agree that optimum class size is an important aspect of the effective educational program. The Polk County School Staffing Plan shall be constructed each year according to the procedures set forth in Board Policy and, upon adoption, shall become Board Policy.

  • Professional Development Fund Article 20