CLIENT DECLARATION. 30.1. The Client solemnly declares that:
30.1.1. has carefully read and fully understood the entire text of the above terms and conditions Agreement with which he fully and unreservedly agrees;
30.1.2. has read and went through all information provided on the internet regarding the Company, its services offered, relevant Profit Share, fees and costs, general risk disclosure, client categorization, summary conflict of interest’s policy, order execution policy for CFDs, general risk disclosure and risk disclosure on CFDs and has found all relevant information up to standards.
30.1.3. consents and agrees to direct advertising through cold calling, either by phone or personal representation, automatic calls, email or other phone, electronic or digital means by the Company.
30.1.4. is over 18 and to the best of his knowledge and belief, the information provided to the Company, and any other documentation supplied is correct, complete and not misleading and he shall inform the Company of any changes to the details or information.
30.1.5. has chosen and shall choose the investment amount, taking his total financial circumstances into consideration which he considers reasonable under such circumstances.
CLIENT DECLARATION. I/We confirm that I/We have read and understood the above terms and conditions and by signing below confirm acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement with Xxxxxx Xxxx and authorise them to act on my/our behalf. I/We confirm that I/We have read and understood the Data Protection Statement at paragraph 6 above.
CLIENT DECLARATION. 16.1 By accepting this Agreement, I warrant that I have read and understand that I am legally bound by the terms and conditions as contained and set out herein and that I am fully aware of my obligations as a user of the Service.
16.2 I am aware that the information accessed is private and confidential and may only be used for authorised purposes and that any breach of confidentiality could result in disciplinary steps or legal action being taken against me and that access to the Services may be suspended or terminated at any time.
16.3 I indemnify the Service Provider, and the FSCA against any action, which may be taken against either party, by any natural or legal person, as well as against any damage or loss, including interest or legal costs incurred by the Service Provider or any data provider as a result of such action, damage or loss which the Service Provider or the data provider may suffer or incur as a result of the unauthorised use of the information accessed.
CLIENT DECLARATION. 33.1 The Client solemnly declares that:
(a) He has carefully read and fully understood and accepted the entire text of the above Terms and Conditions and Appendices with which he fully and unconditionally agrees;
(b) He has read and gone through all information provided on the Website regarding the Company, its Services offered, relevant fees and costs, Order and Execution Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy, General Risk Disclosure, and has found all relevant information up to standards;
(c) He is over 18 and to the best of his knowledge and belief, the information provided in Registration Form and any other documentation supplied in connection with the application, is correct, complete and not misleading and he will inform the Company of any changes to the details or information entered in the Registration Form;
(d) He accepts that for any Orders he will place with the Company for the Financial Instruments offered by the Company, the latter will act as an agent and not as a principal on the Client’s behalf. The sole execution venue for the execution of his Orders shall be on the Platform;
(e) He has chosen the investment amount, taking his total financial circumstances into consideration which he considers reasonable under such circumstances;
(f) For any money handed over to the Company, it is agreed that it belongs exclusively to the Client, free of any lien, charge, pledge and/or any other encumbrance, being no direct or indirect proceeds of any illegal act or omission or product of any criminal activity;
(g) He acts for himself and not as a representative or a trustee of any third person, unless he has produced, to the satisfaction of the Company, a document and/or power of attorney enabling him to act as representative and/or trustee of any third person;
(h) He understands, accepts and agrees that the Company reserves the right to refund/return to the remitter (or beneficial owner) any amounts received, having sufficient proof that these amounts are direct or indirect proceeds of any illegal act and/or omission and/or product of any criminal activity and/or belong to a third party and the Client has not produced sufficient excuse and/or explanations for that event, and consents that the Company may reverse all and any types of previous transactions performed by the Client in any of his Client’s Trading Accounts and terminate the Agreement under Paragraph 23 The Company reserves the right to take all and any legal actions against the Client to cover i...
CLIENT DECLARATION. The Client acknowledges and declares that:
(a) the Client has been invited to read the risk disclosures statements mentioned above including the risk disclosures statements in the Client Account Agreement and the additional risk disclosure statements and the contents of the Letter of Authorization, which have been provided in Client’s language of choice (English or Chinese) and given a chance to ask questions;
(b) the Client understands that the Client can take independent professional advice if the Client wishes to do so;
(c) the Client has read, and is aware of and understand the Margin Terms, including the additional risk disclosure statements;
(d) the risk disclosures statements mentioned in the terms and conditions of the Client Account Statement and the additional risk disclosure statements above mentioned have been explained to the Client by a licensed representative of PCSL.
CLIENT DECLARATION. By accepting this agreement, I warrant that I have read and understand that I am legally bound by the Terms and Conditions as contained and set out herein and that I am fully aware of my obligations as an FSP and/or Representative. ` I am aware that the information accessed is private and confidential and may only be used for authorized purposes and that any breach of confidentiality could result in disciplinary steps or legal action being taken against me and that access to Astute services may be suspended or terminated at any time. I indemnify Astute, and the Investment Switch Content Providers against any action, which may be taken against either party, by any natural or legal person, as well as against any damage or loss, including interest or legal costs incurred by Astute or any Data Provider as a result of such action, damage or loss which Astute or the Data Provider may suffer or incur as a result of the unauthorised use of the information accessed.
CLIENT DECLARATION. 30.1 The Client solemnly declares that:
i. has carefully read and fully understood the entire text of the above terms and conditions Agreement with which he fully and unreservedly agrees;
ii. has read and went through all information provided on the internet regarding the Company, its services offered, relevant fees and costs, general risk disclosure, client categorization, summary conflict of interests policy, order execution policy for CFDs, general risk disclosure and risk disclosure on CFDs and has found all relevant information up to standards.
iii. consents and agrees to direct advertising through cold calling, either by phone or personal representation, facsimile, automatic calls, email or other phone, electronic or digital means by the Company.
iv. is over 18 and to the best of his knowledge and belief, the information provided to the Company, and any other documentation supplied is correct, complete and not misleading and he will inform the Company of any changes to the details or information.
v. has chosen and will choose the investment amount, taking his total financial circumstances into consideration which he considers reasonable under such circumstances. Appendix 1: Functionalitiesof the Investment Account
CLIENT DECLARATION. This is our standard agreement upon which we intend to rely. For your own benefit and protection, you should read the terms carefully before signing. If you do not understand any of these, please ask for further information.
CLIENT DECLARATION. 30.1 The Client solemnly declares that:
i. has carefully read and fully understood the entire text of the above terms and conditions Agreement with which he fully and unreservedly agrees; ii. has read and went through all information provided on the internet regarding the Company, its services offered, relevant fees and costs, general risk disclosure, client categorization, summary conflict of interests policy, order execution policy for CFDs, general risk disclosure and risk disclosure on CFDs and has found all relevant information up to standards.
CLIENT DECLARATION. 6.1 The Client agrees that the Company shall not have any liability or responsibility of whatsoever nature in respect of the Electronic Trading Services under any circumstances, unless the aforesaid is directly caused by the gross negligence or wilful default of the Company, as the case may be, including but without limitation,
a) any failure or delay in transmission of information to and/or from the Client’s telecommunication equipment;
b) any failure or delay in the processing of the Client’s requests or Instructions and/or the returning of the responses to the Client’s requests or Instructions executed using the Electronic Trading Services;
c) any error or inaccuracy in such requests, responses, or generally such information or the transmission thereof;
d) any consequences arising from any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Company.
6.2 The Client hereby declares and confirms that the Client understands and agrees that, in addition to the terms and conditions applicable to and governing the use of the Electronic Trading Services, it is the Client’s primary responsibility to immediately contact the Company through the Client’s respective account executive or the hotline of the electronic services by telephone in the event that,
a) the Client does not receive any response of whatsoever nature to any Instructions that the Client has executed on any one or more of Account(s) maintained with the same using the Electronic Trading Services within the designated time (as shall be specified by the Company from time to time) of the execution of such Instructions to confirm the status of the related transactions; or
b) the Client has received a confirmation (no matter by means of hard copies, electronic means or verbal confirmation) relating to any Instructions not given by Client; or such confirmation being inconsistent with the Instructions given by the Client; or
c) the Client becomes aware that the Password has been used by any person except the Client. In any event, the Company shall not be liable for the Client’s failure in observing the aforesaid obligations and the Client shall fully indemnify the Company in respect of any direct or indirect loss or cost of whatsoever nature that the Company may suffer or incur as a result thereof.
6.3 The Client understands and acknowledges that the Company’s records on Instructions actually received and responses actually sent by the same shall be binding, final and conclusive unless and until the contrary is jud...