Execution Policy. Where you place orders with us, the execution factors that we consider, and their relative importance is as set out below:
Execution Policy. In accordance with the Applicable Laws, we are required to have an execution policy and to provide our clients with appropriate information in relation to our execution policy. Where you place orders with us, the execution factors that we consider and their relative importance is as set out in the best execution policy disclosure that we have provided to you prior to entering into this agreement.
Execution Policy. (a) We are required to have an execution policy and to provide our clients with appropriate information in relation to our execution policy. Where you place orders with us, the execution factors that we consider and their relative importance is as set out below:
Execution Policy. The Company satisfies the following conditions when carrying out client orders:
a) ensures that orders executed on behalf of clients are promptly and accurately rec- orded and allocated;
b) carries out otherwise comparable client orders sequentially and promptly unless the characteristics of the order or prevailing market conditions make this impracticable, or the interests of the client require otherwise;
c) Informs a retail client about any material difficulty relevant to the proper carrying out of orders promptly upon becoming aware of the difficulty. Dealing Room is the relevant department of the Company, to which the order execution policy mainly applies. The Company proceeds with the establishment and maintenance of an Order Execution Policy, in order to ensure compliance with the obligation to execute orders on terms most favourable to the clients and to achieve the best possible results for its clients, taking into consideration its clients’ ability, needs and trading policies, where applicable and possible. The policy outlines the process that the Company follows when executing trades, and assure taking all reasonable steps to consistently obtain the best possible result for clients through its order execution policy. It is noted however that when executing an order following a specific client instruction, the Company executes the order in line with those instructions and considers that it has discharged its best execution obligations.
Execution Policy. (a) When executing transactions or placing orders with other persons for execution that result from the Advisor providing the services on behalf of the Partnership, the Advisor shall take all reasonable steps to obtain Best Execution (in such manner as that obligation may be satisfied under the FSA Rules) and shall act in good faith and with due diligence in its choice and use of any counterparties.
(b) The Partnership consents to the Execution Policy and to the Advisor effecting transactions on the Partnership’s behalf outside a regulated market or multilateral trading facility (as such terms are defined in the FSA Rules).
(c) The Partnership and the General Partner acknowledge that if the Partnership or the General Partner give the Advisor a specific instruction in relation to the execution of an order, this may prevent the Advisor from taking the steps that the Advisor has designed and implemented in the Execution Policy to obtain the best possible result for the execution of that order or in respect of the elements covered by that instruction. The Advisor may in its absolute discretion choose whether to follow any such instruction from the Partnership or the General Partner. In the event that the Advisor does choose to follow the Partnership or the General Partner’s instruction, the Advisor will discharge its execution obligations in relation to the order or the specific aspect of the order to which the Partnership or the General Partner’s instruction relates.
(d) The Advisor shall ensure that the Partnership has access to and/or is notified of amendments to the Execution Policy that are material in the context of this Agreement, no less than 21 days before those amendments take effect. In this respect the Partnership represents that it has regular access to the internet and consents to the Advisor providing the Partnership with information, including, without limitation, information concerning amendments to the Execution Policy and information about the nature and risks of investments by posting such information on the Advisor's website at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx (or such other website as the Advisor may from time to time notify to the Partnership). Upon any such email notification, the Partnership will be deemed to have consented to any such material change.
Execution Policy. 13.1. The Company takes all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible results for its Clients. The Company’s Order Execution Policy sets out a general overview on how orders are executed as well as several other factors that can affect the execution of a financial instrument. You acknowledge and accept that you have read and understood the “Order Execution Policy”, which was provided to you during the registration process and which is uploaded on the Company’s website.
13.2. You agree that the Company may execute an order on your behalf outside a regulated market and/or an MTF and that the Company’s Order Execution Policy will not apply when you place a specific instruction. The execution venues to all Clients’ orders will be the CIF and Centalspot Trading Ltd a duly authorized market maker.
13.3. Under MiFIR requirements the Company must report to CySEC or any Competent Authority transactions in Financial Instruments admitted for trading on a regulated market or a trading venue notwithstanding whether such transactions are performed on or off that regulated market or trading venue. Under this statement, you irrevocably authorize the Company to report all your CFD Transactions to CySEC where the underlying Financial Instruments are admitted for trading on a regulated market or a trading venue within the EU.
13.4. To comply with the reporting obligations under MiFIR, you shall provide to us on request all and any information that may be required. The Company shall request you to provide, in the format deemed acceptable, the following documents: • for natural persons, depending on the country of residence/ nationality, the identification documentation we shall request from you may be, for example, your CONCAT ID number; • if you are registered as a legal entity, you will be required to provide to us your Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). LEI is a 20-digit, alpha-numeric code developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
13.5. In case you refuse to provide any of the above-mentioned documents the Company will be forced to refuse you to trade on its platform and at its sole discretion and without notice, shall have the right to: • reject you as a Client, and/or • suspend your Account until your full compliance with the above requirements, and/or • terminate this Agreement with immediate effect.
13.6. It is under your responsibility to repay any losses, claims, damages and expenses that the Company may suffer as a result of your failure...
Execution Policy a) We act as a ‘portfolio manager’ when we provide you with the Service of discretionary portfolio management and otherwise as a ‘receiver and transmitter’ of orders. In both cases we will usually pass instructions for trades to a third party to execute, as opposed to executing trades ourselves.
b) We must ensure that we achieve best execution when executing trades on your behalf which means that we or any third party we instruct obtains the ‘best possible result’.
c) The requirements of best execution apply to equities and bonds. All transactions will be effected in accordance with the rules and regulations of the relevant market or exchange. We may take all such steps as may be required or permitted by such rules and regulations and/or by appropriate market practice on such terms as we see fit.
d) Execution Factors For retail clients, the following factors take priority: total consideration of the deal, taking into account:
i. the price offered; and
ii. costs, commissions or other charges to be charged by brokers of the regulated market. The following execution factors will also be taken into consideration, the: speed and likelihood of successful execution; size and nature of the order; current liquidity for the relevant instrument; ability of the venues or brokers to manage execution in relation to the size and nature of the order; speed and efficiency of the settlement process post execution; impact on the relevant market; and choice of available venues for the particular order. The success of obtaining the ‘best possible result’ will be assessed at the time of execution and is dependent upon: review of the order execution policy regularly; and variability of execution factors.
e) Monitoring order execution We or any third party we use will monitor the execution of their trades using a number of third party transaction cost analysis systems and will monitor the order execution on a consistent basis over a series of trades.
f) Material difficulty We or any third party we use may experience material difficulty in executing certain transactions from time to time. These difficulties will be managed so as to seek to obtain the best possible result for our clients under the circumstances. In these circumstances, we shall where practicable contact you personally to explain that such a difficulty has arisen. We may also publish this information on our website.
g) Limit orders Limit orders will not be accepted.
h) Venues We may deal through the following venues...
Execution Policy. (a) When executing transactions or placing orders with other persons for execution that result from the Advisor providing the services on behalf of the Fund, the Advisor shall take all reasonable steps to obtain Best Execution (in such manner as that obligation may be satisfied under the FSA Rules) and shall act in good faith and with due diligence in its choice and use of any counterparties.
(b) The Fund consents to the Execution Policy and to the Advisor effecting transactions on the Fund’s behalf outside a regulated market or multilateral trading facility (as such terms are defined in the FSA Rules).
(c) The Fund and the General Partner acknowledge that if the Fund or the General Partner give the Advisor a specific instruction in relation to the execution of an order, this may prevent the Advisor from taking the steps that the Advisor has designed and implemented in the Execution Policy to obtain the best possible result for the execution of that order or in respect of the elements covered by that instruction. The Advisor may in its absolute discretion choose whether to follow any such instruction from the Fund or the General Partner. In the event that the Advisor does choose to follow the Fund or the General Partner’s instruction, the Advisor will discharge its execution obligations in relation to the order or the specific aspect of the order to which the Fund or the General Partner’s instruction relates.
(d) The Advisor shall ensure that the Fund has access to and/or is notified by email of amendments to the Execution Policy that are material in the context of this Agreement, no less than 21 days before those amendments take effect. In this respect, the Fund represents that it has regular access to the internet and has provided the Advisor with a suitable email address and consents to the Advisor providing the Fund with information including, without limitation, information concerning amendments to the Execution Policy and information about the nature and risks of investments by posting such information on the Advisor's website at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx (or such other website as the Advisor may from time to time notify to the Fund). Upon any such email notification, the Fund will be deemed to have consented to any such material change.
Execution Policy. 11.1 When providing the Execution of Orders service, Natixis shall take all sufficient measures to achieve the best possible Execution for the Client Order sent to it for Execution, in accordance with the Regulations and the Execution Policy.
11.2 When Natixis provides the service of Reception- Transmission of Orders, the entities to which Client Orders are transmitted for Execution are selected on the basis of ensuring the best possible Execution in accordance with the Execution Policy.
11.3 When executing an Order, Natixis shall act in accordance with the provisions set out in the operating rules of the relevant Execution Venue(s) and, where relevant, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the rules of the clearing houses responsible for clearing the Transactions executed. The Client is explicitly informed that Natixis may not, under any circumstances, be held liable for any change to the prioritisation of its Order resulting from the rules of the relevant Execution Venue(s).
Execution Policy. 6.1 When executing or receiving and transmitting any orders relating to any element of the Transition Trade, GSI shall comply with the Execution Policy in the Professional Client Agreement.
6.2 GSI shall ensure that any element of a Transition Trade is cleared and settled in accordance with acceptable market practice for the type of instrument and market concerned including on a delivery versus payment basis as applicable.
6.3 GSI may aggregate orders relating to any element of a Transition Trade in accordance with Clause [redacted] of the Professional Client Agreement.