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CME Sample Clauses

CME. Vivid Invest provides investment brokerage as a tied agent of CME. Additionally, CME and You enter into separate agreements. These can be accessed via Vivid Web (xxx.xxxxx.xxxxx) and via the Vivid Invest App.
CME. WellQuest shall make payment for the cost of professional licensure fees and board certification fees of physicians associated with Practice and continuing medical education up to an annual amount of $8,000.00. Any expenses above $8,000 annually shall be the financial responsibility of the Practice.
CMEIn any action brought by CBOT against CME, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, alleging a Material Breach by CME of Section 10.9, and any continuing deficiency, CME’s liability to CBOT for consequential damages, excluding punitive damages, caused by CME’s failure to provide Clearing Services under this Agreement shall be limited to an amount not to exceed $30,000,000. In any other action brought by CBOT against CME, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, CME’s liability to CBOT under this Agreement shall be limited to an amount not to exceed $10,000,000, provided that in the event CBOT exercises its right to terminate this Agreement under Section 10.1 and receives $10,000,000 in liquidated damages, CBOT shall have no other claim for money damages against CME and CBOT shall retain its right to continued and transitional clearing services in accordance with Sections 11 and 12 of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, but subject to the provisions of Section 16 below, CME shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless CBOT and its directors, officers, employees and agents, in accordance with the procedures described in Section 16.1 below, from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages and claims, and all related costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees), arising from the willful misconduct on the part of CME, its directors, officers, employees or agents.
CME. CME" refers to "Continuing Medical Education," for physicians and also to "CE" or "Continuing Education" for other health care professionals such as nurses, pharmacists, etc.
CME. [**] Notwithstanding the foregoing, but subject to the provisions of Section 16 below, CME shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless CBOT and its directors, officers, employees and agents, in accordance with the procedures described in Section 16.1 below, from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages and claims, and all related costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees), arising from the willful misconduct on the part of CME, its directors, officers, employees or agents.
CMEThe resident shall also be eligible to receive reimbursement for continuing medical education expenses of up to $1000, plus 5 paid days off to attend continuing education conference per contract year. Proof of CME expenses must be presented to the Graduate Medical Education office prior to reimbursement.
CME. A laid off Provider shall receive full reimbursement of unused CME allowances incurred during employment at MultiCare.
CMESupplier must provide Continuing Medical Education for the purposes of improving the clinical outcomes of using Ultrasound Equipment. CMEs are handled on-line through a third party provider.
CME. 許可資訊 6.1 訂閱者代表訂閱者集團承認並同意以下事項: (a) 訂閱者集團不得將 CME 許可資訊重新分發給訂閱者集團外的任何機構。儘管如上 所述,如果訂閱者集團內的任何實體希望將 CME 許可資訊分發給訂閱者集團外的機構, 則訂閱者必頇直接向 CME 尋求許可。如果 CME 批准了這 樣的請求(由其全權決定), 則每個適用的訂閱者集團實體必頇與 CME直接訂立單獨的授權合約,以獲得分發 CME 許可資訊的權利。 (b) 訂閱者集團不得歪曲 CME 許可資訊,不得損壞或移除隨 CME 許可資訊傳輸的任何 商標。 (c) 訂閱者集團不得以任何非法目的訪問或使用 CME 許可資訊,並同意每個訂閱者集團實體只能根據其所在司法管轄區的法律法規訪問或使用 CME 許可資訊。 (d) 訂閱者集團不得將 CME許可資訊或其任何部分用於創建、分發、結算或維護任何 衍生作品(包 括但不限於金融產品、指數、報價、現貨價格、曲線、曲面、差價合約(CFDs) 4 和其他杠杆產品、期貨、期貨期權、指示性優化組合價值(IOPV)、淨資產價值(NAV) 或基於 CME 許可資訊計算的用於基金管理和投資組合管理服務、風險管理服務或估值 服務的分析參考資料或數值),除非訂閱者集團獲得了 CME 的許可。 (e) CME 和 CME 許可方在 CME 許可資訊以及 CME 傳輸 CME 許可資訊的格式中擁有 CME 許可資訊和 CME 許可資訊的知識產權的所有權和利益。除明確授予的有限許可 外,本訂閱者補充協議未明確許可的所有權利均明確保留給 CME 和 CME 許可方,CME 集團實體和其他 CME 許可方的所有權和知識產權不會因 本訂閱者補充協議而轉讓、轉 讓或以任何方式受影響。訂閱者承諾訂閱 者集團不得進行文本和資料採擷,如歐盟指令 2017/790 中所定義的那樣。訂閱者代表訂閱者集團承認 CME 和 CME 許可方在本訂閱者 補充協 議中保留權利是適當的。 (f) 同意 CME 集團根據隱私中心中描述的方式使用個人資料,並向 CME 集團保證,每 個訂閱者集團實體已經從與個人資料相關的個人獲得了有效的同意,或者已經根據所有 適用法律的適用法律依據滿足了相關法律要求,以確保 CME 集團能夠按照本訂閱者補 充協議所設想的方式和符合適用法律的要求處理個人資料。訂閱者將確保從任何訂閱者 集團實體向 CME 集團傳輸個人資料、並傳送至訂閱者提供其個人資料所在國家以外的 國家 均符合所有適用法律的要求。 (g) 如果 CME 允許訂閱者集團根據上述第 6.1(a)款重新分發 CME 許可資訊,則訂閱 者集團不得將 CME 許可資訊分發或允許分發給任何位於由外國資產控制辦公室全面制 裁的國家或被美國財政部特別指定國民和被封鎖人員名單識別的實體。 (h) 訂閱者集團不得將基準信息用於除在一個或多個設備上顯示之外的任何其他用途。 (i)如果訂閱者獲得了 CME 許可資訊的非顯示託管使用者許可(明確排除基準資訊),則 訂閱者不得在未與 CME 或經銷商訂立單獨授權合約的情況下,將 CME 許可資訊用於 任何其他目的(包括在設備上查看 CME 許可資訊和/或創建 衍生作品)。 6.2 訂閱者對訂閱者集團遵守本訂閱者補充協議的條款負責,並確保訂閱者集團遵守本訂閱 者補充協議的條款。
CMECME Group Benchmark Administration Ltd.