CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT. By registering or participating in any ASC meeting or event, I assent to and agree to abide by this Code of Conduct (see page 2 of this form) and the ASC Code of Ethics. Initial here:
CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT. The Hanford Lacrosse Club Board of Directors has developed and approved this Code of Conduct Agreement. It is the governing document for all behavioral expectations, team expectations, and consequences for Code of Conduct violations. All HLC student athletes, parents, and coaches are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in accordance with its contents at all times. Failure to do so will result in consequences as outlined herein. The Code of Conduct Agreement covers critical requirements for participation in HLC, including: ● Personal behavior ● Attitude ● Courtesy ● Appearance ● Academics ● Sportsmanship ● Commitment to the program All players, parents and coaches are expected to “Honor the Game” as set forth by guidelines from US Lacrosse and Washington High School Boys Lacrosse Association (WHSBLA). Each player and parent is expected to thoroughly review this Code of Conduct Agreement and return the signed and dated acknowledgement form to the HLC Board of Directors prior to the first practice. Failure to do so will result in the player being ineligible to practice until such time as the signed and dated form is submitted. Each coach is expected to thoroughly review this Code of Conduct Agreement and return the signed and dated acknowledgement form to the HLC Board of Directors prior to the first practice. Failure to do so will result in the coach being ineligible to participate in any coaching activities until such time as the signed and dated form is submitted.
CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT. Chaperons -‐ Each youth participant will have a chaperone. Conference organizers and chaperones are responsible for safety and discipline during all conference events. They should be informed of any emergency. Conference youth participants must follow the instructions of and cooperate with their designated chaperone. Should a participant violate this or other conference regulations, his or her chaperone and/or parents will be contacted immediately and asked to arrange for the participant’s transportation home.
CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT. Philosophy - North Cross, The Blue Ridge Athletic Conference (BRAC) and Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association (VISAA) believe that interscholastic athletics are an integral part of the total educational program. High standards of behavior, scholarship, and citizenship are important to a sound athletic program. Students volunteering to participate in athletics should assume these responsibilities and will lead by example in demonstrating ● Fairness ● Respect ● self-control
CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT. The high degree of ethical conduct is expected of all participants in the program. This includes strict adherence to both the spirit and the letter of the rules and regulations of this program. The use of alcohol, illegal drugs, and/or tobacco during practices and games is strictly prohibited. Depending on the degree and nature of the violations, penalties from suspension to expulsion of any adult or player from the program by the Board or Coach may be used. In accordance to the code of conduct policies adopted by the Club and signed by all parties:
CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT. The Kamiakin Lacrosse Board of Directors has developed and approved this Code of Conduct Agreement. It is the governing document for all behavior expectations, team expectations, and consequences for Code of Conduct violations. All KaLC student athletes, parents, and coaches are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in accordance with its contents at all times. Failure to do so will result in consequences as outlined herein. The Code of Conduct Agreement covers critical requirements for participation in KaLC, including: • Personal Behavior • Courtesy • Academics • Commitment to the program • Attitude • Personal Appearance • Sportsmanship All players, parents and coaches are expected to “Honor the Game” as set forth by guidelines from USA Lacrosse, Washington High School Boys Lacrosse Association (WHSBLA), and the Washington Schoolgirls Lacrosse Association (WSLA). Each player, parent and coach is expected to thoroughly review this Code of Conduct Agreement and return the signed and dated acknowledgement form to the KaLC Board of Directors prior to the first practice. Failure to do so will result in the player being ineligible to practice or the coach being ineligible to participate in any coaching activities until such time as the signed and dated form is submitted. Each player, parent, and coach should keep a copy of the Code of Conduct at hand for reference during the season.
CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT. The Richland Lacrosse Club Board of Directors has developed and approved this Code of Conduct Agreement. It is the governing document for all behavioral expectations, team expectations, and consequences for Code of Conduct violations. All RLC student athletes, parents, and coaches are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in accordance with its contents at all times. Failure to do so will result in consequences as outlined herein. The Code of Conduct Agreement covers critical requirements for participation in RLC, including: • Personal behavior • Attitude • Courtesy • Appearance • Sportsmanship • Commitment to the program All players, parents and coaches are expected to “Honor the Game” as set forth by guidelines from US Lacrosse. Each player and parent are expected to thoroughly review this Code of Conduct Agreement and return the signed and dated acknowledgement form to the RLC Board of Directors prior to the first practice. Failure to do so will result in the player being ineligible to practice until such time as the signed and dated form is submitted. Each coach is expected to thoroughly review this Code of Conduct Agreement and return the signed and dated acknowledgement form to the RLC Board of Directors prior to the first practice. Failure to do so will result in the coach being ineligible to participate in any coaching activities until such time as the signed and dated form is submitted.
CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT. The Richland Lacrosse Club Board of Directors has developed and approved this Code of Conduct Agreement. It is the governing document for all behavioral expectations, team expectations, and consequences for Code of Conduct violations. All RLC student athletes, parents, and coaches are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in accordance with its contents at all times. Failure to do so will result in consequences as outlined herein. The Code of Conduct Agreement covers critical requirements for participation in RLC, including: • Personal behavior • Attitude • Courtesy • Appearance • Sportsmanship • Commitment to the program All players, parents and coaches are expected to “Honor the Game” as set forth by guidelines from US
CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT. The Buenaventura Swim Club is a 100% volunteer, non-profit organization servicing the youth of our community with a positive training environment where they have the opportunity to reach their greatest physical, intellectual, social and emotional potential through competitive swimming. The Buenaventura Swim Club is a proud organization that requires support and energy from both swimmers and parents. All of the families accepted into the club are responsible for the successful outcome of each season. The ability of the club to continue to offer this experience to our children depends on the retention of the families who share the goals, commitment and mission of the Buenaventura Swim Club. As a condition of acceptance as a member of this organization, and as a condition for continuing participation as a “member in good standing,” the applicant (swimmer) and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) agree to the following: The applicant (swimmer): I, (print name), agree to:
CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT. As a new library patron of the Morgantown Public Library System...