College Initiated and Supported Efforts. When copyrighted material or a patent is generated by a specific College assignment or as a result of labors for which the individual was employed, for any matters covered under the above information, the College shall be the sole recipient of all income derived therefrom.
College Initiated and Supported Efforts. Ownership of copyrightable material or a patent relating to materials or processes identified above, developed as a result of specific assignment by the College or arising out of the duties for which the individual was specifically employed by the College, shall reside with the College.
College Initiated and Supported Efforts. When copyrighted material or a patent is generated by a specific College assignment or as a result of labors for which the individual was employed, for any matters covered under the above information, the College shall be the sole recipient of all income derived therefrom. In specific instances, where an exceptional individual-initiative product results, and only after College recommendation and Board approval, portions of income derived therefrom may be shared between the College and the author or inventor. Such efforts shall be determined in a case-by-case basis. Sponsor Supported Efforts – Income derived from sponsor-supported efforts shall be disbursed in accordance with the specific terms of governing contractual or grant documents. Income derived from copyrighted materials or patents shall be disbursed in accordance with stated College policies when the contract or grant document is silent as to disbursement of royalties or times of value.
College Initiated and Supported Efforts. Where copyrighted intellectual property or a patent is generated by a specific College assignment or as a result of labors for which the individual was employed, the College shall be the sole recipient of all income derived. In specific instances where an exceptional product results from individual initiated activities and only after specific Board approval, the District Board of Trustees may share portions of income derived with the author/creator/inventor. Such efforts shall be determined on a case-by-case basis. The College shall be responsible for all associated costs and for registering the copyright or patent.
College Initiated and Supported Efforts. When intellectual property is generated by a specific College assignment or for any matters covered under the above definition, the College shall be the sole recipient of all income derived therefrom. In specific instances, where an exceptional individual-initiative product results in a marketable product, and only after College recommendation and Board of Trustees’ approval, portions of royalty income derived therefrom may be shared between the College and the author or inventor. Such efforts shall be determined on a case-by-case basis.