Column Name Description Decimal Format Comment Sample Clauses
Column Name Description Decimal Format Comment. Max Size
Column Name Description Decimal Format Comment. Max Size Calculation of Realized Loss/Gain Form 332– Instruction Sheet NOTE: Do not net or combine items. Show all expenses individually and all credits as separate line items. Claim packages are due on the remittance report date. Late submissions may result in claims not being passed until the following month. The Servicer is responsible to remit all funds pending loss approval and /or resolution of any disputed items.
Column Name Description Decimal Format Comment. Max Size Table: Delinquency Name Type Size Servicer Loan # Number 8 (Double) Investor Loan # Number 8 (Double) Borrower Name Text 20 Address Text 30 State Text 2 Action Code Text 2
Column Name Description Decimal Format Comment. Max Size Column/Header Name Description Decimal Format Comment If applicable: ACTUAL_PAYMENT_ PLAN_END_DATE
Column Name Description Decimal Format Comment. Max Size Standard File Layout - Delinquency Reporting
Column Name Description Decimal Format Comment. Max Size
(a) The numbers on the 332 form correspond with the numbers listed below.
Column Name Description Decimal Format Comment. Max Size Standard File Layout - Delinquency Reporting Column/Header Name Description Decimal Format Comment If applicable: Exhibit 2: Standard File Codes - Delinquency Reporting Exhibit 2: Standard File Codes - Delinquency Reporting, Continued Delinquency Code Delinquency Description Exhibit 2: Standard File Codes - Delinquency Reporting, Continued Status Code Status Description
Column Name Description Decimal Format Comment. Max Size SER_INVESTOR_NBR A value assigned by the Servicer to define a group of loans. Text up to 10 digits 20 LOAN_NBR A unique identifier assigned to each loan by the investor. Text up to 10 digits 10 SERVICER_LOAN_NBR A unique number assigned to a loan by the Servicer. This may be different than the LOAN_NBR. Text up to 10 digits 10 BORROWER_NAME The borrower name as received in the file. It is not separated by first and last name. Maximum length of 30 (Last, First) 30 SCHED_PAY_AMT Scheduled monthly principal and scheduled interest payment that a borrower is expected to pay, P&I constant. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) 11 NOTE_INT_RATE The loan interest rate as reported by the Servicer. 4 Max length of 6 6 NET_INT_RATE The loan gross interest rate less the service fee rate as reported by the Servicer. 4 Max length of 6 6 SERV_FEE_RATE The servicer's fee rate for a loan as reported by the Servicer. 4 Max length of 6 6 SERV_FEE_AMT The servicer's fee amount for a loan as reported by the Servicer. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) 11 NEW_PAY_AMT The new loan payment amount as reported by the Servicer. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) 11 NEW_LOAN_RATE The new loan rate as reported by the Servicer. 4 Max length of 6 6 ARM_INDEX_RATE The index the Servicer is using to calculate a forecasted rate. 4 Max length of 6 6 ACTL_BEG_PRIN_BAL The borrower's actual principal balance at the beginning of the processing cycle. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) 11 ACTL_END_PRIN_BAL The borrower's actual principal balance at the end of the processing cycle. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) 11 BORR_NEXT_PAY_DUE_DATE The date at the end of processing cycle that the borrower's next payment is due to the Servicer, as reported by Servicer. MM/DD/YYYY 10 SERV_CURT_AMT_1 The first curtailment amount to be applied. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) 11 SERV_CURT_DATE_1 The curtailment date associated with the first curtailment amount. MM/DD/YYYY 10 CURT_ADJ_ AMT_1 The curtailment interest on the first curtailment amount, if applicable. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) 11 SERV_CURT_AMT_2 The second curtailment amount to be applied. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) 11 SERV_CURT_DATE_2 The curtailment date associated with the second curtailment amount. MM/DD/YYYY 10 CURT_ADJ_ AMT_2 The curtailment interest on the second curtailment amount, if applicable. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) 11 SERV_CURT_AMT_3 The third curtailment amount to be applied. 2 No commas(,) or d...
Column Name Description Decimal Format Comment. Max Size Exhibit : Standard File Layout - Delinquency Reporting Column/Header Name Description Decimal Format Comment Column/Header Name Description Decimal Format Comment If applicable: Column/Header Name Description Decimal Format Comment
Column Name Description Decimal Format Comment. SCHED_NET_INT The scheduled gross interest amount less the service fee amount for the current cycle as reported by the Servicer — only applicable for Scheduled/Scheduled Loans. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) ACTL_PRIN_AMT The actual principal amount collected by the Servicer for the current reporting cycle — only applicable for Actual/Actual Loans. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) ACTL_NET_INT The actual gross interest amount less the service fee amount for the current reporting cycle as reported by the Servicer — only applicable for Actual/Actual Loans. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) PREPAY_PENALTY___AMT The penalty amount received when a borrower prepays on his loan as reported by the Servicer. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) PREPAY_PENALTY___WAIVED The prepayment penalty amount for the loan waived by the servicer. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) MOD_DATE The Effective Payment Date of the Modification for the loan. MM/DD/YYYY MOD_TYPE The Modification Type. Varchar — value can be alpha or numeric DELINQ_P&I_ADVANCE_AMT The current outstanding principal and interest advances made by Servicer. 2 No commas(,) or dollar signs ($) BREACH_FLAG Flag to indicate if the repurchase of a loan is due to a breach of Representations and Warranties Y=Breach N=NO Breach Let blank if N/A For Month Ended: mm/dd/yyyy Servicer Name Prepared by: Investor Nbr