File Layout Sample Clauses
File Layout. Start End Length A/N Data Element
File Layout. Pages A-2 through A-6 contain the NACHA file layout required. It is understood that the file layout requirements set forth below on pages A-2 through A-6 are subject to changes and amendments that might be made from time to time by NACHA, and that such changes and amendments will be binding upon Bank and Company if and when made. Bank shall promptly notify Company of any such changes or amendments. 1 Record Type M “1” 1 01-01 “1” for Header 2 Priority Code R “01” 2 02-03 Reserved for future use - Use “01” for now 3 Immediate Destination M bTTTTAAAAC 10 04-13 ABA Number of the ACH receiving point for which the file is destined - “061100606” (position 4 should be left blank) 4 Immediate Origin M bTTTTAAAAC 10 14-23 This can be left blank 5 File Creation Date M YYMMDD 6 24-29 The date the file is created and/or transmitted to Synovus 6 File Creation Time O HHMM 4 30-33 Expressed as “HHMM” 24 hour clock format - Optional 7 File ID Modifier M Uppercase A-2 Numeric 0-9 1 34-34 Digit to differentiate between files with the same creation date. Only upper case A-Z and numeric 0-9 permitted. 8 Record Size M “094 3 35-37 “094” should be the record length 9 Blocking Factor M “10” 2 38-39 Defines the number of physical blocks in the file including both the file header and file control records. Must be 10.
File Layout. The Parties will exchange Data using the mutually agreed upon file layouts below. The Parties may edit and/or change the File Layout as considered necessary.
File Layout. The Parties will exchange Data using the mutually agreed upon file layouts below. The Parties may edit and/or change the File Layout as considered necessary.
i. Method of Access/Transfer: Once an established Secure Data Transfer connection with the host computer at Contractor’s location is confirmed, HCA will provide Data listed in File Layout list below, to Contractor.
ii. Delivery Method: Secure File Transfer
iii. Frequency of Data Delivery: HCA will transmit Data [Frequency].
iv. Costs: [(This will likely be N/A)] Element Name Friendly Name Length Type Data Descriptions and Usages
File Layout. The Parties will exchange Data using the mutually agreed upon file layouts below. The Parties may edit and/or change the File Layout as considered necessary.
i. Method of Access/Transfer: Once an established Managed Data Transfer connection with the host computer at Contractor’s location is confirmed, HCA will provide Data listed in File Layout list below, to Contractor.
ii. Delivery Method: Managed File Transfer
iii. Frequency of Data Delivery: HCA will receive Data quarterly.
iv. Costs: N/A v. Description of Shared data is attached as Attachment 1, Quarterly Progress Report Template.
File Layout. The Parties will exchange Data using the mutually agreed upon file layouts below. The Parties may edit and/or change the File Layout as considered necessary.
i. Method of Access/Transfer: Once an established Secure Data Transfer connection with the host computer at Contractor’s location is confirmed, HCA will provide Data listed in File Layout list below, to Contractor.
ii. Delivery Method: Either .txt, .csv or SAS datasets are an option, but SAS datasets are the preferred format.
iii. Frequency of Data Delivery: HCA will transmit Data twice, first transmission of Dates of services for fee-for-service claims and encounters from January 1, 2019, to the present (information in-house YTD for Calendar Year 2021. The second transmission will be for the same Data to be delivered by September 30, 2022, for the pickup of utilization for the CY 2019, CY 2020, and CY 2021 time period as well as services incurred through June 30, 2022.
iv. Costs: N/A 1 Member ID (note that that this field could be masked, so long as there is a unique masked ID to associate the variables listed below to this ID) 2 Date of Birth or Age 3 Gender 4 Race 5 Ethnicity 6 County (if county not available, then member home zip code) 7 Indicator if member is associated with a Tribe in Washington (if available; if so, which Tribe) 8 Begin date of Medicaid enrollment 9 End date of Medicaid enrollment (or value such as 12/23/2399 to indicate still active) 10 Program Code (or some variable to indicate if member has full Medicaid benefits or not) 1 Member ID (note that that this field could be masked, so long as there is a unique masked ID to associate the variables listed below to this ID) 2 Health Plan ID (or indicator to show fee-for-service) 3 Begin date of Health Plan/FFS enrollment 4 End date of Health Plan/FFS enrollment 1 Provider Billing ID (as defined by HCA)
File Layout. The Parties will exchange Data using the mutually agreed upon file layouts below. The Parties may edit and/or change the File Layout as considered necessary. Method of Access/Transfer: Once an established Secure Data Transfer connection with the host computer at Contractor’s location is confirmed, HCA will provide Data listed in File Layout list below, to Contractor. Delivery Method: Secure File Transfer Frequency of Data Delivery: HCA will transmit Data [Frequency]. Costs: [(This will likely be N/A)] [Example below – use what is received in Technical Design Specification] Element Name Friendly Name Length Type Data Descriptions and Usages In addition to the definitions set out in the Data Use, Security, and Confidentiality Schedule, the definitions below apply to this Attachment.
File Layout. The Parties will exchange Data using the mutually agreed upon file layouts below. The Parties may edit and/or change the File Layout as considered necessary.
A. Method of Access/Transfer: Contractor’s portal
B. Delivery Method: Secure portal
C. Frequency of Data Delivery: Data is transmitted on an ad hoc basis.
D. Costs: N/A E. Data to be shared:
i. First name;
ii. Last Name;
iii. Email address; iv. Company Organization name; and v. EIN.
File Layout. The Parties will exchange Data using the mutually agreed upon file layouts below. The Parties may edit and/or change the File Layout as considered necessary.
i. Method of Access/Transfer: Once an established Secure Data Transfer connection with the host computer at Receiving Party’s location is confirmed, HCA will provide Data listed in File Layout list below, to Receiving Party.
ii. Delivery Method: Secure File Transfer
iii. Frequency of Data Delivery: HCA will transmit Data , with notice beforehand, for Contractor’s review for potential improper payments and will set the time period available for Contractor review. Contractor will submit reports thereafter.
iv. Costs: N/A Element Name Friendly Name Length Type Data Descriptions and Usages
File Layout. Department of Licensing will provide to the Licensee vehicle Data contained in DOL database using the mutually agreed upon file layout below. DOL reserves the right to edit and/or change the File Layout as considered necessary to the functions of DOL, with notice to the Licensee. • Method of Access/Transfer: Once an established Secure Data Transfer connection with the host computer at Licensee location is confirmed, DOL will provide Data listed in File Layout list below, to Licensee. • Delivery Method: (insert delivery method) • Frequency of Data Delivery: (insert frequency)