COMMENCEMENT OF COVER. The date upon which cover will commence for each Member will be the Member’s Normal Entry Date which shall be:- i) As from commencement of the Period of Cover if he is on that date an Eligible Member; or ii) As from the first date on which he is an Eligible Member; or iii) As from the date on which he is deemed to be an Eligible Member in the event of the Policyholder waiving the qualification of age or any other requirement. The commencement of cover is subject to acceptance of the Member’s assurance by the Company as described below.
COMMENCEMENT OF COVER. Provided that the delivery or the shipment of the goods, or the performance of the services, is carried out within the insurance period and that the corresponding invoices are sent to the buyer within the maximum invoicing period, the credit insurance cover we provide, for all undisputed debts to which the contract applies, will start as follows : 1) for sales of goods
COMMENCEMENT OF COVER. (1) Commencement of insurance cover under the group life agreement is conditional on disclosure of – in FG’s opinion – satisfactory risk information, including information about the person’s state of health. The terms are disclosed in the group life agreement together with the conditions for amendments to the agreed insurance cover. (2) The insurance cover commences once FG has un- conditionally approved the group life insurance, unless another effective date has been agreed upon. (3) The legal consequences of the policyholder or the insured providing FG with wrongful information on entry into the insurance agreement or on amendment of the insurance cover are specified in sections 4-10 of the Danish Insurance Contracts Act.
COMMENCEMENT OF COVER. For commencement of cover as per this option, You shall send us an Existing Debts Declaration. Subject to our receipt of an Existing Debts Declaration and the provision of a Credit Decision set by Us within 30 days for each Existing Debt, our cover will start on the inception date of the Contract and will apply retroactively to Existing Debts borne during the Retrospective Period.
COMMENCEMENT OF COVER a. Payment of premium via PERSAL (Government personnel and salary system). Subject to: i. the general waiting period set out above; and ii. the receipt by the Company of the premium. Cover shall start on the first day of the calendar month in which the Payroll Deduction occurs. For example, if the first Payroll Deduction is in April, cover shall start on 1 April. IMPORTANT: IF THE FIRST PREMIUM PAYMENT INSTRUCTION IS ONLY PROCESSED BY GOVERNMENT AFTER THEIR PAYROLL DEDUCTION (MONTHLY CUT-OFF DATE), THE START OF COVER WILL BE FURTHER DELAYED. FOR EXAMPLE, IF THE INSTRUCTION TO COMMENCE WITH SALARY DEDUCTIONS IS RECEIVED BY GOVERNMENT AFTER THEIR FEBRUARY PROCESSING CUT-OFF DATE, THE FIRST PREMIUM WILL ONLY BE PAID TO THE COMPANY BY GOVERNMENT IN APRIL WITH THE RESULT THAT COVER WILL ONLY START ON 1 APRIL. b. Collection of premium via debit order: Subject to the general waiting period being met, cover shall start on the date that the Binder Holder or Underwriting Manager successfully collects the first premium via debit order. c. This policy is month-to-month. It will renew on the same terms each time the Company receives payment of the monthly premium.
COMMENCEMENT OF COVER. Cover starts from 1 July 1999 for employees who were already employees of CSL Limited as at this date, and for employees who joined after this date, from the date their employment commenced. Xxxxxx continuance was agreed as part of the 1999 CSL Enterprise Agreement at the approximate cost of a 1% salary increase.
COMMENCEMENT OF COVER a. Payment of premium via PERSAL (Government Personnel and Salary System). Subject to: i. The general waiting period set out above; and ii. The receipt by the Company of the premium. Cover shall start on the first day of the calendar month in which the Payroll Deduction occurs. For example, if the first Payroll Deduction is in April, cover shall start on 1 April. FOR EXAMPLE, IF THE INSTRUCTION TO COMMENCE WITH SALARY DEDUCTIONS IS RECEIVED BY GOVERNMENT AFTER THEIR FEBRUARY PROCESSING CUT-OFF DATE, THE FIRST PREMIUM WILL ONLY BE PAID TO THE COMPANY BY GOVERNMENT IN APRIL WITH THE RESULT THAT COVER WILL ONLY START ON 1 APRIL. b. Collection of premium via debit order: Subject to the general waiting period being met, cover shall start on the date that the Binder Holder or Underwriting Manager successfully collects the first premium via debit order.
COMMENCEMENT OF COVER. Our cover will start on the date of execution of the Sales Contract, provided that a Credit Limit is in force on the Buyer beforehand. If execution of the Sales Contract is subject to a pre-condition, Pre-Shipment Cover will only start on the date when such pre-condition is satisfied. In particular, if the Sales Contract requires an installment to be paid, Pre-Shipment Cover shall become effective only after the date when you receive this installment in your account.
COMMENCEMENT OF COVER. Provided that the deli ver y or the shipment of the goods, or the performance of the services, is carried out within the insurance period and that the corresponding invoices are sent to the buyer within the maximum invoicing period, the credit insurance cover we provide, for all undisputed debts to which the contract applies, will start as follows : 1) for sales of goods
COMMENCEMENT OF COVER. Credit insurance cover under this Agreement shall commence with effect from the Date of Commencement specified in the