Communication of Academic Progress. Employees shall communicate academic progress and student accountability with parent(s)/guardian(s) beyond traditional notification (e.g. progress reports and report cards). Communication may include, but is not limited to, web-based programs, formal meetings, telephone calls, electronic mail, and written correspondence.
Communication of Academic Progress. Progress reports are discussed during Parent-Teacher Conferences. Letter grades are not given to students in grades K-3. Instead, report cards will indicate progress on Idaho State Standards and grade level skills that are being taught and assessed. Students in K – 3rd grade do not have an honor roll system. However, students who maintain strong academic achievement are honored for their efforts through recognition, and through classroom incentives. Please check with your child’s teacher for more information. The following grading scale is used: 4=Outstanding 3 - Mastered the Standard 90-100 =A 80-89 = B 3=Meets Expectations 2 - Developing 70-79=C 60-69=D 2=Needs Improvement 1 - Extreme Concern 59 or below=F 1=Extreme Area of Concern NA = Not Assessed at this Time * = Modified Curriculum being Provided