Concern Resolution Process Sample Clauses

Concern Resolution Process. Magna and the CAW are fully committed to the effective, timely, and fair resolution of employee concerns, in a manner that considers both the legitimate concerns of Magna employees, and the need for continuing operational effectiveness. The effective resolution of workplace concerns requires effective and open communication between all parties; the ability to honestly convey concerns in a timely manner; mutual respect and responsibility; and a commitment to upholding the principles of the Magna Employees’ Charter, and the FFA. The Concern Resolution Process relies on several overlapping structures and channels of communication, including: • Access to an Open-Door Process, where Magna employees can raise their concerns with appropriate management at any time. This Open-Door Process is flexible, and concerned individuals can approach their immediate supervisor, area manager, general manager, or any other avenue in the process; • Access to the Division’s Fairness Committee (on an informal or formal basis); • Access to the Magna Hotline at any time; and • Access to the Concern Resolution Sub-Committee, the Employee Relations Review Committee (the “ERRC”), and the arbitration process, when necessary. Non-probationary Magna employees who wish to invoke any of these structures and channels will be fully protected from any reprisal or discipline for pursuing their concerns. Fundamental to this principle of employee participation, is the responsibility of each employee to take ownership for pursuing the resolution of any concern they may have up to and including the Hotline step of the Concern Resolution Process. Thereafter, carriage of the concern shall be the responsibility of the EA and the Union. The steps in the Concern Resolution Process are summarized in Figure 2.
Concern Resolution Process. Section 1: Introduction
Concern Resolution Process a) Extendicare expects there to be minor disruptions that will not negatively impact membership or violate the collective agreement. It is understood, however, that with this pilot program there may be an increase in issues of concern. b) The committee will meet on a bi-weekly basis (if required) and will be comprised of an equal number of union members and/or union representatives and management. The purpose of the committee is to address any issues resulting from the pilot. If a matter remains unresolved for longer than ten (10) business days, either party may initiate the appropriate steps of the grievance process. This committee will be in place effective date of acceptance of this agreement.
Concern Resolution Process. The parties recognize that the various steps in Concern Resolution Process set out in the National CBA include specific committees, such as the Concern Resolution Sub Committee (CRSC) and the Employee Relations Review Committee (ERRC) which are officially comprised of a specific number of individuals officially representing both the Union and the Company. Despite the official composition of these committees as set out in the National CBA, both parties recognize that from time to time, it may be convenient and desirable for either party to delegate alternative individuals to attend these meetings in a support or administrative role, where such individuals may be familiar with the facts of particular cases being discussed, and where the assistance of these individuals may be valuable in terms of resolving an issue in dispute. At the Concern Resolution Sub Committee level, the parties agree that the Union’s National Representative may choose to delegate an Alternate to attend on his/her behalf; and in the Company’s case, it is agreed that the Divisional Human Resources Manager will be allowed to attend for the purposes of providing assistance and support to the plant General Manager. Where the Employee Relations Review Committee is concerned, the parties agree that where necessary, the Company and the Union may invite additional individuals to attend such meetings on an ad hoc basis to help provide information and render assistance to the Concern Resolution Process, but such individuals shall not otherwise be entitled to participate as formal committee members for the purposes of decision making.
Concern Resolution Process 

Related to Concern Resolution Process

  • Problem Resolution The parties shall meet and attempt to resolve all disputes and differences that may arise between the parties hereto concerning construction, interpretation, performance, operations, or breach of the matters referred to in this Agreement prior to seeking any legal remedy.

  • Grievance Resolution If a grievance is resolved at Step 2 or 3 in the procedure as provided herein, the grievant concerned shall indicate acceptance of the resolution by affixing his/her signature in the appropriate space indicated. If the employee has been represented by the Union at the Step of the procedure at which a resolution is reached, the Union representative shall also sign the appropriate document acknowledging that the employee has accepted the resolution. Decisions on grievances where an employee represents him/herself shall not be considered precedent setting or binding with regard to any future grievances filed with respect to the same or similar matters.

  • Amicable Resolution (a) Save where expressly stated to the contrary in this Agreement, any dispute, difference or controversy of whatever nature between the Parties, howsoever arising under, out of or in relation to this Agreement (the "Dispute") shall in the first instance be attempted to be resolved amicably in accordance with the procedure set forth in Clause 12.1 (b). (b) Either Party may require such Dispute to be referred to the Authority, and the Chief Executive Officer/Director/Partner of the Developer for the time being, for amicable settlement. Upon such reference, the two shall meet at the earliest mutual convenience and in any event within 15 days of such reference to discuss and attempt to amicably resolve the Dispute. If the Dispute is not amicably settled within 15 (fifteen) days of such meeting between the two, either Party may refer the Dispute to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Clause 12.2.

  • Informal Resolution Outcomes a. When a complainant approaches an administrative officer and alleges harassment by another BCTF member, the following shall apply: i. All discussions shall be solely an attempt to mediate the complaint; ii. Any and all discussions shall be completely off the record and will not form part of any record; iii. Only the complainant, respondent, and administrative officer shall be present at such meetings iv. No discipline of any kind would be imposed on the respondent; and v. The BCTF and its locals, based on the foregoing, will not invoke the notice of investigation and other discipline provisions of the collective agreement at meetings pursuant to Article E.2.5.a. b. Should a resolution be reached between the complainant and the respondent at Step One under the circumstances of Article E.2.5.a, it shall be written up and signed by both. Only the complainant and the respondent shall have copies of the resolution and they shall be used only for the purpose of establishing that a resolution was reached. No other copies of the resolution shall be made. c. In the circumstances where a respondent has acknowledged responsibility pursuant to Article E.

  • Disputes Resolution Procedure 11.1 A major objective of this Agreement is to eliminate lost time and/or production arising out of disputes or grievances. The Parties to this Agreement are committed to complying with the terms of this procedure.

  • Resolution Procedure a. Step 1 i. The complainant, if comfortable with that approach, may choose to speak to or correspond directly with the alleged harasser to express their feelings about the situation. ii. Before proceeding to Step 2, the complainant may approach their administrative officer, staff rep or other contact person to discuss potential means of resolving the complaint and to request assistance in resolving the matter. If the matter is resolved to the complainant's satisfaction the matter is deemed to be resolved. Refer to Article E.

  • COMPLAINTS HANDLING AND RESOLUTION 44.1 The Supplier shall notify the Authority of any Complaints made by Other Contracting Bodies, which are not resolved by operation of the Supplier's usual complaints handling procedure within five (5) Working Days of becoming aware of that Complaint and such notice shall contain full details of the Supplier's plans to resolve such Complaint. 44.2 Without prejudice to any rights and remedies that a complainant may have at Law, including under this Framework Agreement or a Call-Off Contract, and without prejudice to any obligation of the Supplier to take remedial action under the provisions of this Framework Agreement or a Call-Off Contract, the Supplier shall use its best endeavours to resolve the Complaint within ten (10) Working Days and in so doing, shall deal with the Complaint fully, expeditiously and fairly. 44.3 Within two (2) Working Days of a request by the Authority, the Supplier shall provide full details of a Complaint to the Authority, including details of steps taken to achieve its resolution.

  • ERROR RESOLUTION NOTICE In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfers, Call or Write us at the telephone number or address listed in this disclosure, as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer listed on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent the FIRST statement on which the problem or error appeared.

  • Error Resolution If you believe that you did not authorize an electronic fund transaction, if you need a copy of a transaction receipt from a Merchant, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction listed on the statement or receipt, you should call or write us at the phone number or address shown at the end of these Regulatory Disclosures under “UMB Contact Information” You should report errors no later than sixty (60) days after information is available to you on your periodic statement or in your electronic statement information concerning the transaction that you believe to be in error or which you believe is a problem. Include the following information: (a) your name and your HSA Deposit Account number; (b) describe the error or the transaction you are unsure about and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information; and (c) the dollar amount of the suspected error. If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us your complaint or questions in writing within ten (10) business days. We will determine whether an error occurred within ten (10) business days after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to 45 days to investigate your complaint or question. If we decide to do this, we will credit your account within ten (10) business days for the amount you think is in error so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within ten (10) business days, we may not credit your account. For errors involving new accounts, point-of-sale, or foreign-initiated transactions, we may take up to 90 days to investigate your complaint or question. For new accounts, we may take up to 20 business days to credit your account for the amount you think is in error. We will tell you the results within three (3) business days after completing our investigation. If we decide that there was no error, we will send you a written explanation. You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation.

  • Disputes Resolution It is the intent of the parties to communicate on a regular basis in a positive and effective manner. The parties agree to communicate areas of concern as they arise and to address those concerns in a professional manner. Any disputes between the Commission and the School which arise under, or are by virtue of, this Contract and which are not resolved by mutual agreement, shall be decided by the full Commission in writing, within 90 calendar days after a written request by the School for a final decision concerning the dispute; provided that where a disputes resolution process is defined for a particular program area (e.g., IDEA, Section 504, etc.), the Parties shall comply with the process for that particular program area; and further provided that the parties may mutually agree to utilize the services of a third-party facilitator to reach a mutual agreement prior to decision by the full Commission. Subject to the availability of an appeal under Ch. 302D, HRS, or BOE administrative rules or procedures, any such decision by the full Commission shall be final and conclusive.