Concerns Sample Clauses
Concerns. The Board, individually and collectively, shall promptly and discreetly refer to the District Superintendent, for his study and recommendations, any and all criticisms, complaints, suggestions, communications or comments which the Board deems to be significant regarding the administration of the St. Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx BOCES or the District Superintendent’s performance of his duties.
Concerns. If you have any concerns about how we are using your personal data then we ask that you contact our Data Protection Officer in the first instance. However an individual can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office should you consider this to be necessary, at xxxxx://
Concerns. Nurses are encouraged to raise any staffing concerns, without fear of retaliation. For specific staffing concerns, the Medical Center will make available a form that is mutually-agreeable to the Medical Center and the Association. Nurses will leave completed forms in a designated place, and the Medical Center will not discourage the reporting, documentation and submission of such forms. A copy of such reports received by the Medical Center will be provided to the Association, a member of the PNCC designated by the Association, and the appropriate unit manager.
Concerns. Concerns may be expressed in each building anytime. Any concerns that cannot be resolved will be presented to the Superintendent in writing by the building administrator and/or the association representative along with a copy for the other parties. The Superintendent will address that issue or concern within 10 working days. Concerns that cannot be resolved will be taken to the Board.
Concerns. Concerns regarding Supervisor comments/actions are to be addressed to the appropriate Manager.
Concerns. Users who have a concern or question are requested to contact the Town Office at 381-3033.
Concerns. Concerns must be made to the Director in writing or during a scheduled meeting and should be limited to concerns or questions regarding PPL Program policies, procedures, and philosophy. Artistic concerns such as program development, PPL Level Placement, casting, or choreography are not appropriate issues to be raised.
Concerns. If a musician or OOTS have a concern relating to the engagement, they have a right to express it. Every effort should be made to resolve the personal concern or complaint informally and as speedily as possible. Should this not be possible the following procedures have been agreed as being the most effective way to resolve the personal concerns. Please remember that some cases need time to be investigated fully. Process for Musicians: The Musician may see the Artistic Director as he / she is the person, who in most cases, can best respond to the issue. The Musician is entitled at any time to take the matter up themselves or ask for support from the MU / a colleague who may accompany them. Should the personal concern relate to the conduct of a colleague, then that colleague will be notified of the terms of the issue and have an opportunity of being heard him / herself. Should this colleague be the person to whom a complaint would normally be referred, then in such cases the matter may be referred directly to the Managing Director. If within a period of seven days the matter has not been dealt with to the satisfaction of the player, the Musician is entitled to proceed to Stage 2. In Stage 2, the matter must be dealt with within seven days otherwise the Musician will be entitled to proceed to Stage 3. These time limits may be altered by mutual agreement.
Concerns. If you are concerned about how we are using your personal data then you can contact Partnership Learning’s DPO, or if necessary you or your parent/ carer can contact an outside agency - the Information Commissioner’s Office who could also help at xxxxx://