Contacting You. In order to service your Account or collect any amounts you may owe, you agree that we may contact you using any contact information related to your Account, including contact information: (i) you have provided to us, (ii) from which you contact us or (iii) at which we believe we can reach you. We may use any means to contact you, which may include automated dialing services, prerecorded voice messages, mail, e-mail and text messages and calls to your cell phone. You are responsible for any amount charged by any service provider as a result of us contacting you. You agree to promptly notify us if you change any contact information you provide to us.
Contacting You. You understand and agree that we may always communicate with you using any technology or methods that are permitted by law and that do not require your prior consent. You also agree that we may communicate with you using an automatic telephone dialing system and through the delivery of artificial and/or prerecorded voice messages. Some of the ways we may contact you include calls, emails, text messages, device-level notifications, and other electronic notification methods supported by the software you use to access your Account. These communications may relate to upcoming due dates, missed or returned payments, other matters relating to the servicing or collection of amounts due under this Agreement or any other agreement with us, and your relationship with us more generally. We may communicate with you using any telephone numbers (including wireless, landline, and voice over IP numbers) or email addresses that you give or have given to us. You understand and agree that anyone with access to your telephone, email account or Eligible Device may listen to or read the messages that we leave or send you. You agree that we will not be liable for any charges that you incur in connection with any communications that we send to you. You agree to notify us immediately if you change telephone numbers or are no longer the subscriber or usual user of a telephone number that you have given to us. You agree that we may monitor, record, retain and reproduce your telephone calls and other communications with us. To the extent you have a right under applicable law, you can withdraw your consent to receive text messages through a telephone network (e.g., SMS), calls to your Eligible Device, or calls through a telephone network, that are made with an automatic telephone dialing system or that deliver a prerecorded and/or artificial voice message. To revoke your consent, you must contact us in accordance with this Agreement.
Contacting You. You must promptly notify us of any change in your personal information, including any change in your legal name, telephone number, residential address, and your mailing address if it is different from your residential address, your email address and your telephone number(s). You are still responsible when we can’t contact you. If we send a statement or a notice to the Primary Cardholder and it is returned because of an invalid address, we may suspend use of the Visa Account until we have received the updated information. The Primary Cardholder is responsible for paying all amounts owing on the Visa Account even if the Primary Cardholder does not receive statements or notice of statements due to an invalid address or email address. If we have to give you any notice under this Agreement, we may send the notice to your residential address, mailing address or e-mail address (if you have chosen to receive notices electronically) or, except for confidential financial information that relates specifically to you, by posting notice at a Vancity branch or on Vancity’s website, or in any other way that we consider it appropriate to bring the notice to your attention. If we send you a notice, you will be considered to have received it on the earlier of the actual day you received it, or 1 day after the date we sent it if we emailed it or sent it by another electronic method, or 3 days after the date we sent it if we mailed it. Notices posted on our website or at a Vancity branch are considered made and effective on the date they were posted.
Contacting You. You authorize us and our affiliates, agents, representatives, assigns and service providers (collectively, the “Messaging Parties”) to contact you using automatic telephone dialing systems, artificial or prerecorded voice message systems, text messaging systems, email, or any similar methods then in use and automated email systems in order to provide you with information about this Agreement and your season tickets and related benefits, including information about payments and games. You authorize the Messaging Parties to make such contacts using any telephone numbers (including wireless, landline and VOIP numbers) or email addresses you supply to the Messaging Parties in connection with this Agreement, your season tickets, or any other matter. You understand that anyone with access to your telephone or email account may listen to or read the messages the Messaging Parties leave or send you, and you agree that the Messaging Parties will have no liability for anyone accessing such messages. You further understand that, when you receive a telephone call, text message or email, you may incur a charge from the company that provides you with telecommunications, wireless and/or Internet services, and you agree that the Messaging Parties will have no liability for such charges. You expressly authorize the Messaging Parties to monitor and record your calls with the Messaging Parties. You agree that, unless you withdraw your consent as explained below, the authorizations you provide in this section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. You understand that, at any time, you may withdraw your consent to receive text messages and calls to your cell phone or to receive artificial or prerecorded voice message system calls by calling 000.XXXXX.XX (546.4752) or writing to LA Kings, 000 X. Xxxx Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 or such other address designated by the Kings. To stop text messages, you can also simply reply “STOP” to any text message the Messaging Parties send you. To stop emails, you can follow the opt‐out instructions included at the bottom of the Messaging Parties’ emails.
Contacting You. You agree that our employees and authorised agents may contact you by any means, including by SMS, email, telephone or visiting you at your place of employment or business or any other place at any time for any purposes connected with the Agreement.
Contacting You. You agree that we (and/or our service providers or anyone we authorize) may contact you at any phone number, email address, or mailing address you provide or we obtain in other ways. This includes communications to mobile, cellular/wireless, or similar devices. We may contact you by live operator, auto-dialer, recorded or artificial voice, text, or email. Call Monitoring. We may monitor and record any calls between you and us. Notices. We send any notices to your billing address or, if you've agreed, by email to the address you gave us. We consider a notice sent as soon as we mail it. We consider an electronic notice sent as soon as we email it, unless we receive notification that the email was undeliverable.
Contacting You. If you book via our website or have opted in other circumstances for us to contact you via e-mail, we will communicate with you using the e-mail address you have provided. For example, to provide your confirmation, we will assume that your e-mail address is correct and that you understand the risks associated with using this form of communication.
Contacting You. We may use your personal data to contact you by post, telephone, or by email with information regarding your account and/or announcements or updates to our products and services. If you do not wish your personal data to be used for these purposes, please give us written notice to that effect (if emailing us, please include the words “Data Protection” in the subject line of the email).
Contacting You. You agree that our employees and authorised agents, including debt collection agents, may contact you by any means, including by SMS, email or telephone at any time for any purposes connected with the Agreement.
Contacting You. By providing your phone number or contacting us from a phone number, you authorize us (including our affiliates, agents, independent contractors, servicers, collection agents, and our successors and assigns) to contact you at the phone number using text messages, telephone calls, automated telephone dialing system, artificial or prerecorded voice, or other communication methods to service any and all of your accounts with us and our affiliates or to contact you about USAA products or membership. Message and data rates may apply. You agree to notify us if you change or discontinue using any phone number you provide or from which you contacted us. By providing your email address you authorize us to contact you by email.