COURT “ON-CALL” SUBPOENA. 1. When a unit employee receives an "on-call" subpoena, the employee may elect to:  Report for duty at the Xxxxxx City Police station for watch assignment; or  Remain at home and be available for call by the court.
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COURT “ON-CALL” SUBPOENA. The following provisions will apply only to unit members in the classification of Sergeant through June 30, 2019. Effective July 1, 2019, all unit members will become eligible to receive court on-call subpoena pay.


  • Subpoena Leave Each Faculty Member shall be granted leave at full pay when subpoenaed as a witness, other than as a defendant or plaintiff, in a criminal or civil trial which has resulted directly from an incident which took place during any District sponsored activity including all class and laboratory sessions, Associated Student Body sponsored events, Athletic contests or required meetings held either on or off the college's campuses. Such leave shall be restricted to personal appearance under a subpoena issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, and only in matters as defined above. All leave for appearances as a witness other than those described above shall be granted only under the provisions of Section 11.4 Personal Necessity Leave, or, with the approval of the appropriate Vice President as unpaid leave.

  • Subpoena In the event that a subpoena or other legal process is served upon the Contractor for records containing confidential information, the Contractor shall promptly notify the State and cooperate with the State in any lawful effort to protect the confidential information.

  • Arbitrator's Jurisdiction The jurisdiction and authority of the arbitrator and his opinion and award shall be confined exclusively to the interpretation and/or application of the provision(s) of this Agreement at issue between the Union and the Administration. The arbitrator shall have no authority to add to, detract from, alter, amend, or modify any provision of this Agreement; to impose on either party a limitation or obligation not explicitly provided for in this Agreement; or to establish or alter any wage rate or wage structure. The arbitrator shall not hear or decide more than one grievance without the mutual consent of the Administration and the Union. The written award of the arbitrator on the merits of any grievance adjudicated within his jurisdiction and authority shall be final and binding on the aggrieved employee, the Union and the Administration, unless either party contests it before a court of competent jurisdiction as permitted by state law.

  • Subpoenaed Witness For each day that the employee is compensated by the Crown, the employee shall be compensated by the Employer at $50.00 per day and by the Union at $50.00 per day up to a maximum of 4 calendar weeks or 20 working days. Proof of payment by the Crown shall be presented to the Employer and to the Union.

  • Arbitrator’s Decision The arbitrator's decision and award shall be in writing and shall state concisely the reasons for the award, including the arbitrator's findings of fact and conclusions of law.

  • Step Five – Arbitration a. When CRONA has requested arbitration in accordance with this Section, CRONA and a representative designated by the Employer shall attempt to reach Agreement on an arbitrator by informal discussion. If agreement has not been reached within five (5) working days of the request for arbitration, the arbitrator shall be selected from the following five (5) persons by the alternative striking of names, with the Employer striking first, until one remains, who shall be the arbitrator: Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, and Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx. The first strike for arbitrators will be rotated between CRONA and the Employer.

  • Jury Duty or Subpoena Any employee summoned as a juror or subpoenaed as a witness shall be granted leave in accordance with state law, a copy of which is attached in Addendum B.

  • Court Duty Section 1. After due notice to the EMPLOYER, employees subpoenaed to serve as a witness in cases arising from or during the performance of their official duties, or called and selected for jury duty, shall be allowed their regular compensation at their current base pay rate for the period the court duty requires their absence from work duty, plus any expenses paid by the court. Such employees, so compensated, shall not be eligible to retain jury duty pay or witness fees and shall turn any such pay or fees received over to the EMPLOYER. If an employee is excused from jury duty prior to the end of his/her work shift, he/she shall return to work as directed by the EMPLOYER or make arrangement for a leave of absence.

  • Jury Duty/Subpoena A. An employee shall be allowed such time off without loss of compensation as is required in connection with mandatory jury duty. If payment is made for such time off, the employee is required to remit to the State jury fees received. When night jury service is required of an employee, the employee shall be allowed time off without loss of compensation for such portion of the required time that coincides with the employee's normal work schedule. This includes any necessary travel time.

  • Arbitrator's Powers The arbitrator shall have no power to render a decision that will add to, subtract from or alter, change or modify the terms of this Agreement, and his/her power shall be limited to interpretation or application of the express terms of this Agreement, and all other matters shall be excluded from arbitration. To the extent that a matter is properly before an arbitrator in accordance with this provision, the arbitrator's decision thereon shall be final and binding providing it is not contrary to existing law or regulation nor requires an appropriation of additional funds, in either of which case it will be advisory in nature. The Parties further agree that questions of arbitrability are proper issues for the arbitrator to decide.

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