Deputy Project Manager. Design; (c)
Deputy Project Manager. Construction; and (d)
Deputy Project Manager. Design; (c) Deputy Project Manager – Construction; and (d) Environmental Compliance Manager.
Deputy Project Manager. The Project Managers shall be responsible for arranging all meetings, visits, and consultations between the parties, and for the transmission and receipt of technical information between the parties. The parties' initial Project Manager and Deputy Project Manager is set forth on the Third Schedule hereto.
Deputy Project Manager. Xxxxx Xxxxx
Deputy Project Manager. (3) Urban Planner; and (4) Transportation Expert (The "Professional Threshold Requirements").
Deputy Project Manager. (3) Urban Planner; and (4) Transportation Expert is in compliance with at least one of the following conditions:
Deputy Project Manager. (3) Urban Planner; and (4) Transportation Expert; to be highly experienced in their respective fields of expertise, as provided herein below.
Deputy Project Manager. Construction; (d) Environmental Compliance Manager; (e) Maintenance Manager; (f) Maintenance QC Manager; and (g) O&M Project Manager.
7.4.3 Developer acknowledges and agrees that the award of this Agreement by TxDOT to Developer was based, in large part, on the qualifications and experience of the personnel listed in the Proposal and Developer’s commitment that such individuals would be available to undertake and perform the Work. Developer represents, warrants and covenants that such individuals are available for and will fulfill the roles identified for them in the Proposal in connection with the Work. Individuals filling Key Personnel roles shall be available for the Work and shall maintain active involvement in the prosecution and performance of the Work. In addition to the foregoing, TxDOT reserves the right to require a 100% time commitment per position from any Key Personnel if TxDOT, in its discretion, determines that such personnel are not devoting sufficient time to the prosecution and performance of the Work.
7.4.4 If an individual filling one or more Key Personnel roles is not available for the Work and does not maintain active involvement in the prosecution and performance of the Work because such individual has been replaced, Developer acknowledges that TxDOT, the Work and the Construction Period O&M Period
7.4.5 In addition, if an individual filling one or more Key Personnel roles is not available for the Work and does not maintain active involvement in the prosecution and performance of the Work and such individual has not been replaced by an individual approved by TxDOT, Developer acknowledges that TxDOT, the Work and the Project will suffer significant and substantial additional Losses due to the unavailability of an approved individual to fill a Key Personnel role and that it is impracticable and extremely difficult to ascertain and determine the actual Losses which would accrue to TxDOT in such event. Therefore, for each day that a Key Personnel role is not filled by an approved individual, Developer agrees to pay TxDOT a liquidated amount as follows, for each position not filled, as deemed compensation to TxDOT for such Losses: POSITION LIQUIDATED AMOUNT Construction Period O&M Period
7.4.6 Developer understands and agrees that any damages payable in accordance with this Section 7.4 are in the nature of liquidated damages and not a penalty and that such sums are reasonable under the circumstances existing as of the Effective Date. TxDO...
Deputy Project Manager. Kristina acted as deputy project manager for ESA and provided planning services associated with refurbishing a 1,200 acre cattle ranch in West Marin. Kristina coordinated the preparation of background documentation with ESA staff (including a wetland delineation, agricultural management plan, botanical survey report, and a composite constraints map) for submission to the Marin County Planning Department for a Coastal Permit, Use Permit, and Design Review.