Description of Proposal. (describe nature and extent of the rezoning request, reasons for rezoning) Please refer to Planning Report.
Description of Proposal. (describe nature and extent of the rezoning request, reasons for rezoning)
Description of Proposal. 11.1 Objectives of the project. (Brief and to the point)
Description of Proposal. 1. The Parties to this appeal agree that the appeal be resolved in the following terms (list details of the orders sought): Signed (Appellant): ................................................................. Date: .................................................................
Description of Proposal. 1.1 At the 8th May 2008 Planning Committee, Members resolved to grant planning permission under application ref. 08/00190/FUL for the demolition of the vacant public house and erection of a two and half storey development of 9 no 2 bedroom and 5 no 1 bedroom flats, 14 parking spaces and cycle and refuse stores, subject to the completion of a S106 Legal Agreement.
Description of Proposal. Duke Power Company proposes to lease to Sailview Properties, LLC (Sailview) nine parcels containing a total of 4.91 acres of project land for the construction of 186 boat slips. The boat slips would provide access to the reservoir for residents of Sailview Subdivision. Constructing the boat slips would require the dredging of 9,900 cubic yards of lake bottom material.
Description of Proposal. Duke Power Company proposes to lease to Southdell, Inc. a 0.323 acre parcel of project land for the construction of 8 copies) should be filed with: Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Mail Code: DLC, HL–11.1, 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, XX, Xxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000. 1 Standards For Business Practices Of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines, 85 FERC ¶ 61,371 (1998).
Description of Proposal. Duke Power Company proposes to lease to Southeastern Land Sales, Inc. (Harbor Ridge) a 0.70 acre parcel of project land for the construction of 28 boat slips. The boat slips would provide access to the reservoir for residents of the Harbor Ridge Subdivision. Constructing the boat slips would require no dredging. About 200 linear feet of rip rap would be installed to stabilize the shoreline.
Description of Proposal. Reems Ranch intends to develop the Site as an industrial facility or similar type development that is consistent and compatible with the land uses permitted under Section 1010.6 of the Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance, ARS §28-8481, and the approved UCCD. The Proposed Land Use Table is divided into various Luke AFB noise contours, which coincide with the Luke AFB noise contour areas shown on the Conceptual Land Use Exhibit provided at Exhibit 2. Table 1 - Permitted Land Use Table LAND USE Ldn 70-74 Ldn 75-79 Ldn 80-84 Transportation, Communications, and Utilities Railroad and rapid rail transit Y Y Y Highway and street right-of-way Y Y Y Motor vehicle parking Y Y Y Communications (noise sensitive) Y Y N Utilities Y Y N Other transportation, communications, and utilities Y Y Y Commercial/Retail Trade Wholesale trade Y Y Y Building materials-retail Y Y Y General merchandise-retail Y Y N Food retail Y Y N Automotive and marine Y Y N Apparel and accessories-retail Y Y N Eating and drinking places Y Y N Furniture and home furnishings-retail Y Y N Other retail trade Y Y N Personal & business services Finance, insurance, real estate Y Y N Personal services Y Y N Business services Y Y N Repair services Y Y Y Contract construction services Y Y N Indoor recreation services Y Y N Other services Y Y N Industrial/manufacturing Food and kindred products Y Y Y Textile mill products Y Y Y Apparel Y Y Y Lumber and wood products Y Y Y Furniture and fixtures Y Y Y Paper and allied products Y Y Y Printing and publishing Y Y Y Chemicals and allied products Y Y Y Petroleum refining, and related industries Y Y Y Rubber and miscellaneous plastic Y Y Y Xxxxx, xxxx and glass products Y Y Y Primary metal industries Y Y Y Fabricated metal products Y Y Y Professional, scientific, and controlling instruments Y Y N LAND USE Ldn 70-74 Ldn 75-79 Ldn 80-84 Miscellaneous manufacturing Y Y Y Public and Quasi-Public Services Government services Y Y N Cultural activities, including churches Y N N Medical and other health services Y N N Cemeteries Y Y N Nonprofit organizations Y N N Correctional facilities Y Y Y Other public and quasi-public services Y N N Outdoor Recreation Playgrounds and neighborhood parks Y N N Community and regional Y N N Nature exhibits N N N Spectator sports, incl. arenas Y N N Golf courses and riding stables Y Y N Water based recreational areas Y Y N Resort and group camps Y N N Auditoriums and concert halls Y N N Outdoor amphitheaters and music shells Y Y N Resource Pr...
Description of Proposal. The Amex proposes to codify in Rule 933(d), Commentary .06 to Rule 950(d), and Commentary .03 to Rule 950(n), current practices regarding the participation in option trades executed on the Exchange by registered options traders and specialists and the