PLANNING HISTORY. There is no planning history at the proposed site. As noted above, poultry developments have been approved previously in the locale and this history is significant to the consideration of this application. There are three distinct clusters of these developments, which are grouped accordingly and detailed below. In addition, and as mentioned above, planning application 20/00347/FUL is also under consideration for a further poultry building nearby, to the north- east of the proposed site. • 06/00326/FUL - Mobile Poultry Unit. Approved March 2006 (time limit condition modified by approval of 07/01741/FUL). • 07/01752/FUL - Erection of Mobile Poultry Unit etc. Approved October 2007. • 08/02047/FUL - Erection of Mobile Poultry Unit etc. Approved March 2009. • 10/00036/FUL - Erection of Poultry Unit etc. Approved May 2010. • 14/01347/FUL - Siting of Mobile Poultry Unit. Approved February 2015. • 15/01173/FUL – Shed 1 - Erection of poultry building etc. Approved by the Planning and Building Standards Committee in February 2016. • 16/01430/FUL – Shed 2 - Erection of poultry building etc. Approved by the Planning and Building Standards Committee in March 2017. • 17/00623/FUL – Shed 3 - Erection of poultry building and associated works. Refused by the Planning and Building Standards Committee November 2017 as contrary to LDP policies ED7 (Business, Tourism and Leisure Development in the Countryside), ED10 (Prime Quality Agricultural Land), HD3 (Residential Amenity) and EP1 (International Nature Conservation Sites and Protected Species). Approved on appeal to the Scottish Ministers in November 2018. Now operational. • 18/01620/FUL- Shed 4 - Erection of poultry building and associated works. Approved by the Planning and Building Standards Committee November 2019. Nearly completed. • 20/00347/FUL - Shed 5 - Erection of poultry building, upgrade of access junction, formation of access road, and associated works. Pending consideration.
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PLANNING HISTORY. A summary of all previous known land use decisions affecting the applicant’s property and a list of all outstanding conditions of approval with respect to such prior land use decisions.
PLANNING HISTORY. 2.1 The LG Companies undertake that following the coming into force of the LDO, they will not commence any new development on the Property in reliance on any of the Old Permissions and will only proceed with the Development or such other development as may be authorised in the future by the LDO or any new planning permission. 2.2 TBC, in its own right and as successor to the UDC and the LG Companies agree that the Old Agreement and the Deed of Variation will, as of the date of the coming into force of the LDO, be cancelled and of no further effect and will in all respects be superseded by the provisions of this Agreement. 2.3 The Parties acknowledge that the LG Companies have already performed certain of the obligations under the Old Agreements that related to aspects of the development authorised by the Old Permissions and they are set out in Schedule 3.
PLANNING HISTORY. 3.1 The site has a long planning history. Most relevant to this proposal is the extant outline planning permission for a residential led development, granted on 21 November 2014, subject to conditions and a legal agreement (ref: 2012/02454/OUT). The development is for: 'Demolition of all existing buildings and structures and; outline planning application for a comprehensive residential led mixed use redevelopment; comprising 11 building plots, with building heights ranging from 8 - 32 storeys (plus basement/podium level); to develop up to a maximum of 1,150 residential units (Class C3); offices and employment uses (Class B1); shops, services, cafes, restaurants, bars and take-aways (Classes A1-A5); health, crèche and multi-purpose community facilities (Class D1); leisure facilities (Class D2); associated infrastructure works including basement and surface level car parking and servicing; a vehicular and pedestrian bridge, access roads and footways; energy centres; provision of new open spaces including a public garden, urban square, communal and private courtyards and gardens, together with other landscaping works, ancillary accommodation and associated works’. 3.2 Conservation area consent (ref: 2017/02033/CAC) was granted on 20 December 2017 for a phased 'Demolition of buildings and structures within Conservation Area'. Most of the site has now been cleared. Forest House would be demolished at a later stage as part of the proposed phased masterplan, subject to planning approval. 3.3 A reserved matters application (ref: 2017/02538/RES) was granted 14 November 2017 for the 'submission of reserved matters relating to the details of access pursuant to outline planning permission reference 2012/02454/OUT'. This consent safeguarded the extant residential led outline planning permission as the first application for approval of Reserved Matters was required to be submitted before the expiration of 3 years from the date of the outline permission. It is not the applicant’s intended course of action to progress with the development as approved in the outline application 2012/02454/OUT. The current outline masterplan, the subject of this report would replace the existing approved proposals. 3.4 On 4 July 2018, permission was granted for ‘Meanwhile Space’ in the proposed masterplan proposals, limited for a temporary period of 10 years from the first occupation (ref: 2017/04276/FUL). Permission was approved for three 4-storey modular buildings to provide 25,486sqm (GE...
PLANNING HISTORY. 3.1 The site has an extensive planning history although the only directly relevant history for this application is that set out in paragraph 2.1 above.
PLANNING HISTORY. 3.1 The proposal to regenerate the estate of approximately 36 hectares was granted outline permission 06/03680/OUT in September 2008, subject to 112 conditions, plus informatives and a Section 106 legal agreement. 3.2 Pre-commencement conditions have been discharged and a number of precincts (individual development sites within the redevelopment) have been approved as reserved matters as part of Phase 1 of the 10 year programme. Alongside the planning permission, a number of obligations set out in the S106 Agreement have also been discharged.
PLANNING HISTORY. 3.1 The site has been used as a printing and bookbinding works. The works were automated about 1983 with around 33 employees. The business went into administrative receivership in October 2001.The number of employees fell to 12. It shut at the end of 2001 The Probation Service occupied part of the first floor with about 15 staff until February 2001. Subsequently the entire property has been vacant 3.2 On 13.4.2004 the Council's Planning Applications Committee resolved to grant planning permission and conservation area consent for development of the site by:- Partial demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment including the erection of a three storey building and an additional storey to retained building together with associated works to provide ground and part first floor office (Class B1) units and 14 self contained flats on part first and second floors including terraces to front elevation, with associated landscaping and refuse storage. (ref 03/02178/FUL) Permission is subject to a Section 106 Agreement to secure:- affordable housing were the scheme to be revised to provide 15 plus units; payment for highway markings to restrict on-street car parking, and a contribution towards a scheme to improve bus, pedestrian and cycle facilities of Herne Hill junction. To date the Agreement remains to be completed. 3.3 On 29.4.2005 Conservation Area Consent for demolition was refused on 29.4.2005. (ref 05/00725/CON) The reason for refusal was:- 3.4 On 6.6.2005 Planning permission was refused for ‘Redevelopment of site, with retention of facades to Xxxxxxx Road / Croxted Road erection of part single, part two, three part four storey building to provide 43 flats (17 of which would be affordable housing) together with landscaping including roof garden.(ref 05/00724) The reasons for refusal were:- 1 The proposed development by reason of its design, external appearance, bulk, height and form would have an unacceptable and detrimental impact on the character of the retained building and streetscene and would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of this part of Xxxxxxxxx Park Conservation Area. As such the proposal is contrary to Policies CD2, CD15 and CD18 of the adopted Lambeth Unitary Development plan (August 1998) and Policies 31, 32, 36 and 42 of the Revised Deposit Replacement Unitary Development Plan (June 2004). 2 The high number and poor internal layout of the proposed flats, the bulk of the building and lack of amenity space constitute...
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PLANNING HISTORY. Application Number Proposal Decision SUMMARY INFORMATION REPRESENTATIONS Barkham Parish Council: In principle Barkham Parish Council support the school. The Council have the following comments and objections on the application. Arborfield & Xxxxxxx Parish Council: The Parish Council has no comments to make on the above application.
PLANNING HISTORY. The existing stable building was approved under planning consent reference 07/01986/FUL in 2008 24 objections have been received, as have 22 supporting representations. A separate commentary on behalf of objectors on certain issues has also been received. All are available to view on Public Access and a summary of the main points raised is noted below:
PLANNING HISTORY. A previous application for residential development on the site was submitted in 2008 (08/00436/OUT) and ultimately withdrawn after the site was not included in the Scottish Borders Local Plan approved amendments. It was then subsequently considered and discounted during the Local Development Plan process, including rejection by the LDP Examination Reporter. It was then promoted by the land owner again as part of the Supplementary Guidance (SG) on Housing but discounted at the first stage by the Department, thus not being included in the SG as a preferred or alternative site. A further application for planning permission in principle for residential development was submitted for the field, including the site, in 2017 (17/00015/PPP). This was refused by the Council in October 2017 for the following reasons:
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