DESIGN REVIEWS AND CODE APPROVALS. The board of visitors shall review the design of all major capital projects and shall provide final major capital project authorization based on the size, scope, and cost estimate provided with the design. Unless stipulated by the board of visitors at the design review, no further design reviews shall be required. For all capital projects other than major capital projects, the President of the University, acting through the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance or his designee, shall adopt procedures for design review and project authorization based on the size, scope, and cost estimate provided with the design. It shall be University policy that all capital projects shall be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (VUSBC) standards and the applicable accessibility code. The President of the University, acting through the Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance or his designee, shall designate a building official responsible for building code compliance at the University, by either (i) hiring an individual to be the University building official or (ii) continuing to use the services of the Department of General Services, Division of Engineering and Buildings, to perform the building official function. If option (i) is selected, the individual hired as the University building official shall be a full-time employee of the University who has no other assigned duties or responsibilities at the institution and who is not employed by any firm or business providing facility services to the University, is a registered professional architect or engineer, and is certified by the Department of Housing and Community Development to perform this building official function. The University building official shall issue building permits for each capital project required by the VUSBC to have a building permit, shall determine the suitability for occupancy of, and shall issue certifications for building occupancy for, all capital projects requiring such certification. Prior to issuing any such certification, this individual shall ensure that the VUSBC and accessibility requirements are met for that capital project and that such capital project has been inspected by the State Fire Marshal or his designee as required. When serving as the University building official, such individual shall organizationally report directly and exclusively to the board of visitors. If the University hires its own U...
DESIGN REVIEWS AND CODE APPROVALS. The board of visitors shall review the design of all major capital projects and shall provide final major capital project authorization based on the size, scope, and cost estimate provided with the design. Unless stipulated by the board of visitors at the design review, no further design reviews shall be
DESIGN REVIEWS AND CODE APPROVALS. 508 The board of visitors shall review the design of all major capital projects and shall provide final 509 major capital project authorization based on the size, scope, and cost estimate provided with the design. 510 Unless stipulated by the board of visitors at the design review, no further design reviews shall be 511 required. For all capital projects other than major capital projects, the President of the University, 512 acting through the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance or his designee, shall adopt 513 procedures for design review and project authorization based on the size, scope, and cost estimate 514 provided with the design. It shall be University policy that all capital projects shall be designed and 515 constructed in accordance with applicable Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (VUSBC) 516 standards and the applicable accessibility code. 517 The President of the University, acting through the Senior Vice President of Administration and 518 Finance or his designee, shall designate a building official responsible for building code compliance at 519 the University, by either (i) hiring an individual to be the University building official or (ii) continuing 520 to use the services of the Department of General Services, Division of Engineering and Buildings, to 521 perform the building official function. If option (i) is selected, the individual hired as the University 522 building official shall be a full-time employee of the University who has no other assigned duties or 523 responsibilities at the institution and who is not employed by any firm or business providing facility 524 services to the University, is a registered professional architect or engineer, and is certified by the
DESIGN REVIEWS AND CODE APPROVALS. The Board of Visitors shall review the design of all Major Capital Projects and shall provide final Major Capital Project authorization based on the size, scope and cost estimate provided with the design. Unless stipulated by the Board of Visitors at the design review, no further design reviews shall be required. For all capital projects other than Major Capital Projects, the President, acting through the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration or other designee, shall adopt procedures for design review and project authorization based on the size, scope and cost estimate provided with the design. It shall be the University’s policy that all capital projects shall be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (VUSBC) standards and the applicable accessibility code.