Designating Authorities. The Parties shall ensure that the Designating Authorities specified in the Sectoral Annexes have the power and competence in their respective territories to carry out decisions under this Agreement to designate, monitor, suspend, remove suspension of, or withdraw conformity assessment bodies.
Designating Authorities. Each Party shall ensure that Designating Authorities have the necessary power to designate, monitor (including verification), withdraw the designation of, suspend the designation of and withdraw the suspension of the designation of the conformity assessment bodies that conduct conformity assessment procedures based upon the requirements set out in the applicable laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the other Party specified in the relevant Sectoral Annex.
Designating Authorities. 1. The Parties shall ensure that the designating authorities responsible for designating the conformity assessment bodies specified in the Sectoral Annexes shall have the necessary power and competence to designate, suspend, remove suspension and withdraw the designation of such bodies.
2. In making such designations and withdrawals, designating authorities shall, unless specified otherwise in the Sectoral Annexes, observe the procedures for designation set out in Article 12 and the Annex.
3. In case of suspension of a designation or removal of such a suspension, the designating authority of the Party concerned shall immediately inform the other Party and the Joint Committee. Conformity assessment carried out by a suspended conformity assessment body before its suspension shall remain valid unless otherwise determined by its designating authority.
Designating Authorities. 1. The Parties hereby undertake to ensure that their designating authorities have the necessary power and competence to designate conformity assessment bodies or withdraw designation, suspend or remove suspension of designated conformity assessment bodies under their respective jurisdiction.
2. For the designation of conformity assessment bodies, the designating authorities shall observe the general principles for designation set out in Annex 2, subject to the provisions of the respective section IV in Annex 1. These designating authorities shall observe the same principles when withdrawing designation, suspending or removing suspension.
Designating Authorities. The Parties shall ensure that the Designating Authorities specified in the Sectoral Annexes have the power and c ompetence in their respective territories to c arry out decisions under this Agreement to designate, monitor, suspend, remove suspension of, or withdraw c onformity assessment bodies.
Designating Authorities. (a) Designating authorities are those authorities and organisations responsible for designating and assuring the competence of conformity assessment bodies to test and certify equipment covered by this Annex to the requirements of the other Party. The designating authorities for the purpose of this Annex are listed in Attachment 3. The designating authorities may seek the services of their accreditation system in carrying out these responsibilities.
(b) Each Party shall notify the other within ten (10) working days of changes in the identity of their designating authorities and their authority to carry out the obligations under this Annex.
Designating Authorities. (a) The designating authorities for the purpose of this Annex are listed in Attachment 2.
(b) Each Party shall notify the other within ten (10) working days of changes in the identity of their designating authorities and their authority to carry out the obligations under this Annex.
Designating Authorities. 1. The Parties shall ensure that their Designating Authorities have the necessary authority to designate, monitor, suspend, remove suspension and withdraw designation of the Conformity Assessment Bodies specified in the Sectoral Annexes within their respective jurisdictions.
2. Designating Authorities shall consult, as necessary, with their counterparts in the other Party to ensure the maintenance of confidence in conformity assessment processes and procedures. This consultation may include joint participation in audits related to conformity assessment activities or other assessments of designated Conformity Assessment Bodies, where such participation is appropriate, technically possible and within reasonable cost.
Designating Authorities. For the European Community For Canada — Belgium Ministère des communications et de l’infrastructure Ministerie van Verkeer en Infrastructuur— Germany Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft— Spain Ministerio de Fomento— France Ministère de l’équipment, des transports et du logement Ministère de l’économie, des finances et de l’industrie— Italy Ministero dell’Industria, del Commercio e dell’Artigianato— Netherlands De Minister van Verkeer en Waterstaat— Finland Liikenneministeriö/Trafikministeriet— Sweden Under the authority of the Government of Sweden: Styrelsen för ackreditering och teknisk kontroll (SWEDAC)— United Kingdom Department of Trade and Industry The Canadian coastguard — European Community: notified bodies which have been notified by the Member States of the European Community, and whose names and reference numbers have been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. — Canada: to be determined.
Designating Authorities. 5.1 Parties will ensure that their Designating Authorities have the authority and competence to designate, list, verify the compliance of, limit the Designation of, and withdraw the Designation of Conformity Assessment Bodies within their jurisdictions. Parties also will ensure that their Designating Authorities have the authority and competence to recognize Conformity Assessment Bodies outside their jurisdictions.
5.2 Designating Authorities will take such measures as necessary to ensure that their designated Conformity Assessment Bodies maintain the necessary technical competence to undertake the Conformity Assessment Procedures for which they have been designated.
5.3 The Designating Authority also may appoint an accreditation body to accredit Conformity Assessment Bodies while maintaining full responsibility as a Designating Authority under this Agreement.
5.4 Each Party will list, under Xxxxx XX, its Designating Authorities and accreditation bodies.