DETERMINATION OF STEP. At the Time of Hiring 6-2.01
DETERMINATION OF STEP. On the Date of the Coming into Force of the Agreement 6-2.01
DETERMINATION OF STEP. For the purposes of determining the salary step applicable to every employee in its employ on the date of the coming into force of the agreement, the board shall, on the following April 1, integrate every employee into the step of his or her salary scale found in Appendix I of the agreement. The step shall be the one that the board recognized for him or her on the day preceding the date of the coming into force of the agreement by applying his or her corresponding salary scale in effect on that date.
DETERMINATION OF STEP. The salary step of each new employee shall be determined according to the class of employment assigned to him or her, taking into account his or her schooling and experience in accordance with this article. The step usually corresponds to one complete year of recognized experience. It denotes the salary rate in the scales found in Appendix 1. An employee who possesses only the minimum required qualifications specified in the Classification Plan to enter a class of employment shall be entitled to the first step of the class.
1 Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxx and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx may act as arbitrators until March 30, 2015.
DETERMINATION OF STEP. On the Date of the Coming into Force of the Agreement
6-2.01 For the purposes of determining the salary step applicable to every employee in its employ on January 1, 1990, the school board shall, on January 1, 1990, integrate every employee into the step of his salary scale determined in Appendix I of the agreement. The step shall be the same as that which the school board recognized for him on December 31, 1989 by applying his corresponding salary scale in effect on that date.
6-2.02 In the case where an employee is integrated from a corresponding salary scale into a class of employment that is applicable to him on December 31, 1989, different from that in which he is integrated on January 1, 1990, within the framework of the provisions of clause 6-1.01, the employee shall be integrated into the step obtained by the application of the provisions provided for in clauses 6-2.16, 6-2.17 or 6-2.18, as the case may be.
6-2.03 For the purpose of applying clause 6-2.02, the employee whose salary rate, while not over-scale, is situated between the two (2) steps on December 31, 1989, shall be considered as having the step immediately higher. # 1991-02-12
6-2.04 The salary step of each new employee shall be determined according to the class of employment that has been assigned to him, taking into account his schooling and experience, in accordance with the terms and conditions provided hereafter.
6-2.05 The step shall usually correspond to one (1) complete year of recognized experience. It shall denote the salary levels within the scale provided for in each class of Appendix I.
6-2.06 A person who possesses only the minimum qualifications required to enter a class of employment shall be hired in the first step of the class.
6-2.07 However, an employee who possesses more years of experience than the minimum required for his class of employment shall be granted one step per additional year of experience, provided that this experience be deemed valid and directly relevant to the duties outlined in his class of employment. In order to be recognized for the purposes of determining the step in a class of employment, the experience must be relevant and must have been acquired with the school board or with another employer, in a class of employment of an equivalent or higher level than this class of employment, taking into account the qualifications required by the class of employment. The relevant experience acquired in a class of employment of a level lower than the empl...
DETERMINATION OF STEP. On the Date of the Coming into Force of the Agreement Subject to Appendix for the purpose of determining the salary step applicable on February to every employee in its employ, the board shall integrate, on April every employee into the step of his or her salary scale found in Appendix I of the agreement. The said step shall be that the board recognized for him or her on January by applying his or her corresponding salary scale in effect on that date. In the case where an employee is integrated from a corresponding salary scale into a class of employment applicable to him or her, different from the one into which he or she is integrated,he or she shall be integrated into the step obtained by the application of the provisions of clause or as the case may be. After determining the step into which an employee Is integratedin the by applying the provisions of clause the board shall grant an advancement in step to the employee who is so entitled by the application of clauses to At the Time of Hiring The salary step of each new employee shall be determined according to the class of employment assigned to him or her, taking into account his or her schooling and experience in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed hereafter. In general, a step corresponds to one complete year of recognized experience and indicates the rate on the salary scale provided for each of the classes of employment in Appendix I. A person who possesses only the minimum qualifications required for a class of employment shall be hired at the first step of the class of employment. However,an employee who possesses more years of experience than the minimum requiredfor his or her class of employment shall be granted one step per additional year of experience, provided that the experience be deemed valid and directly relevant to the duties described in his or her class of employment.
DETERMINATION OF STEP. Subject to Appendix 13, for the purpose of determining the salary step applicable on April 1, 2010 to every employee in its employ, the board shall integrate, on April 1, 2010, every employee into the step of his or her salary scale found in Appendix 1 of the agreement. The step shall be that the board recognized for him or her on March 31, 2010 by applying his or her corresponding salary scale in effect on that date.
DETERMINATION OF STEP. The salary step of each new employee shall be determined according to the class of employment assigned to him or her, taking into account his or her schooling and experience in accordance with this article.
6-2.02 The step usually corresponds to one complete year of recognized experience, meaning one thousand eight hundred and twenty (1820) hours in the categories of technical and administrative positions and two thousand and fifteen (2015) hours in the categories of manual support positions. It denotes the salary rate in the scales found in Appendix 1.
6-2.03 An employee who possesses only the minimum required qualifications specified in the Classification Plan to enter a class of employment shall be entitled to the first step of the class.
6-2.04 An employee who possesses more years of experience than the minimum specified in the Classification Plan for the class of employment shall be granted one step per additional year of experience, provided that this experience be deemed valid and directly relevant to the duties outlined in the class of employment. For the purpose of determining the step in a class of employment, experience must be relevant and must have been acquired with the board or with another employer in a class of employment of an equivalent or higher level than this class of employment, taking into account the qualifications required by the class of employment. The relevant experience acquired in a class of employment of a level lower than the employee's class of employment may be used solely to meet the qualifications required by the class of employment.
6-2.05 An employee who has successfully completed more years of schooling than the minimum required in the Classification Plan in an officially recognized institution shall be granted two (2) steps for each year of schooling in addition to the minimum required, provided that these studies are deemed directly relevant by the board and that they are greater than the qualifications required in terms of the schooling for the class of employment to which the employee belongs. The first advancement in step shall be granted on January 1 or on July 1 which follows by at least nine (9) months the effective date of entry into service. The subsequent advancement in step shall usually be granted on the anniversary date of the first advancement. This clause applies subject to clause 6-2.08.
DETERMINATION OF STEP. The salary step of each new employee shall be determined according to the class of employment assigned to him or her, taking into account his or her schooling and experience, under this article.
DETERMINATION OF STEP. ❑ The salary step of each new employee is determined according to his or her class of employment, schooling, and experience (6–2.01). The step corresponds to one year of recognized experience (6–2.
02). ❑ The first advancement in step occurs on January 1 or on July 1 nine months after the entry into service. Following this, the advancement occurs on the anniversary date of the first advancement (6–2.06). Temporary employees Article 6–2.00 applies.