Salary Levels Sample Clauses
Salary Levels a. The salary level at which initial appointments are made to classes with more than one (1) salary level, and advancement from the lower to the higher salary level of such classes (for example, from Level I to Level II) are at the discretion of the appointing authority provided the minimum qualifications as stated in the class specification as adopted by the Civil Service Commission are met.
b. The above sets forth the system for both current and new classes regarding the determination of the minimum qualifications for salary levels and neither the County, the Union, or the Civil Service Commission shall have the right or obligation to meet and confer over such matter during the term of this Agreement.
Salary Levels. LEVEL A- BA with less than 6 years’ service at the College LEVEL B- CPA/MA/MS/2 BAs with less than 6 years BA with 6-11 years LEVEL C- CPA/MA/MS with 6-11 years 2 BAs with 6 years or more BA with more than 11 years 2 Masters with less than 6 years LEVEL D- CPA/MA/MS with more than11 years but less than 16 years PhD/EdD/JD with less than 6 years 2 Masters with 6-11 years LEVEL E- CPA/MA/MS with more than16 years PhD/EdD/JD with 6-11 years 2 Masters with more than 11 years LEVEL F- PhD/EdD/JD with 11 years or more
Salary Levels. Each salary level may represent one full school year of employment with the Board. Advancement from one salary level to the next may occur upon completion of a full school year of employment. For purposes of this paragraph only, a full school year is defined as one school year in which the employee works more than one-half of the number of calendared duty days in the school year or more than fifty percent (50%) of the hours scheduled for the position in which the employee works. Credit for experience prior to employment with the Board shall be given for each year satisfactorily completed up to a maximum of three (3) years. Experience credit in addition to three (3) years may be awarded by the Board following consultation with the Association.
Salary Levels. Nothing in this article shall reduce an NTT Faculty member’s current FTE-adjusted salary level. NTT Faculty whose retirement or social security income is negatively affected by the salary provisions in this Article may agree to a lower salary with the consent of the Association.
Salary Levels. Except as provided elsewhere in this section, the salary level at which initial appointments are made to classes with more than one (1) salary level, and advancement from the lower to the higher salary level of such classes (for example, from Level I to Level II) are at the discretion of the appointing authority provided the minimum qualifications as stated in the class specification as adopted by the Civil Service Commission are met.
Salary Levels. Effective May 1, 2015 Effective May 1, 2016 Effective May 1, 2017 Step 1 $57,614.13 Step 2 $59,752.93 Step 3 $61,891.75 Step 4 $64,030.55 Step 5 $66,169.35 Step 6 $68,308.17 Step 7 $70,446.97 Step 8 $72,585.78 Step 9 $74,724.59 Step 10 $76,863.40 Step 1 $58,478.34 Step 2 $60,649.22 Step 3 $62,820.13 Step 4 $64,991.01 Step 5 $67,161.90 Step 6 $69,332.79 Step 7 $71,503.67 Step 8 $73,674.57 Step 9 $75,845.46 Step 10 $78,016.35 Step 1 $59,355.52 Step 2 $61,558.96 Step 3 $63,762.43 Step 4 $65,965.87 Step 5 $68,169.32 Step 6 $70,372.79 Step 7 $72,576.23 Step 8 $74,779.69 Step 9 $76,983.14 Step 10 $79,186.59 Note 1: Instructors will advance annually on May 1st to the next salary level after each year of service at the current salary level, contingent on their annual performance review. Note 2: Placement of newly hired Instructors in the salary level range will take into account their qualifications and years of experience in a similar instructional setting. Specifically, newly hired Instructors may be placed at a higher salary level than level 1 and/or may be given additional years of service for the level on which they are placed if their academic qualifications and/or years of prior relevant experience (e.g., experience in a similar instructional setting) are above the minimum advertised for their particular position. A ppendix “B” – Coordinators In addition to their regular duties and responsibilities as set out in 16.02, Instructors may be appointed to the position of coordinator. Appointments to a coordinator position will be for one year renewable terms. Coordinators are assigned specific responsibilities by the Director or designate. It is understood that coordinators do not have responsibility for the disciplining of Instructors in the bargaining unit. The number of hours required to perform the assigned responsibilities will be determined by the Director or designate. A coordinator’s total regular work assignment, including coordinator responsibilities, will not exceed an average of 40 hours per week and will conform to Article 16 (Hours of Work and Overtime). For clarity, any pre-approved hours worked beyond their full-time responsibilities will be remunerated at the overtime rate as described in Article 16.03. Coordinator positions will be posted on the Union bulletin board, in accordance with the posting provisions of Article 21.04 (Posting of Positions). Coordinators will receive an annual stipend of $2500. Stipends will not form part of an Instructo...
Salary Levels. The numbers include the employee’s own pension contribution, but are without the employer’s contribution, in accordance with the collective agreement: 1 0-48 months 30,000 2 49-83 months 36,000 4 Over 84 months 43,000 Employers have a duty to observe the agreed pay guarantees, cf. protocol on this. Employers have a duty to prepare a pay policy, cf. the protocol on this.
Salary Levels a. Effective December 1, 2019, the minimum full-time equivalent salary shall be $50,004. All postdocs on the payroll and in the bargaining unit on or after this date shall be paid a salary that is not less than the minimum full-time salary.
b. Effective December 1, 2019, postdocs who are in the bargaining unit and on payroll on this date and were in the bargaining unit and on payroll the preceding September 1, shall have their salary increased to the appropriate salary minimum shown in the 1-DEC-19 column below. Years of experience shall be based on total time as a postdoc, including appointments at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and all prior postdoctoral appointments.
c. Effective December 1, 2020, postdocs who are in the bargaining unit and on payroll on this date and were in the bargaining unit and on payroll the preceding September 1, shall have their salary increased to the appropriate salary minimum shown in the 1-DEC-20 column. Years of experience shall be based on total time as a postdoc, including appointments at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and all prior postdoctoral appointments.
d. Effective December 1, 2021, postdocs who are in the bargaining unit and on payroll on this date and were in the bargaining unit and on payroll the preceding September 1, shall have their salary increased to the appropriate salary minimum shown in the 1-DEC-21 column below. Years of experience shall be based on total time as a postdoc, including appointments at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and all prior postdoctoral appointments. Years of experience 1-DEC-19 1-DEC-20 1-DEC-21 0-2 $ 50,004 $ 51,004 $ 52,024 3-4 $ 52,896 $ 53,954 $ 55,033 5-7 $ 56,880 $ 58,018 $ 59,178
Salary Levels. A teacher shall advance to the next salary level at the beginning of the school year if the teacher is in good standing with state certification requirements.
Salary Levels. (a) The salary levels for school-based trainees and apprentices shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the relevant Training Contract. These shall be specified in writing and available to school-based trainees and apprentices prior to commencement of their employment under this arrangement.
(b) Unless otherwise specified in the Agreement, trainees and apprentices who are not enrolled in a SCEA training programme shall be paid the minimum wage for full-time traineeships as specified in the Educational Services (schools) General Staff Award 2010.