Disability Access Fund. Three and four year old children who are in receipt of child disability living allowance and are receiving the free entitlement are eligible for the Disability Access Fund (DAF). DAF is paid to the child’s early years setting as a fixed annual rate of £615 per eligible child, if you are splitting hours with different settings it is important that you please nominate the setting you wish to receive this fund on the parent declaration form and attach a copy of your child’s disability living allowance letter from DWP to the parent declaration form.
Disability Access Fund.
18.1. The Disability Access Fund (DAF) supports registered early years settings to make initial reasonable adjustments and to build the capacity of their setting to support disabled children. DAF must not be used for childcare costs.
18.2. The DAF is not based on an hourly rate and will be paid as a one-off payment of £800 per 12 month period for each eligible child.
18.3. Children do not have to take up the full 570 hours of early education in order to receive the DAF. Children in receipt of the DAF will be eligible where they take-up any period of free entitlement.
Disability Access Fund. ● The government has recently introduced an annual payment to childcare providers that are delivering the majority of care to a child in receipt of Disability Living Allowance. Parents/carers can choose which provider can receive this by claiming it on the Free Entitlement Funding Form given out at the beginning of term.
Disability Access Fund. Complete the DAF section of the PDF • Submit a copy of the DLA entitlement letter with the application on the provider portal
Disability Access Fund. From April 2017 the Government has introduced a new funding measure for early years providers, the Disability Access Fund (DAF), to support children with disabilities. The DAF aids access to early years places by, for example, supporting providers in making reasonable adjustments to their settings and/or helping with building capacity (be that for the child in question or for the benefit of children as a whole attending the setting).
Disability Access Fund. Identify children who may be eligible for DAF • Complete the DAF section of the PDF • Submit a copy of the DLA entitlement letter and completed PDF with the application on the provider portal
Disability Access Fund. If your child is 3 or 4, is receiving child Disability Living Allowance and is receiving the free entitlement, he or she is eligible for the Disability Access Fund (DAF). DAF is paid to your child’s early years provider. The purpose of DAF is to support Providers to make reasonable adjustments and build the capacity of their setting to support children with disabilities Additional funding may be available through the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP), paid to early years Providers for the provision of extra support for your child. EYPP is used to improve teaching and learning facilities and resources so as to impact positively on your child’s progress and development.
Disability Access Fund.
18.1. The Disability Access Fund (DAF) supports registered early years settings to make initial reasonable adjustments and to build the capacity of their setting to support disabled children. DAF must not be used for childcare costs.
18.2. DAF is not based on an hourly rate and will be paid as one lump sum payment per 12-month period for each eligible child. The current funding rate for DAF is available on the Bracknell Forest website
18.3. Children do not have to take up the full 570 hours of entitlement funding to receive the DAF. Children in receipt of DAF will be eligible where they take-up any period of entitlement. • the child receives entitlement funding
18.5. If a child eligible for the DAF is splitting their entitlement place across two or more settings, parents must nominate the setting to whom they wish the DAF payment to be made.
Disability Access Fund. If your child receives Disability Living Allowance (DLA), your childcare provider can claim an additional £615 Disability Access Funding (DAF) to support your child. Note: This amount can only be claimed once in any 12-month period. It cannot be split or claimed by multiple providers/schools. If your child changes childcare provider after DAF has been claimed a new provider will not be able to claim DAF for your child until the anniversary of the first payment. I have read and understood the above statement and give permission for this childcare provider named in Section 1 to claim the Disability Access Fund for my child for the next 12-months. Yes No EYPP is an additional sum of money - £456 for the full 570 hours - to childcare providers for children living in households in receipt of certain benefits. This funding is to help improve and enhance the quality of the early education provided and to support your child in meeting their learning potential. If you have already received an eligibility code for Early Years Pupil Premium, enter it here Code: Parent’s date of birth DD / MM / YYYY Adoption/special guardianship order/child arrangement order Please attach supporting evidence Looked after by the LA Please attach supporting evidence
Disability Access Fund. Three and four-year-old children who are in receipt of Disability Living Allowance and are receiving the universal free entitlement are eligible for the Disability Access Fund (DAF). DAF is paid to the child’s early years provider as a fixed annual rate of £615 per eligible child. Parent/carers are required to submit evidence of their child’s DLA award letter to the childcare provider to support the claim for DAF funding. This will be retained on file. Is your child eligible and in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA)? □ Yes □ No Only one childcare provider can receive the DAF for your child each financial year. If you move setting, this cannot be paid to another provider until the following financial year. If your child is sharing their free entitlement across two or more providers, please nominate the main early years provider where the council should pay the DAF. Nominated childcare provider to receive DAF: Copy of DLA letter received by setting (Y/N) Copy of document taken by (staff member): Date: You must complete this agreement form with each childcare provider your child is attending for their free early education entitlement of 15 or 30 hours per week to ensure funding is paid fairly between them. Your child can attend a maximum of two different sites in a single day. Childcare provider name(s) Hours accessed at childcare provider(s) (funded/paid) Hours attended per day Total hours per week Number of weeks per year (e.g. 38, 45, 51) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri For children accessing for 30 hours free childcare, please declare the childcare provider where your child is attending for their universal hours and their additional hours. Childcare provider 1 Childcare provider 2 Childcare provider 3 Universal hours Additional hours Declaration The parent / carer understands and agrees the following;