Dismissal Review Committee. 1. Establishment: A dismissal review committee is hereby established as provided in RCW 28B.50.869 composed of members of the administrative staff, the full-time faculty, and a full- time student.
Dismissal Review Committee. 13.5.1 Definitions relating to the Dismissal Review Committee as used in this article:
Dismissal Review Committee. A. A five-member Dismissal Review Committee created for the express purpose of hearing dismissal cases shall be established no later than October 15 of any academic year.
1. The members shall include one (1) administrator chosen by the College President, one (1) full-time student chosen by the Student Association in such manner as the members thereof shall determine, and three (3) faculty members representing the faculty who shall be selected by a majority of the faculty acting in a body.
2. The faculty members on the initial Dismissal Review Committee shall serve a one-year, two-year, and three- year term respectively.
3. Subsequent elections will be for three-year terms so that the committee members shall have staggered terms.
Dismissal Review Committee. The duties of the Dismissal Review Committee are the same as those allowed for under Article 10.
Dismissal Review Committee. A. A dismissal review committee created for the express purpose of hearing dismissal cases shall be established no later than October 15 of each academic year and shall be comprised of the following members:
1. One (1) member and an alternate chosen by the college President.
2. Three
Dismissal Review Committee. The master contract applies except when the person under consideration for dismissal is a faculty member at SCCC - the student representative on the committee would be replaced with a DOC employee as designated by the Superintendent of SCCC.
Dismissal Review Committee. If the informal hearing identified in 11.8 does not resolve the matter, a Dismissal Review Committee will be established for each Tenured Professor for whom dismissal procedures are being initiated or for each Probationary Professor whose appointment may be terminated prior to the terms of the written contract when the reasons for such action are those specified in this Article.
Dismissal Review Committee. (A) The five (5) regular members of the Audition Committee shall serve on the Dismissal Review Committee.
(B) In addition, the Artistic Director in conjunction with the Orchestra Members Committee shall choose three (3) additional Musicians to serve on the Dismissal Review Committee.
Dismissal Review Committee. A Dismissal Review Committee comprised for the express purpose of hearing dismissal cases shall be formulated by October 15 and shall be comprised of the following members:
A. An administrator chosen by the College President.
B. Three (3) employees chosen by the employees acting in a body; provided that the initial Dismissal Review Committee employees shall serve a one-year (1), two-year (2), and three-year (3) term, respectively. All subsequent elections to this committee by employees shall be limited to an election of a member to a three-year (3) term so that all future elections of an employee to this committee shall be accomplished on a staggered-term basis.
C. A full-time student chosen by the Associated Student Body.
Dismissal Review Committee. A Dismissal Review Committee created for the express purpose of hearing dismissal cases shall be established no later than October 15 of each academic year and shall be comprised of the following members:
1. One member chosen by the Chancellor.
2. Three (3) Faculty members and two (2) alternates shall be chosen by the Faculty acting in a body. (The Review Committees required by RCW 28B.50.850 through 28B.50.869 shall be composed of members of the administrative staff and Faculty. The representatives of the Faculty shall represent a majority of the members on each Review Committee. The members representing the Faculty on each Review Committee shall be selected by a majority of the Faculty and Faculty department heads acting as a body.)
3. The Chancellorshall choose one (1) alternate member to serve on the Dismissal Review Committee should the regularly appointed member be unable to serve on the Committee.
4. The alternate shall be called upon if the first appointee is the subject of review.
5. The Dismissal Review Committee will select one of its members to serve as chair.
6. A student appointed by the applicable student body organization and one alternate.