Holiday Coinciding with a Day of Vacation Where an employee is on vacation leave and a day of paid holiday falls within that period, the paid holiday shall not count as a day of vacation.
Public Holidays falling within Annual Leave (a) If a Public Holiday, as prescribed in this Agreement, falls within an Employee’s Annual Leave the Public Holiday does not constitute part of the Employee’s Annual Leave and will be paid as ordinary hours.
Reduction of Hours The Employer shall not reduce the weekly hours of work of an employee for the purpose of replacing such hours with another employee at a lower hourly rate of pay.
Holiday Pay A. On each of the holidays designated above, each full-time employee scheduled to work but permitted to take the day off shall receive pay computed at the employee's basic hourly rate for the number of hours the employee was regularly scheduled to work. B. On each of the holidays designated above, each part-time employee scheduled to work but permitted to take the day off shall receive pay computed at the employee’s basic hourly rate for the number of hours the employee was regularly scheduled to work.
Distributions on Account of Separation from Service If and to the extent required to comply with Section 409A, no payment or benefit required to be paid under this Agreement on account of termination of the Executive’s employment shall be made unless and until the Executive incurs a “separation from service” within the meaning of Section 409A.
Eligibility for Holiday Pay A. An employee must be paid for all or a portion of both the regularly scheduled working assignment immediately prior to a holiday and the regularly scheduled working assignment immediately after that holiday in order to receive holiday pay. With County approval, compensatory time earned for working on a holiday or for a holiday falling on a regularly scheduled day off may be taken on the first scheduled working day after the holiday. B. A new employee whose first working day is the day after a holiday shall not be paid for that holiday. C. An employee who elects paid County retirement on a holiday shall be paid for the holiday. D. An employee who is terminating employment for reasons other than paid County retirement and whose last day as a paid employee is the day before a holiday shall not be paid for that holiday. E. Only regular, limited-term and probationary employees shall be eligible for holiday pay.
Calculation of Seniority For the purpose of this Article, "seniority" shall be defined as continuous employment at the university in positions within the bargaining unit. An authorized leave of absence or sabbatical, pursuant to Articles 15, Section C, 18 or 19 of this Agreement, shall not be deemed an interruption of continuous employment. For purposes of seniority calculation, time on a Sabbatical Leave pursuant to Article 15, Section C will be counted based on the ASF Member’s regular appointment as provided in this Subdivision. For purposes of this Section, a full-time ASF Member on a nine (9) to twelve (12) month appointment or a part time ASF Members on a seventy five percent (75%) time or greater appointment for twelve (12) months shall be considered to have accrued one (1) year of seniority. For other part time ASF Member and for first year full time ASF Members whose FTE is less than seventy five (75) percent, the number of months of seniority will be credited based on the FTE of the individual's appointment. If an ASF Member has an assignment in more than one department, program or service area, all seniority will be credited in the one in which the ASF Member is assigned the greatest percentage of time. If the assignment is split equally between more than one department, program or service area, then the President/designee will designate that one in which all seniority will be credited prior to the issuance of the subsequent seniority roster. If two (2) or more ASF Members have equal seniority, then those with greater length of service in permanent status shall have priority for retention. Should ASF Members still be equal in seniority, then the decision of which person to retain will be made on the basis of ASF Member competence and programmatic needs of the university as determined by the President. A seniority roster shall be posted by the President/designee on or before November 1 of each year, and a copy of such rosters shall be furnished to the Campus Association President. Grievances concerning the accuracy of the roster must be filed within thirty (30) calendar days of publication of the roster and must be limited to changes made and shown on the most recent roster. ASF Members on leave status at the time of posting of the seniority roster shall have thirty (30) calendar days after the end of such leave within which to file a grievance. The format of the seniority roster shall be the same for each university. The rosters shall contain all relevant information necessary to implement this Article, including a notification of any department, program or service area in which the ASF Member has served at least thirty-six (36) FTE months.
Accrual of Annual Leave (a) An employee shall accrue an amount of paid annual leave, for each completed 4 week period of continuous service with the employer, of 1/13 of the number of ordinary hours worked by the employee for the employer during that 4 week period. (b) Annual leave shall accrue on a pro-rata basis and be credited to the employee monthly.
Payment for annual leave (a) Before going on annual leave, an employee will be paid the amount of wages they would have received for ordinary time worked had they not been on leave during that period. (b) At the election of the employee such payments may be paid in accordance with the usual pay day relevant to the period of leave being taken.
Holiday Compensation Compensation for each paid holiday day not taken out is 4.6 % of the current monthly salary and holiday supplement according to 9.4.1 and 9.4.