Documentation of compliance. 5.8.1 The Data Processor shall after the Data Controller’s written request hereof provide documentation substantiating that:
(i) the Data Processor complies with its obligations under this Data Processor Agreement and the Instruction; and
(ii) the Data Processor complies with the Applicable Law in respect of the processing of the Data Controller’s Personal Data.
5.8.2 The Data Processor’s documentation of compliance shall be provided within reasonable time.
Documentation of compliance. 5.6.1 The Data Processor shall on the Data Controller’s written request hereof provide documentation substantiating the following:
(i) The Data Processor complies with its obligations under this Data Processor Agreement and the Instruction.
(ii) The Data Processor complies with the Applicable Law in respect of the processing of the Personal Data.
5.6.2 The Data Processor’s documentation in connection with section 5.6.1 shall be provided within reasonable time after the receipt of the request.
5.6.3 The Data Processor is not obligated to initiate and undertake external audits of its compliance with the Data Processing Agreement on its own initiative.
5.6.4 Notwithstanding section 5.6.3, the Data Processor shall allow for and contribute to audits, inspections, etc.every 12 months, to be conducted by the Data Controller, auditors mandated by the Data controller, or public authorities in Denmark or other competent jurisdictions, insofar such audits, inspections, etc. are necessary to verify the compliance of the Data Processor with this Data Processor Agreement and the Applicable Law. Any auditors performing said audit, inspections, etc. must have undertaken a duty of confidentiality either by written contract or by statutory law. The Data Controller shall notify the Data Processor 10 calendar days before such an audit. If an audit is carried out by a governmental authority directly at the Data Processor´s premises and relates to processing activities performed on behalf of the Data Controller, the Data Processor must inform the Data Controller hereof and participate in and facilitate such audits. If the audit is not performed due to actions or omissions by the Data Processors or its Sub-Processors, the Data Processor shall be entitled to invoice the Data Controller for its assistance with such audits.
Documentation of compliance. Each handler shall keep and maintain records of all receipts and acquisitions and all milling, remilling, blanching, use and disposition of peanuts which have not been certified as meeting the requirements for disposition to human consumption, pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, as will document and substantiate compliance and performance under this agreement. [62 FR 1266, Jan. 9, 1997, as amended at 63 FR 2851, Jan. 16, 1998; 63 FR 33243, June 18, 1998; 63 FR 41323, Aug. 3, 1998; 64 FR 56135, Oct. 18, 1999] § 998.300 Terms and conditions of indemnification for 1996 and subsequent crop peanuts.
(a) For the purpose of paying indemnities on a uniform basis pursuant to § 998.36 of the peanut marketing agreement, each handler shall promptly notify or arrange for the buyer to notify the Manager, Peanut Administrative Committee, of any lot of cleaned inshell or shelled peanuts, milled into one of the categories listed in paragraph (a) of the Outgoing quality regulation (7 CFR 998.200) or paragraph (j) of this section, on which the buyer, including the user division of a handler, has withheld usage due to a finding as to aflatoxin content as shown by the results of further chemical assay, after shipment.
(b) To be eligible for indemnification, such a lot of peanuts shall have been inspected and certified as meeting the quality requirements for Indemnifiable Grades as specified in paragraph (a) of the Outgoing quality regulation (7 CFR 998.200), shall have met all other applicable regulations issued pursuant thereto, including the pretesting requirements in paragraphs (a) and (c) of the Outgoing quality regulation (7 CFR 998.200) and the lot identification shall have been maintained. If the Committee concludes, based on further assays, that the lot is so high in aflatoxin that it should be handled pursuant to this section, and such is concurred in by the Agricultural Marketing Service, the lot shall be accepted for indemnification.
(c) The indemnification payment shall be transportation expenses (excluding demurrage, loading and unloading charges, custom fees, border re-entry fees, etc.) from the handler's plant or storage to the point within the Continental United States or Canada where the rejection occurred and from such point to a delivery point specified by the Committee if the lot is found by the Committee to be unwholesome as to aflatoxin after such lot had been certified negative as to aflatoxin prior to being shipped or otherwise disposed of...
Documentation of compliance. 5.4.1 Upon written request from the Data Controller, the Data Processor shall provide documentation of compliance with the obligations under article 28 of the EU DPR.
5.4.2 The Data Processor must provide the documentation within a reasonable amount of time from receiving a request to provide such documentation.
Documentation of compliance. 5.6.1 The Data Processor shall on the Data Controller’s written request hereof provide documentation substantiating the following: The Data Processor complies with its obligations under this Data Processor Agreement and the Instruction. The Data Processor complies with the Applicable Law in respect of the processing of the Personal Data.
5.6.2 The Data Processor’s documentation in connection with section 5.6.1 shall be provided within reasonable time after the receipt of the request.
5.6.3 The Data Processor is not obligated to undertake an audit of its compliance with the Data Processing Agreement in addition to section 5.6.4.
5.6.4 Notwithstanding section 5.6.3, the Data Processor shall allow for and contribute to audits, inspections, etc., to be conducted by the Data Controller, auditors mandated by the Data controller, or public authorities in Denmark or other competent jurisdictions, insofar such audits, inspections, etc. are necessary to verify the compliance of the Data Processor with this Data Processor Agreement and the Applicable Law. Any auditors performing said audit, inspections, etc. must have undertaken a duty of confidentiality either by written contract or by statutory law. The Data Controller shall notify the Data Processor 30 calendar days before such an audit.
Documentation of compliance. As an element in the Data Processor’s documentation of compliance to the Data Controller in accordance with subsection 4.3 of the Data Processing Agreement, the items below shall be implemented and complied with.
Documentation of compliance. As part of the Data Processor’s provision of evidence to the Data Controller of compliance with his obligations under section 4 of the Data Processor Agreement, the points below shall be carried out and adhered to.
Documentation of compliance. If any of the documents listed in Sub clauses (a) and (b) above are not in the English language they shall be accompanied by an English translation by an authorised translator or certified by a lawyer qualified to practice in the country of the translated language..
Documentation of compliance. The Data Processor must, upon written request from the Data Controller, document to the Data Controller that the Data Processor:
a. complies with the Instructions
b. complies with the provisions of the actual personal data protection regulations at any time in respect of the personal data processed on behalf of the Data Controller. For the purposes of documentation, the Data Processor shall make available to the Data Controller all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the said conditions. The Data Processor shall, at the written request of the Data Controller, allow and contribute to audits, including inspections by the Data Controller or any other individuals authorized by the Data Controller. The Data Processor's documentation of this must be done within a reasonable time.
Documentation of compliance. To document that the Didactic and Clinical Competency Requirements have been satisfied by a candidate, the program director (and authorized faculty member if required) must sign the ENDORSEMENT SECTION of the Application for Certification and Registration included in the Certification and Registration Handbook. Candidates who complete their educational program during 2017 or 2018 may use either the 2012 Didactic and Clinical Competency Requirements or the 2017 requirements. Candidates who complete their educational program after December 31, 2018 must use the 2017 requirements.