DOCUMENTS OF THE AGREEMENT. 11.1. The Special Conditions, General Conditions of the Agreement, Payment Schedule(s) and other additions, amendment and annexes to the Agreement shall form an integral part of the Agreement.
11.2. The General Conditions of the Agreement shall be valid insofar as they do not contradict the Special Conditions. In case of discrepancies between the Special Conditions and the General Conditions, the terms and conditions agreed in the Special Conditions shall prevail.
11.3. The Parties and the Factor have agreed that, where the Buyer is a customer of AS LHV Pank (registry code: 10539549), the General Conditions of AS LHV Pank shall be applied in issues not regulated by the Agreement. The General Conditions of AS LHV Pank are available in the branch offices of AS LHV Pank as well as the website of AS LHV Pank (
DOCUMENTS OF THE AGREEMENT. 13.1 The Special Conditions, General Conditions of the Agreement, Payment Schedule(s), instrument of delivery and receipt of the Property and other additions, amendments and annexes to the Agreement shall form an integral part of the Agreement.
13.2 The General Conditions of the Agreement shall be valid insofar as they do not contradict the Special Conditions. In case of discrepancies between the Special Conditions and the General Conditions, the terms and conditions agreed in the Special Conditions shall prevail.
DOCUMENTS OF THE AGREEMENT. The Agreement encompasses the following documents: Appendix 1 – Standard Sales and Delivery Terms Appendix 2 – End User License Agreement Appendix 3 – Maintenance Agreement Appendix 4 – Support Agreement Appendix 5 – Consultancy Agreement Appendix 6 – Cloud Services Agreement Appendix 7 – Data Processor Agreement Appendix 8 – Amendments of the Agreement
DOCUMENTS OF THE AGREEMENT. The different documents of the Agreement shall complement one another and must be understood based on one another. In the event of discrepancy between the Contract Letter and the other documents comprising the Agreement, the Contract Letter signed by the Principal and the Contractor shall take precedence over such other contract documents. In the event of objection, detailed provisions shall take precedence over general provisions. In the event of ambiguity, the interpretation most beneficial to the Principal shall take precedence. This shall, among other things, apply to all unspecified activities and/or subactivities that are part of and/or logically part of the work to be performed.
DOCUMENTS OF THE AGREEMENT. The agreement is in octuplicate and each party shall hold one copy, with other copies for purpose of approval and filling, the Target shall archive if there is any remaining, each copy shall be deemed equally authentic. Each copy of the Agreement that executed and delivered shall be deemed as an original copy. (This page is intentionally left blank without body text, only for signatures of the Equity Transfer Agreement)
DOCUMENTS OF THE AGREEMENT. The Parties shall be obliged to comply with the contents of the following documents, which are an integral part thereof:
a) All certificates and documents signed by the authorized representatives by virtue of the execution of this Agreement that are generated because of the execution of the Agreement.
b) Amendments made in writing and signed by the legal representatives of the Parties to this Agreement.
c) The appendices and other documents expressly mentioned in this Agreement.
DOCUMENTS OF THE AGREEMENT. 11.1. Appendix 1 - Financed Activities 11.2. Appendix 2 - Financing Application (template) 11.3. Appendix 3 - Financing Application Approval Notice (template) 11.4. Appendix 4 - Conversion Notice (template)
DOCUMENTS OF THE AGREEMENT. 10.1 The documents of the Agreement include this Agreement, the annexes signed together with the Agreement, and the annexes agreed upon after the conclusion of the Agreement.
10.2 Upon concluding the agreement, the following annexes are attached to the agreement:
10.2.1 list of side costs signed by the Landlord and the Tenant – Annex 1;
10.2.2 act of handover-reception of the rental apartment signed by the Landlord and the Tenant – Annex 2.
DOCUMENTS OF THE AGREEMENT. (a) The Contract Documents. The “Contract Documents” (sometimes referred to also as the “Agreement”) consist of the Contract (“Contract”) to which these General Contract Provisions are attached as Appendix A, the Drawings, Specifications and other documents listed on Appendix B, the Scope of Work attached as Appendix C, the Special Contract Provisions attached as Appendix D, the Construction Safety Standards attached as Appendix E, addenda issued prior to execution of the Contract and set forth in the Contract, and other documents listed in the Contract and Modifications (as hereinafter defined) issued after execution of the Agreement. These form the “Contract Documents” and shall all be deemed a part of the agreement between Owner and Contractor for the construction of the Work. An enumeration of the Contract Documents, other than Modifications, appears in Paragraph 2 of the Contract. A “Modification” is (1) a written amendment to the Contract signed by the Owner or its authorized representative and the Contractor, (2) a Change Order (as hereinafter defined), (3) a Construction Change Directive (as hereinafter defined), or (4) a written order for a Minor Change (as hereinafter defined) in the Work issued by the Owner or Construction Manager on the Owner’s behalf. Unless specifically enumerated in the Contract, the Contract Documents do not include other documents, such as bidding requirements (advertisements or invitations to bid, instructions to bidders, sample forms, the Contractor’s bid or portions of addenda relating to bidding requirements).
DOCUMENTS OF THE AGREEMENT. 5.1 This Agreement builds on the terms of the Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998 ("award"). Part 1 of this Agreement contains the terms that supplement the award terms and Attachment ‘A’ contains the terms that replicate the relevant award terms. Where there is any inconsistency between Part 1 and Attachment ‘A’, the terms in Part 1 shall take precedence to the extent of any inconsistency. Moreover, references to "award" etc in Attachment ‘A’ shall, where the context requires, mean this Agreement and the terms in Attachment ‘A’ shall apply to the rates of wage provided for in this Agreement.
5.2 Existing over award payments and conditions of employment shall continue to apply as if they were a term of this Agreement except where the terms of this Agreement expressly provide otherwise.