Drug Sample Clauses
Drug. Drug" means marijuana metabolites, cocaine metabolites, ampheta- mines, opiate metabolites, narcotics and phencyclidine (PCP). Legally prescribed drugs shall be handled in the same manner as fitness for duty medical exams.
Drug any controlled substance listed under section 102(6) of the Controlled Substance Act (21 U.S.C. 802(6)) as specified by the administrator of the federal department of transportation.
Drug. The term “drug” includes cannabis, as well as other controlled substances including alcohol as defined in the Ohio Revised Code.
Drug. A controlled substance as defined by Chapter 3719 of the Ohio Revised Code, entitled "Controlled Substances" or Section 202, Schedules I through V, of the Federal Controlled Substance Act, including but not limited to marijuana, hashish, "crack", cocaine, heroin, morphine, codeine, opiates, amphetamines, "ice", barbiturates and hallucinogens.
Drug. “Drug” means marijuana metabolites, cocaine metabolites, amphetamines, opiate metabolites, phencyclidine (PCP), any illegal substances, and any substances regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) for employees subject to DOT regulations.
Drug. Any substance, including alcohol, that is restricted or prohibited by this Policy, state, or federal law.
Drug. Drug" means a scheduled controlled substance, which includes opiates, cannabinoids, cocaine, methadone, methaqualone, phencyclidine (PCP), propoxyphene and chemical derivatives of these substances. Legally prescribed drugs shall be handled in the same manner as fitness for duty medical exams and an employee may be required to disclose prescription drugs where there is a reasonable suspicion that said drug may be affecting the employee's performance of the employee's position.
Drug. During the term of this Agreement, CHC shall purchase from Supplier and Supplier shall sell and provide to CHC, or arrange for the provision of, such units of Drug, which are required by CHC to meet the needs of its Drug Therapy Business. Said Drug will be sold and provided to CHC when and as requested by CHC for resale by CHC to its patients. Supplier shall only be obligated to provide Drug to, or on behalf of, CHC for resale to patients pursuant to a physician's prescription. Supplier shall provide such Drug as is prescribed by the Physician, (or if not specifically described in the prescription, as determined by CHC), subject to product availability. If Drugs are not available, Supplier shall promptly notify CHC. In the event of Drug unavailability, Supplier shall provide Drugs to CHC on a "most favored nations" basis and CHC shall be free to purchase any shortfall of Drugs elsewhere. "Most favored Nations" basis shall mean that Supplier shall provide Drugs to CHC on the same basis that it provides Drugs to any other entity with which it has a management contract, but shall not require Supplier to treat CHC the same as Supplier's direct patients.
Drug. Alexion shall provide Site, at no charge, such quantities of drug required for the Study (the “Drug”). Site shall safeguard and store the Drug in a locked, secured area at all times supervised by a qualified pharmacist with the same degree of care used for its own property, and shall, following completion or termination of the Study return or otherwise dispose of any unused Drug, at Xxxxxxx’x direction and reasonable expense, in accordance with Applicable Law. Site shall maintain complete and accurate Drug accountability records and shall provide such records to Alexion upon request. Site shall not use or divert any Drug for any purpose other than conducting the Study for which the Drug was provided.
Drug. Xenova has transferred or will complete the transfer, as the case may be, to QLT of approximately [*] of the Drug in its possession or control, including quantities of the Drug ordered from [*] but not released as of the Effective Date. Xenova will supply such quantities of the Drug to QLT at no charge to QLT.