ELIGIBILITY FOR COST REIMBURSEMENT. 11.1 The TCEQ will reimburse the PERFORMING PARTY for those costs which are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with all requirements. Costs are considered eligible for reimbursement when the TCEQ, in its sole discretion, determines that the costs are the reasonable, necessary, actual, and allowable costs of implementing the Grant Activities listed in the Scope of Work. Costs must be included in the Scope of Work to be eligible for reimbursement. Determinations of eligibility for reimbursement are solely within the discretion of the TCEQ. 11.2 For any Grant Activity where the Grant Equipment will be acquired and used under a lease or lease-purchase agreement, the period of the lease agreement must extend for the Activity Life for each Grant Activity, or, if the lease terminates earlier, the lease must contain a binding commitment for the PERFORMING PARTY to pay any remaining costs and to take ownership of and title to the Grant Equipment. An option to buy at the end of the lease term, without a binding commitment on the part of the PERFORMING PARTY, shall not be sufficient to satisfy this provision.
ELIGIBILITY FOR COST REIMBURSEMENT. 9.1 TCEQ will reimburse the PERFORMING PARTY for those costs which are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with all contractual requirements. Costs are considered eligible for reimbursement when the TCEQ, in its sole discretion, determines that the costs are reasonable, necessary, actual, and allowable for implementing the Grant Activities listed in the Scope of Work. Costs must be included in the Approved Grant Budget to be eligible for reimbursement. 9.2 Amounts of costs stated in the Approved Grant Budget are maximum amounts of reimbursement. By stating the amounts, the TCEQ does not A) guarantee payment of those amounts, or B) waive the requirements for reimbursement which must subsequently and continually be satisfied by the PERFORMING PARTY. 9.3 The PERFORMING PARTY has a continuing obligation to satisfy the requirements for reimbursement. A Request for Reimbursement, TCEQ's payment of reimbursement, or any other action will not establish an entitlement in the PERFORMING PARTY to payment from the TCEQ. 9.4 By paying a Request for Reimbursement, the TCEQ does not waive any requirements for the reimbursement of costs. The TCEQ may at any time before or after reimbursement, in its sole discretion, request additional evidence concerning costs. The TCEQ may audit the records of the PERFORMING PARTY and may also audit the PERFORMING PARTY’s performance as to the Grant Activities and the Administrative Requirements. The PERFORMING PARTY shall return grant funding reimbursed for expenses that are later determined to be unallowable under the terms of this Contract.
ELIGIBILITY FOR COST REIMBURSEMENT. 11.1 The TCEQ willreimbursethe PERFORMING PARTY for those costs which are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with allrequirements.Costs are considered eligibleforreimbursementwhen the TCEQ, in its sole discretion, determines that the costs are the reasonable, necessary, actual, and allowable costs of implementing the Grant Activities listed in the Scope ofWork. Costs must be included in the Scope ofWork to be eligibleforreimbursement.Determinations of eligibility for reimbursement are solely within the discretion of the TCEQ. 11.2 For any Grant Activity where the Grant Equipment will be acquired and used under a lease or lease-purchase agreement, the period of the lease agreement must extend for the Activity Life for each Grant Activity, or, if the lease terminates eariier, the lease must contain a binding commitment for the PERFORMING PARTY to pay anyremainingcosts and to take ownership of and title to the Grant Equipment. An option to buy at the end of the lease term, without a binding commitment on the part of the PERFORMING PARTY, shall not be sufficient to satisfy this provision.
ELIGIBILITY FOR COST REIMBURSEMENT. 13.1 The TCEQ will reimburse the PERFORMING PARTY for those costs which are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with all requirements of this Contract. Costs are considered eligible for reimbursement when the TCEQ, in its sole discretion, determines that the costs are the reasonable, necessary, actual, and allowable costs of implementing the Grant Activities approved by the TCEQ. Costs must be included in the Approved Grant Budget to be eligible for reimbursement. Determinations of eligibility for reimbursement are solely within the discretion of the TCEQ.
ELIGIBILITY FOR COST REIMBURSEMENT. 8.1 TCEQ will reimburse the PERFORMING PARTY for those costs which are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with all contractual requirements. Costs are considered eligible for reimbursement when TCEQ, in its sole discretion, determines that the costs are reasonable, necessary, actual, and allowable for implementing the Grant Activities listed in the Scope of Work. Costs must be included in the Scope of Work to be eligible for reimbursement. 8.2 Amounts of costs stated in the Scope of Work are maximum amounts of reimbursement for each Grant Activity. By stating the amounts, TCEQ does not A) guarantee payment of those amounts or B) waive the requirements for reimbursement which must subsequently and continually be satisfied by the PERFORMING PARTY. 8.3 The amount of costs for which reimbursement may be requested is the lesser of A) the costs stated in the Scope of Work or B) the actual eligible incremental costs. 8.4 The PERFORMING PARTY has a continuing obligation to satisfy the requirements for reimbursement. A request for reimbursement, TCEQ’s payment of reimbursement, or any other action will not establish an entitlement to the PERFORMING PARTY to payment from TCEQ. The PERFORMING PARTY shall return grant funding reimbursed for expenses that are later determined to be ineligible or unallowable under the terms of this Contract.
ELIGIBILITY FOR COST REIMBURSEMENT. 5.1. The TCEQ will reimburse the Performing Party for those costs which are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with all requirements of this Contract. Costs are considered eligible for reimbursement when the TCEQ, in its sole discretion, determines that the costs are the reasonable, necessary, actual, and allowable costs of implementing the Grant Activities approved by the TCEQ. Costs must be included in the Scope of Work to be eligible for reimbursement. Determinations of eligibility for reimbursement are solely within the discretion of the TCEQ. 5.2. The requirements of the Texas Uniform Grants Management Standards (UGMS), Part III. State Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants, Subpart C, Post-Award Requirements .36 Procurement, will apply within the discretion of the TCEQ. 5.3. To be reimbursable, a cost must be reasonable. Criteria for determining reasonableness of costs include the following: 5.3.1. Whether it is the type of cost generally recognized as ordinary and necessary for the conduct of the Performing Party’s business or the performance of the Grant Activities; 5.3.2. Generally accepted sound business practices, competitive procurement, arm's length bargaining, and Federal and State laws and regulations; 5.3.3. The Performing Party's responsibilities to the TCEQ, other customers, the owners of the business, employees, and the public at large; and 5.3.4. Any significant deviations from accepted industry-established practices. 5.4. In general, for the cost of the Performing Party’s goods and services to be reasonable, they must be procured through a competitive process in which bids, quotes, or proposals are solicited from an adequate number of qualified suppliers. Where competition is not feasible, UGMS _.36 permits non- competitive procurement. For non-competitively procured items, the reasonableness of the Performing Party’s costs must be established through a price analysis, which the Performing Party shall submit to the TCEQ upon request. A price analysis analyzes a vendor’s price in comparison to other market prices for similar goods and services. A price analysis should compare at least three vendors’ prices. For non- competitively procured items, the Performing Party must perform a cost analysis analyzing the vendor’s costs to produce the goods & services, which the Performing Party shall submit to the TCEQ upon request.
ELIGIBILITY FOR COST REIMBURSEMENT. 10.1 The TCEQ will reimburse the PERFORMING PARTY for those costs which are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with all requirements. Costs are considered eligible for reimbursement when the TCEQ, in its sole discretion, determines that the costs are the reasonable, necessary, actual, and allowable costs of implementing the Grant Activities listed in the Scope of Work. Costs must be included in the Scope of Work to be eligible for reimbursement. Determinations of eligibility for reimbursement are solely within the discretion of the TCEQ. 10.2 For any Grant Activity where the Grant Equipment will be acquired and used under a lease-purchase agreement, the lease must contain a binding commitment for the PERFORMING PARTY to pay any remaining costs and to take ownership of and title to the Grant Equipment. An option to buy at the end of the lease term, without a binding commitment on the part of the PERFORMING PARTY, shall not be sufficient to satisfy this provision.
ELIGIBILITY FOR COST REIMBURSEMENT. 8.1 TCEQ will reimburse the PERFORMING PARTY for those costs that are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with the TNGVGP RFGA and all contractual requirements. Costs are considered eligible for reimbursement when TCEQ, in its sole discretion, determines that the costs are reasonable, necessary, actual, and allowable for implementing the Grant Activities listed in the Scope of Work. 8.2 The Activity Xxxxx Xxxxxxx stated in the Scope of Work are maximum amounts of reimbursement for each Grant Activity. By stating the amounts, TCEQ does not A) guarantee payment of those amounts or
ELIGIBILITY FOR COST REIMBURSEMENT. 11.1 The TCEQ willreimbursethe PERFORMING PARTY fbr those costs which are eligibleforreimbursementin accordance with allrequirements.Costs are considered eligible fbr reimbursement when the TCEQ, in its sole discretion, determines that the costs are thereasonable,necessary, actual, and allowable costs of implementing the Grant Activities listed in the Scope of Work. Costs must be included in the Scope of Work to be eligible forreimbursement.Determinations of eligibility fbrreimbursementare solely within the discretion of the TCEQ. 11.2 For any Grant Activity where the Grant Equipment will be acquired and used under a lease or lease-purchase agreement, the period of the lease agreement must extend fbr the Activity Life fbr each Grant Activity, or, if the lease terminates earlier, the lease must contain a binding commitment for the PERFORMING PARTY to pay anyremainingcosts and to take ownership of and title to the Grant Equipment. An option to buy at the end of the lease term, without a binding commitment on the part of the PERFORMING PARTY, shall not be sufficient to satisfy this provision. 11.3 The PERFORMING PARTY agrees tofollowall therequirementsof the Texas Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS) just as if the PERFORMING PARTY were a covered local government grantee (except that the applicable cost principles are those listed as corresponding to the PERFORMING PARTY'S classification in UGMS, Part III State Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements, Subpart C, .22 Allowable Costs, e.g.,for-profitorganization, private non-profit, etc.). The UGMS document is located on the internet at thefollowingaddress: 11.4 Reasonableness of costs depends upon a variety of considerations and circumstances, including: 11.4.1 whether it is the type of cost generallyrecognizedas ordinary and necessaryforthe conduct of the PERFORMING PARTY'S business or the contract performance; 11.4.2 generally accepted sound business practices, arm's length bargaining, and federal and state laws and regulations; 11.4.3 the PERFORMING PARTY'Sresponsibilitiesto the TCEQ, other customers, the owners of the business, employees, and the public at large; and ' 11.4.4 any significant deviations from the PERFORMING PARTY'S established practices. Necessary Costs 11.5 Necessary costs include costs which are directly attributable to the implementation of the Grant Activities and must be included in the Scope of Work. 11.6 Unless expressly authorized by the TCEQ, n...


  • Responsibility for Costs The Servicer is responsible for collection from such Borrower of any recording or similar costs or expenses incidental to the granting of relief with respect to a delinquent Mortgage Loan.

  • Reimbursement for Costs The Grantee shall be paid on a cost reimbursement basis for all eligible Project costs upon the completion, submittal, and approval of each deliverable identified in the Grant Work Plan. Reimbursement shall be requested on Exhibit C, Payment Request Summary Form. To be eligible for reimbursement, costs must be in compliance with laws, rules, and regulations applicable to expenditures of State funds, including, but not limited to, the Reference Guide for State Expenditures, which can be accessed at the following web address: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/Division/AA/Manuals/documents/ReferenceGuideforStateExpenditures.pdf.

  • Compensation; Reimbursement At the closing of each Offering (each, a “Closing”), the Company shall compensate Xxxxxxxxxx as follows:

  • Compensation and Reimbursement (a) The Company covenants and agrees to pay to the Trustee, and the Trustee shall be entitled to, such reasonable compensation (which shall not be limited by any provision of law in regard to the compensation of a trustee of an express trust) as the Company and the Trustee may from time to time agree in writing, for all services rendered by it in the execution of the trusts hereby created and in the exercise and performance of any of the powers and duties hereunder of the Trustee, and, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the Company will pay or reimburse the Trustee upon its request for all reasonable expenses, disbursements and advances incurred or made by the Trustee in accordance with any of the provisions of this Indenture (including the reasonable compensation and the expenses and disbursements of its counsel and of all Persons not regularly in its employ), except any such expense, disbursement or advance as may arise from its negligence or bad faith and except as the Company and Trustee may from time to time agree in writing. The Company also covenants to indemnify the Trustee (and its officers, agents, directors and employees) for, and to hold it harmless against, any loss, liability or expense incurred without negligence or bad faith on the part of the Trustee and arising out of or in connection with the acceptance or administration of this trust, including the reasonable costs and expenses of defending itself against any claim of liability in the premises. (b) The obligations of the Company under this Section to compensate and indemnify the Trustee and to pay or reimburse the Trustee for reasonable expenses, disbursements and advances shall constitute indebtedness of the Company to which the Securities are subordinated. Such additional indebtedness shall be secured by a lien prior to that of the Securities upon all property and funds held or collected by the Trustee as such, except funds held in trust for the benefit of the holders of particular Securities.

  • Section 607 Compensation and Reimbursement The Company agrees

  • Cost Reimbursement This payment method is based on an approved budget and submission of a request for reimbursement of expenses Xxxxxxx has incurred at the time of the request;

  • Compensation and Expense Reimbursement A. Client will pay the Company, as compensation for the services provided for in this Agreement and as reimbursement for expenses incurred by Company on Client's behalf, in the manner set forth in Schedule A annexed to this Agreement which Schedule is incorporated herein by reference. B. In addition to the compensation and expense reimbursement referred to in Section 2(A) above, Company shall be entitled to receive from Client a "Transaction Fee", as a result of any Transaction (as described below) between Client and any other company, entity, person, group or persons or other party which is introduced to, or put in contact with, Client by Company, or by which Client has been introduced to, or has been put in contact with, by Company. A "Transaction" shall mean merger, sale of stock, sale of assets, consolidation or other similar transaction or series or combination of transactions whereby Client or such other party transfer to the other, or both transfer to a third entity or person, stock, assets, or any interest in its business in exchange for stock, assets, securities, cash or other valuable property or rights, or wherein they make a contribution of capital or services to a joint venture, commonly owned enterprise or business opportunity with the other for purposes of future business operations and opportunities. To be a Transaction covered by this section, the transaction must occur during the term of this Agreement or the one year period following the expiration of this Agreement. The calculation of a Transaction Fee shall be based upon the total value of the consideration, securities, property, business, assets or other value given, paid, transferred or contributed by, or to, the Client and shall equal 5% of the dollar value of the Transaction. Such fee shall be paid by certified funds at the closing of the Transaction.

  • Compensation; Reimbursement; Indemnity (a) The Company agrees: (i) to pay to the Trustee from time to time reasonable compensation for all services rendered by it hereunder in such amounts as the Company and the Trustee shall agree from time to time (which compensation shall not be limited by any provision of law in regard to the compensation of a trustee of an express trust); (ii) to reimburse the Trustee upon its request for all reasonable expenses, disbursements and advances incurred or made by the Trustee in accordance with any provision of this Indenture (including the reasonable compensation and the expenses and disbursements of its agents and counsel), except any such expense, disbursement or advance as may be attributable to its negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct; and (iii) to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, to indemnify the Trustee and its Affiliates, and their officers, directors, shareholders, agents, representatives and employees for, and to hold them harmless against, any loss, damage, liability, tax (other than income, franchise or other taxes imposed on amounts paid pursuant to (i) or (ii) hereof), penalty, expense or claim of any kind or nature whatsoever incurred without negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct on its part arising out of or in connection with the acceptance or administration of this trust or the performance of the Trustee’s duties hereunder, including the costs and expenses of defending itself against any claim or liability in connection with the exercise or performance of any of its powers or duties hereunder. (b) To secure the Company’s payment obligations in this Section 6.6, the Company hereby grants and pledges to the Trustee and the Trustee shall have a lien prior to the Securities on all money or property held or collected by the Trustee, other than money or property held in trust to pay principal and interest on particular Securities. Such lien shall survive the satisfaction and discharge of this Indenture or the resignation or removal of the Trustee. (c) The obligations of the Company under this Section 6.6 shall survive the satisfaction and discharge of this Indenture and the earlier resignation or removal of the Trustee. (d) In no event shall the Trustee be liable for any indirect, special, punitive or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever, including, but not limited to, lost profits, even if the Trustee has been advised of the likelihood of such loss or damage and regardless of the form of action. (e) In no event shall the Trustee be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder because of circumstances beyond its control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, flood, war (whether declared or undeclared), terrorism, fire, riot, embargo, government action, including any laws, ordinances, regulations, governmental action or the like which delay, restrict or prohibit the providing of the services contemplated by this Indenture.

  • Reimbursement of Travel Expenses If the Servicer provides access to the Review Materials at one of its properties, the Issuer will reimburse the Asset Representations Reviewer for its reasonable travel expenses incurred in connection with the Review on receipt of a detailed invoice.

  • Compensation, Reimbursement and Indemnification (a) The Company shall pay to the Trustee, and the Trustee shall be entitled to be paid, such compensation, which shall not be limited by any provision of law in regard to the compensation of a trustee of an express trust, as the Company and the Trustee from time to time may agree in writing, for all services rendered by it in the execution of the trusts hereby created and in the exercise and performance of any of the powers and duties hereunder of the Trustee (which compensation will not be limited by any provision of law in regard to the compensation of a trustee of an express trust). Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the Company will pay or reimburse the Trustee upon its request for all reasonable expenses and disbursements incurred or made by the Trustee in accordance with any of the provisions of this Indenture, including such compensation as has been agreed between the Trustee and the Company from time to time and the expenses and disbursements of its agents, counsel and of all Persons not regularly in its employ, except any such expense or disbursement as may arise from its own negligence or willful misconduct. The Company shall indemnify the Trustee or any predecessor Trustee (and their officers, agents, directors and employees) for, and shall hold them harmless against, any and all loss, liability, claim, damage or expense, including taxes, other than taxes based upon, measured by or determined by the income of the Trustee, reasonably incurred by the Trustee without negligence or willful misconduct on its part and arising out of or in connection with the acceptance or administration or enforcement of this trust, including the reasonable costs and expenses of defending itself against any claim of liability whether asserted by the Company, a Guarantor, any Holder or any other Person. (b) The obligations of the Company under this Section 7.06 to compensate and indemnify the Trustee and to pay or reimburse the Trustee for expenses and disbursements shall: (i) be secured by a lien prior to that of the Securities upon all property and funds held or collected by the Trustee as such, except funds held in trust for the benefit of the holders of particular Securities; and (ii) survive the termination of this Indenture and resignation or removal of the Trustee. (c) Where the Trustee incurs expenses or renders services in connection with a bankruptcy event of default, such costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) and the compensation for the services are intended to constitute expenses of administration under applicable Federal or State, bankruptcy, insolvency or other law.