Emergency Contact List. A complete list of the names, company affiliation and emergency contact phone numbers (both day and night) for all key Project personnel from Owner, Construction Contractor and Design Professional, as well as from all subcontractors, subconsultants and suppliers of any of them. This list shall be continuously updated by Construction Contractor throughout the Project duration, with Construction Contractor distributing a copy of all updates to Owner and Design Professional.
Emergency Contact List. Tenant agrees to provide a current “emergency contact list” for Landlord’s Security Department in the event of an emergency in the space occupied by Tenant.
Emergency Contact List. The Contractor shall submit an Emergency Contact List to the Engineer no later than five calendar days after the date the Contract is executed. The list shall include, at a minimum, the Prime Contractor’s Project Manager, or equivalent, the Prime Contractor’s Project Superintendent and the Traffic Control Supervisor. The list shall identify a representative with delegated authority to act as the emergency contact on behalf of the Prime Contractor and include one or more alternates. The emergency contact shall be available upon the Engineer’s request at other than normal working hours. The Emergency Contact List shall include 24-hour telephone numbers for all individuals identified as emergency contacts or alternates.
Emergency Contact List. Maintain an emergency contact list for University Officials, House Corporation Directors and the current membership. The current membership list should be requested from the President the beginning of each semester and should include permanent home addressee, permanent home phone numbers, parents names etc. A copy of the current membership list should be forwarded to the House Corporation President each semester.
Emergency Contact List. 36.1.1 The DBO Contractor shall continuously maintain an internet accessible, current and up to date telephone and e-mail directory of all staff and corporate officers involved in the operation of the facility.
Emergency Contact List. A complete list of the names, company affiliation and emergency contact phone numbers (both day and B-2 (CCCM) night) for all key Project personnel from Owner, Construction Contractor and Design Professional, as well as from all subcontractors, subconsultants and suppliers of any of them. This list shall be continuously updated by Construction Contractor throughout the duration of the Project, with Construction Contractor distributing a copy of all updates to Owner and Design Professional.
Emergency Contact List. A list of names and numbers to contact in cases of emergency will be provided by the City to the CORPS.
Emergency Contact List. County shall maintain and update an emergency contact list at a minimum on a quarterly basis.
Emergency Contact List. Supplier will maintain and provide to Brightspeed an emergency contact list with names and phone numbers for both business and non-business hours. In the event Brightspeed experiences an emergency situation impacting service or safety, Supplier will respond and will cause Supplier personnel and Subcontractors and their respective employees and agents to respond in an expedited manner to assist Brightspeed in recovering from emergency condition.
Emergency Contact List. Supplier will maintain and provide to CenturyLink an emergency contact list with names and phone numbers for both business and non-business hours. In the event CenturyLink experiences an emergency situation impacting service or safety, Supplier will respond and will cause Supplier personnel and Subcontractors and their respective employees and agents to respond in an expedited manner to assist CenturyLink in recovering from emergency condition.