Emissions Reporting Sample Clauses

Emissions Reporting. (a) During the Term, except as otherwise expressly provided in the Site Services Agreement, the Lessee will be responsible for all emissions reporting (to Governmental Authorities) required as a result of the Lessee’s Improvements, including the operation thereof, or the Lessee’s activities or operations at the Leased Premises, the Easement Areas, the Construction Laydown Area or anywhere at the Lessor’s Premises, including Toxic Release Inventory reporting required by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, 42 USCA Section 9601 et seq., as amended. (b) During the Term, any emissions credits or other rights purchased or otherwise acquired by the Lessee, including such credits and other rights generated from emission reductions related to the Lessee’s activities or operations at the Lessee’s Improvements, the Leased Premises, the Easement Areas, the Construction Laydown Area or any other portion of the Lessor’s Premises (“Emission Rights”) (i) shall be jointly owned by Lessor and Lessee, (ii) during the Term, may be used by the Lessee for its activities anywhere on the Lessee’s Improvements, the Leased Premises, the Easement Areas, the Construction Laydown Area or any other portion of the Lessor’s Premises and (iii) during the Term, may be transferred by the Lessee to any facility owned or operated by Lessee in the same jurisdiction. At the end of the Term, Lessee shall transfer all of its right, title and interest in and to all of its Emissions Rights to the Lessor.
Emissions Reporting. Because the Partners recognize that PFC emissions data from individual companies have potential competitive significance, the Partners will designate a mutually acceptable third party (the Third Party) to collect emissions data annually from each participating company. By compiling such data, the Third Party will prepare an Annual PFC Emissions Report, which it will endeavor to submit to EPA no later than April 15th of each year for the previous year. The Report will include: (1) the aggregate (not company-specific) PFC emissions from all participating companies on an MMTCE basis; and (2) the aggregate (not company-specific) emissions of each PFC covered by this MOU from all participating companies on an MMTCE basis.
Emissions Reporting. Not later than the last Day of each Month, starting on the second Month after the Month in which the First DFCD occurs, Seller shall provide a written report to Buyer, in form and substance determined by Seller acting in good faith, that sets forth information regarding certain carbon dioxide and methane emissions associated with each LNG cargo delivered hereunder in the prior Month. Seller shall use reasonable efforts to ensure the form of the report complies with any prudent industry practices related to carbon dioxide and methane reporting that are followed by the operators of similar LNG liquefaction terminals in the Gulf Coast of the United States of America. Seller shall cause such report to comply with any Applicable Laws applicable to Seller and its sale of LNG hereunder, and at Buyer’s costs, shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause such reports to comply with any Applicable Laws applicable to Buyer and its purchase of LNG hereunder, including in connection with a Buyer’s current or prospective eligibility for any environmental incentives.
Emissions Reporting. Not later than the last Day of each Month, starting on the second Month after the Month in which the First DFCD occurs, Seller shall provide a written report to Buyer, in form and substance determined by Seller acting in good faith, that sets forth information regarding certain carbon dioxide and methane emissions associated with each cargo delivered hereunder in the prior Month. Seller shall use reasonable efforts to ensure the form of the report complies with any prudent industry practices related to carbon dioxide and methane reporting that are followed by the operators of similar LNG liquefaction terminals in the U.S. Gulf Coast. Seller shall cause such report to comply with any Applicable Laws applicable to Seller and its sale of LNG hereunder.
Emissions Reporting. Philadelphia County shall implement an emissions reporting program as follows: Philadelphia County shall maintain a computerized emission inventory for all facilities that are classified as major facilities for Title V, RACT, NSR, PSD or any other categories of facilities identified by DEP. A current list of categories for the Southeast Region is attached as Appendix

Related to Emissions Reporting

  • Contractor Sales Reporting Vendor Management Fee Contractor Reports Cooperative Master Contract Sales Reporting. Contractor shall report total Cooperative Master Contract sales quarterly to Enterprise Services, as set forth below. Cooperative Master Contract Sales Reporting System. Contractor shall report quarterly Cooperative Master Contract sales in Enterprise Services’ Cooperative Master Contract Sales Reporting System. Enterprise Services will provide Contractor with a login password and a vendor number. The password and vendor number will be provided to the Sales Reporting Representative(s) listed on Contractor’s Bidder Profile. Data. Each sales report must identify every authorized Purchaser by name as it is known to Enterprise Services and its total combined sales amount invoiced during the reporting period (i.e., sales of an entire agency or political subdivision, not its individual subsections). The “Miscellaneous” option may be used only with prior approval by Enterprise Services. Upon request, Contractor shall provide contact information for all authorized Purchasers specified herein during the term of the Cooperative Master Contract. If there are no Cooperative Master Contract sales during the reporting period, Contractor must report zero sales. Due dates for Cooperative Master Contract Sales Reporting. Quarterly Cooperative Master Contract Sales Reports must be submitted electronically by the following deadlines for all Cooperative Master Contract sales invoiced during the applicable calendar quarter: Vendor Management Fee. Contractor shall pay to Enterprise Services a vendor management fee (“VMF”) of 1.5 percent on the purchase price for all Cooperative Master Contract sales (the purchase price is the total invoice price less applicable sales tax). The sum owed by Contractor to Enterprise Services as a result of the VMF is calculated as follows: Amount owed to Enterprise Services = Total Cooperative Master Contract sales invoiced (not including sales tax) x .015. The VMF must be rolled into Contractor’s current pricing. The VMF must not be shown as a separate line item on any invoice unless specifically requested and approved by Enterprise Services. Enterprise Services will invoice Contractor quarterly based on Cooperative Master Contract sales reported by Contractor. Contractor is not to remit payment until Contractor receives an invoice from Enterprise Services. Contractor’s VMF payment to Enterprise Services must reference this Cooperative Master Contract number, the year and quarter for which the VMF is being remitted, and Contractor’s name as set forth in this Cooperative Master Contract, if not already included on the face of the check. Contractor’s failure to report accurate total net Cooperative Master Contract sales, to submit a timely Cooperative Master Contract sales report, or to remit timely payment of the VMF to Enterprise Services, may be cause for Enterprise Services to suspend Contractor or terminate this Cooperative Master Contract or exercise remedies provided by law. Without limiting any other available remedies, the parties agree that Contractor’s failure to remit to Enterprise Services timely payment of the VMF shall obligate Contractor to pay to Enterprise Services, to offset the administrative and transaction costs incurred by the State to identify, process, and collect such sums, the sum of $200.00 or twenty-five percent (25%) of the outstanding amount, whichever is greater, or the maximum allowed by law, if less. Enterprise Services reserves the right, upon thirty (30) calendar days advance written notice, to increase, reduce, or eliminate the VMF for subsequent purchases, and reserves the right to renegotiate Cooperative Master Contract pricing with Contractor when any subsequent adjustment of the VMF might justify a change in pricing. Annual Cooperative Master Contract Sales Report. Contractor shall provide to Enterprise Services a detailed annual Cooperative Master Contract sales report. Such report shall include, at a minimum: the Goods/Services sold (including, as applicable, item number or other identifier), per unit quantities sold, items and volumes purchased by Purchaser, shipment/delivery locations by Purchaser, and Cooperative Master Contract price. This report must be provided in an electronic format that can be read by Microsoft (MS) Excel. Such report is due within thirty (30) calendar days of the annual anniversary of the effective date of this Cooperative Master Contract.

  • Adverse Event Reporting Both Parties acknowledge the obligation to comply with the Protocol and / or applicable regulations governing the collection and reporting of adverse events of which they may become aware during the course of the Clinical Trial. Both Parties agree to fulfil and ensure that their Agents fulfil regulatory requirements with respect to the reporting of adverse events.

  • EDD Independent Contractor Reporting Requirements Effective January 1, 2001, the County of Orange is required to file in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 6041A of the Internal Revenue Code for services received from a “service provider” to whom the County pays $600 or more or with whom the County enters into a contract for $600 or more within a single calendar year. The purpose of this reporting requirement is to increase child support collection by helping to locate parents who are delinquent in their child support obligations. The term “service provider” is defined in California Unemployment Insurance Code Section 1088.8, subparagraph B.2 as “an individual who is not an employee of the service recipient for California purposes and who received compensation or executes a contract for services performed for that service recipient within or without the state.” The term is further defined by the California Employment Development Department to refer specifically to independent Contractors. An independent Contractor is defined as “an individual who is not an employee of the ... government entity for California purposes and who receives compensation or executes a contract for services performed for that ... government entity either in or outside of California.” The reporting requirement does not apply to corporations, general partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability companies. Additional information on this reporting requirement can be found at the California Employment Development Department web site located at xxxx://xxx.xxx.xx.xxx/Employer_Services.htm

  • Funding, Services and Reporting The HSP represents warrants and covenants that (a) the Funding is, and will continue to be, used only to provide the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; (b) the Services are and will continue to be provided: by persons with the expertise, professional qualifications, licensing and skills necessary to complete their respective tasks; and in compliance with Applicable Law and Applicable Policy; and (c) every Report is accurate and in full compliance with the provisions of this Agreement, including any particular requirements applicable to the Report and any material change to a Report will be communicated to the Funder immediately.

  • CONSUMER REPORTS The Buyer is hereby notified that a consumer report containing credit and/or personal information may be referred to in connection with this transaction.

  • Sales Reporting Requirements This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. By submitting this proposal, Vendor certifies that Vendor will properly report all TIPS sales. With the exception of TIPS Automated Vendors, who have signed an exclusive agreement with TIPS regarding reporting, all TIPS Sales must be reported to TIPS by either: (1) Emailing the purchase order or similar purchase document (with Vendor’s Name, as known to TIPS, and the TIPS Contract Name and Number included) to TIPS at xxxxxx@xxxx-xxx.xxx with “Confirmation Only” in the subject line of the email within three business days of Vendor’s acceptance of the order, or; (2) Within 3 business days of the order being accepted by Vendor, Vendor must login to the TIPS Vendor Portal and successfully self-report all necessary sale information within the Vendor Portal and confirm that it shows up accurately on your current Vendor Portal statement. No other method of reporting is acceptable unless agreed to by the Parties in writing. Failure to report all sales pursuant to this provision may result in immediate cancellation of Vendor’s TIPS Contract(s) for cause at TIPS’ sole discretion.

  • Management Reporting (a) Provide periodic reports, in accordance with agreed upon frequency and content parameters, to the Funds. As reasonably requested by the Funds, the Transfer Agent shall furnish ad hoc reports to the Funds.

  • Data Collection and Reporting 1. Grantee shall develop and use a local reporting unit that will provide an assigned location for all clients served within the Hospital. This information shall also be entered into Client Assignment and Registration (CARE)when reporting on beds utilized at the Hospital. 2. Grantee shall budget and report expenditure data on the CARE Report III, incorporated by reference and posted at: xxxxx://xxx.xxx.xxxxx.xxx/doing-business-hhs/provider- portals/behavioral-health-services-providers/behavioral-health-provider- resources/community-mental-health-contracts, within the Community Hospital strategy C.2.1.1 using line 764 - Project Private Beds. 3. Grantee shall ensure that patient registration, diagnostics, admission and discharge data is reported by using the CARE screens and action codes listed below: a. Screen: Campus-Based Assignments (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code: 305; b. Screen: Campus-Based Discharge/Community Placement (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code: 310; c. Screen: Joint Community Support Plan (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code: 312; d. Screen: Register Client, Action Code: 325; e. Screen: Diagnostics (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code: 330; f. Screen: Voluntary Admission and Commitment (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code 332; g. Screen: Campus-Based Residential Xxxx/Dorm (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code 615; and h. Screen: MH Bed Allocation Exception (Add/Change/Delete), Action Code 345. For details related to the use of these screens and action codes, Grantee can refer to the CARE Reference Manual which can be found under the CARE (WebCARE) section on the portal at: xxxxx://xxxxxxxxx.xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/helpGuide/Content/16_CARE/CAREWebCARE%20Refere nce%20Manual.htm

  • Accident Reporting 25.1 If You or an Authorised Driver has an Accident or if the Vehicle is stolen You must report the Accident or theft to Us within 24 hours of it occurring and fully complete an Accident/Theft report form. 25.2 If the Vehicle is stolen or if You or an Authorised Driver of the Vehicle has an Accident where: (a) any person is injured; (b) the other party has failed to stop or leaves the scene of the Accident without exchanging names and addresses; or (c) the other party appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, You or the Authorised Driver must also report the theft or Accident to the Police. 25.3 If You or an Authorised Driver has an Accident You and the Authorised Driver must: (a) exchange names and addresses and telephone numbers with the other driver and drivers licence details; (b) take the registration numbers of all vehicles involved; (c) take as many photos as is reasonable showing: (i) the position of the Vehicles before they are moved for towing or salvage; (ii) the Damage to the Vehicle; (iii) the damage to any third party vehicle or property; and (iv) the general area where the Accident occurred, including any road or traffic signs; (d) obtain the names, addresses and phone numbers of all witnesses; (e) not make any admission of fault or promise to pay the other party's claim or release the other party from any liability; (f) forward all third party correspondence or court documents to Us within 7 days of receipt together with a fully completed Accident Report Form (if not already submitted); and (g) co-operate with Us in the prosecution of any legal proceedings that We may institute or defence of any legal proceedings which may be instituted against You or Us as a result of an Accident, including: (i) attending Our lawyer's office; and (ii) any Court hearing.

  • Incident Reporting Transfer Agent will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly furnish to Fund information that Transfer Agent has regarding the general circumstances and extent of such unauthorized access to the Fund Data.