EMPLOYMENT AND PERSONNEL. The Provider shall not engage any person in the employ of any State Department or Agency in a position that would constitute a violation of 5 MRSA § 18 or 17 MRSA § 3104. The Provider shall not engage on a full-time, part-time, or any other basis, during the period of this Agreement, any personnel who are, or have been, at any time during the period of this Agreement, in the employ of any State Department or Agency, except regularly retired employees, without the written consent of the State Purchases Review Committee. Further, the Provider shall not engage on this project on a full-time, part-time, or any other basis, during the period of this Agreement, any retired employee of the Department, who has not been retired for at least one year, without the written consent of the State Purchases Review Committee. The Provider shall cause the foregoing provisions to be inserted in any subcontract for any work covered by this Agreement, so that such provisions shall be binding upon each Subcontractor, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials.
EMPLOYMENT AND PERSONNEL. The Provider shall not engage on a full-time, part-time or other basis during the period of this Contract, any (a) state employee or (b) any former state employee who participated in any way in the solicitation, award or administration of this Agreement. This restriction shall not apply to regularly retired employees or any employee who has out of state employment for a period of twelve (12) months.
EMPLOYMENT AND PERSONNEL. The Provider shall not engage on a full-time, part-time or other basis during the period of this Contract, any executive employee who participated in any way in the solicitation, award or administration of this Agreement according to MRS Title 5 §18-A, 2 and in harmony with MRS Title 17 §3104. Any contract made in violation of these sections is void.
EMPLOYMENT AND PERSONNEL. The Provider shall not engage any person in the employ of any State Department or Agency in a position that would constitute a violation of 5 M.R.S.A. § 18 or 17
EMPLOYMENT AND PERSONNEL. The Provider shall not engage any person in the employ of any State Department or Agency in a position that would constitute a violation of 17 MRSA § 3104 or MCCS policies on Nepotism and Conflict of Interest. The Provider shall not engage on a full-time, part-time or other basis during the period of this Agreement, any other personnel who are or have been at any time during the period of this Agreement in the employ of any college or other component part of MCCS, except regularly retired employees, without the written consent of the college or system president as appropriate. Further, the Provider shall not engage on this project on a full-time, part- time or other basis during the period of this Agreement any retired employee of MCCS who has not been retired for at least one year, without the same written consent. The Provider shall cause the foregoing provisions to be inserted in any subcontract for any work covered by this Agreement so that such provisions shall be binding upon each subcontractor, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials.
EMPLOYMENT AND PERSONNEL. (a) The Manager shall make available at its expense such personnel and resources as may be necessary to carry out the day-to-day management of the Business; provided that the Manager shall be obliged to utilize the services of the existing employees of the Business. Except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Agreement, the Manager shall have full responsibility for assigning and supervising all operating and service personnel necessary for the proper operation and conduct of the Business; provided that the Manager shall not be entitled to do any act in connection with the hiring, discharge or laying off of employees without the express prior written consent
EMPLOYMENT AND PERSONNEL. The Provider shall not engage any person in the employ of any State Department or Agency in a position that would constitute a violation of 0 XXXX § 00 xx 00 XXXX § 0000. The Provider shall not engage on a full-time, part-time, or any other basis, during the period of this Agreement, any personnel who are, or have been, at any time during the period of this Agreement, in the employ of any State Department or Agency, except regularly retired employees, without the written consent of the State Purchases Review Committee. Further, the Provider shall not engage on this project on a full-time, part-time, or any other basis, during the period of this Agreement, any retired employee of the Department, who has not been retired for at least one year, without the written consent of the State Purchases Review Committee. The Provider shall cause the foregoing provisions to be inserted in any subcontract for any work covered by this Agreement, so that such provisions shall be binding upon each Subcontractor, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. DocuSign Envelope ID: 523862E1-F1AE-4D24-BF84-C75FA3466E6C DocuSign Envelope ID: 31897C39-2722-4EB5-8CED-350DE884DB27
EMPLOYMENT AND PERSONNEL. The Provider shall not engage any person in the employ of any State Department or Agency in a position that would constitute a violation of 5 MRSA § 18 or 17 MRSA § DocuSign Envelope ID: AD8EA4FF-C347-43EB-A2A0-568AB2DF6036 DocuSign Envelope ID: B9649376-B3B2-4FB3-83FF-897F4A98504C DocuSign Envelope ID: 498D5B8E-D135-4EA5-A98E-D19E94EA2875 3104. The Provider shall not engage on a full-time, part-time, or any other basis, during the period of this Agreement, any personnel who are, or have been, at any time during the period of this Agreement, in the employ of any State Department or Agency, except regularly retired employees, without the written consent of the State Purchases Review Committee. Further, the Provider shall not engage on this project on a full-time, part-time, or any other basis, during the period of this Agreement, any retired employee of the Department, who has not been retired for at least one year, without the written consent of the State Purchases Review Committee. The Provider shall cause the foregoing provisions to be inserted in any subcontract for any work covered by this Agreement, so that such provisions shall be binding upon each Subcontractor, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials.
EMPLOYMENT AND PERSONNEL. The Commission may for the purpose of carrying out its purposes, employ and terminate such personnel, as it shall deem proper. All employees of the Commission shall be paid through the Commission. The Commission shall have the authority to enter into contracts for policies of group insurance and employee benefits. The Commission shall employ a Director, who shall serve at the Commissions’ pleasure, and who shall be responsible for coordinating the development and supervision of all recreational activities and programs. The Director, with the approval of the Commission, shall be responsible for the selection and hiring of all other personnel, including supervisors, instructors and leaders. The Director shall be required to attend all regular meetings of the Commission and may participate in any discussion undertaken during such meeting, but shall have no voting rights with respect to and shall not be entitled to vote at any such meeting. Executive sessions of the Commission may be held without the attendance of the Director at the discretion of the Commission, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Law.
(1) For the hiring of a Director, the Commission will be responsible for recruiting, selecting and employing a Circuit Rider Director. During the time Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Circuit Rider Grants are being used to help fund the Director’s position, DCNR shall be consulted on, and approve, the hiring of the Circuit Rider Director.
EMPLOYMENT AND PERSONNEL. The Contractor shall not engage on a full-time, part-time or other basis during the term of this Contract any professional or technical personnel who are or have been at any time during the term of this Contract in the employ of any State Department or Agency, except regularly retired employees, without the written consent of the public employer of such person. Further, the Contractor shall not engage on this project on a full-time, part-time or other basis during the term of this Contract any retired employee of the Department who has not been retired for at least one year, without the written consent of the Contract Review Committee.