Environmental Mitigation Measures. Relevant environmental mitigation measures were stipulated in the Particular Specification and EPs (EP-353/2009/G and EP-354/2009/B) (for TMCLKL Southern Landfall Reclamation only) for the Contractor to adopt. A list of environmental mitigation measures and their implementation statuses are given in Appendix C.
Environmental Mitigation Measures. Implementation Status
Environmental Mitigation Measures. 7.4.1. In the event environmental mitigation measures are required by the environmental review process, the Contractor shall include the requirements within the construction contract between the Contractor and its selected General Construction Contractor.
7.4.2. All of the following environmental mitigation measures shall be completed before Contractor submits an invoice for final payment. There are no mitigation measures.
Environmental Mitigation Measures. The environmental mitigation measures carried out were basically followed the requirements described in the EIA Report. Major mitigation measures during the construction phase in relation air quality, noise, water quality, ecology, waste management as well as landscape and visual are summarised in Appendix B. 3 Implementation Status
3.1 Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures Environmental site inspections were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor environmental issues on the construction sites to ensure that all mitigation measures were implemented timely and properly. Key mitigation measures observed were: vehicles were washed to remove any dusty materials from its body and wheels before leaving a construction site, quiet powered mechanical equipment (QPME) were used as well as sufficient waste disposal points were provided and regular collection for disposal. Air Quality Central Median under Xxx Xx Bridge 16 Feb 12 As those cements were ready in the cement mixing zone, the contractor was reminded to keep well coverage (3 sided with top enclosure) to the cement mixing during operation. The reminder has been noted. Closed on 23 Feb 12. Rosedale Garden 1 Mar 12 All idling power mechanical equipment should be turned off. The reminder has been noted. Closed on 8 Mar 12. Xxx Xxxxx Street 1 Mar 12 Enclosure should be provided for cement mixing area during operation. Enclosure has been provided. Closed on 8 Mar 12. On Ting Estate 22 Mar 12 The contractor should promote the awareness of water spraying practice among site workers especially in sunny day for all unpaved haul roads and exposed earth, in order to suppress the generation of fugitive dust. Regular water spraying has been practiced. Closed on 29 Mar 12. Kam Fai Xx Xxxx 1 Mar 12 The contractor was reminded to arrange maintenance to the air compressor and generator regularly to avoid dark smoke emission. The reminder has been noted. Closed on 8 Mar 12. Pui To Road 12 Apr 12 The contractor was reminded to cover the stockpiles, which was for back- filling purpose, after daily works. The reminder has been noted. Closed on 19 Apr 12.
Environmental Mitigation Measures. The environmental mitigation measures carried out were basically followed the requirements described in the EIA Report. Major mitigation measures during the construction phase in relation air quality, noise, water quality, ecology, waste management as well as landscape and visual are summarised in Appendix B. 3 Implementation Status
3.1 Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures Environmental site inspections were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor environmental issues on the construction sites to ensure that all mitigation measures were implemented timely and properly. Key mitigation measures observed were: vehicles were washed to remove any dusty materials from its body and wheels before leaving a construction site, quiet powered mechanical equipment (QPME) were used as well as sufficient waste disposal points were provided and regular collection for disposal. Highways Department Agreement No. HMW 5/2009 (EP) Traffic Improvements to Tuen Mun Road Town Centre Section Quarterly Environmental Monitoring and Audit Summary Report (November 2013 to January 2014)
Table 3.1 Key findings of weekly environmental site audit in the reporting period Monitoring Parameter Location Inspection Date Key Observations & Recommendations Contractor’s Follow-Up Status
Environmental Mitigation Measures. The Design Professional will design the project to comply with mitigation measures as established and identified in the CDBG environmental review completed in accordance with 24 CFR Part 58.
Environmental Mitigation Measures. (a) Selection of a site for depositing contaminated dredged materials; and
(b) Building of a confined disposal facility for contaminated dredged material from the future dredging of the port.
Environmental Mitigation Measures. City has acted as the lead agency for the necessary environmental compliance proceedings and has retained an outside consultant to perform the CEQA review and preparation of the FEIR at Developer's sole cost and expense. The Developer shall be responsible for the implementation of all identified mitigation measures identified in the Development Approvals at its sole cost and expense except as set forth in Section 2.4, and will continue to implement mitigation measures in accordance with the FEIR and the filed Notice of Determination and other related documents for the Cypress Knolls Project, if approved by the City.
Environmental Mitigation Measures a. Contractor must comply with the Rules for the Control of Air Pollution in Idaho, IDAPA, by implementing precautions to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne.
b. If any items of suspected historical or archaeological value are uncovered during construction, the contractor will be required to stop work and contact the Idaho State Historic Preservation Office and the Idaho Department of Commerce.
c. The collection and disposal of storm and surface water runoff from the project site must comply with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Catalog of Storm Water Best Management Practices for design of all storm water treatment and disposal systems.
d. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES) General Permit for Storm Water Discharge from Construction Activities and the Construction Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
e. If during the construction of the project, an underground storage tank, buried drum, other container, contaminated soil, or debris not scheduled for removal under the contract are discovered, the Contractor shall immediately notify City. No attempt shall be made to excavate, open, or remove such material without written approval.
Environmental Mitigation Measures. The project may include environmental mitigation measures. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring strict and complete compliance by its subcontractors, material men and employees with the applicable plan requirements and conditions established by the appropriate regulatory agencies.